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o.k whoever posted this i just want to tell you i know this is natural but this is also personal!! there are young kids on this website i was nine when i made my account kids should learn this from a parent or docter not the internet CAN AN ADMIN PLEASE BLOCK THIS this is a website for small children and up who have tamagotchis!!!!!
This has already been approved my numerous guides and admin. It is no longer an issue.

o.k whoever posted this i just want to tell you i know this is natural but this is also personal!! there are young kids on this website i was nine when i made my account kids should learn this from a parent or docter not the internet CAN AN ADMIN PLEASE BLOCK THIS this is a website for small children and up who have tamagotchis!!!!!
It has been approved my admins and mods (Guides). If you dont like it dont visit the topic.

Yar, alot of discharge which sucks. <.>

o.k whoever posted this i just want to tell you i know this is natural but this is also personal!! there are young kids on this website i was nine when i made my account kids should learn this from a parent or docter not the internet CAN AN ADMIN PLEASE BLOCK THIS this is a website for small children and up who have tamagotchis!!!!!
This topic has been up here for about 2 years I think. If it was innapropriate, it would have already been closed. And everybody has to learn about it at one point so grow up.


Have you had yur period yet? I haven't.... is it scary? Does it hurt? Please post if you have or haven't had your period!

*Note from Bell Sprout:


This topic has been thoroughly review by the Guides. We have deemed this appropriate to remain open. Please see my post in regards to this topic:


Any further replies complaining about this topic WILL be deleted. If you feel it is too personal, you are under no obligation to respond. This topic is an educational tool which many members have contributed towards and benefited from*
its not scary its just, uncomfterble lol, i no some guls who get cramps but i dont, it just happends, i just hate when it happend during school, its embarassing but its really not that bad, it makes u feel more, grown up, u no?

ugh. I get bad cramps, horrible mood swings, the lot, pretty regularily, but there's one HUGE difference: Instead of blood, I get heaps of discharge! It's really weird. I wish it'd actually be blood- if I already have the bother of cramps etc, why can't I get blood instead of stupid discharge?

oh well. at least I don't have to wear pads or- tampons. *shudder*

Yes. Yesterday my first one started. Good thing I already knew what it was so I didn't freak out to much. But ofcourse I still freaked out. And now i am just uncomfortable and annoyed. I didn't tell my parents yet though and I dont plan on it either. But I am only nine and I so thought you should only get it when you are like 12.

Yes. Yesterday my first one started. Good thing I already knew what it was so I didn't freak out to much. But ofcourse I still freaked out. And now i am just uncomfortable and annoyed. I didn't tell my parents yet though and I dont plan on it either. But I am only nine and I so thought you should only get it when you are like 12.
You should tell your parents, and nothing is wrong with having is early.

I'm like 12 turning 13 and I havent had it yet.....what is wrong with me!!??!?
I didn't get mine till last month and I'm going to be 13 in May. Don't worry about it. It's different to everyone. You'll get it sooner or later.

I'm like 12 turning 13 and I havent had it yet.....what is wrong with me!!??!?
That's how I felt before I had my period last year when I was 13. I was a really embarrassed, because all my friends had it and I was the only one. I was freaking out about it and like crying because I felt like something was wrong with me. then, like a week later I got mine. I guess it was PMS or something.

Yes. Yesterday my first one started. Good thing I already knew what it was so I didn't freak out to much. But ofcourse I still freaked out. And now i am just uncomfortable and annoyed. I didn't tell my parents yet though and I dont plan on it either. But I am only nine and I so thought you should only get it when you are like 12.
no no, you should tell your parents! there's nothing wrong with having your period earlier than most people! You're just physically more mature than some. And your mum can help you, give you pads and tell you how to use them, and then she and your dad will know why you act so weird, if you do.

and besides, maybe you'll bake a cake and celebrate it, like someone else here on TT. I dunno who, they posted it earlier.

Yes. Yesterday my first one started. Good thing I already knew what it was so I didn't freak out to much. But ofcourse I still freaked out. And now i am just uncomfortable and annoyed. I didn't tell my parents yet though and I dont plan on it either. But I am only nine and I so thought you should only get it when you are like 12.
well that means you will have bigger ****s than your friends,if you want and like that

well that means you will have bigger ****s than your friends,if you want and like that
Well that not happen completely, usually breast growth happens around 12+ so she might still not be effected there for a while. Also next time, I suggest using more mature definitions for body parts since people tend to take the conversation more seriously when you do that ^_^

And I agree you should tell your parents so at the very least yuor mother can help you get pads or tampons and help you understand about what's going on with your body more.

^Yeah. If your mom got her's when she was around 12, or something, you'll probably get yours around that age.

Don't have mine yet. Very anxious though! I want it but I don't...I've had some terrible mood swings and cramps lately (along with discharge) but I don't have my period! The worst part is, I'm having all the un-fun before parts with a flat chest! Ugh.

Don't have mine yet. Very anxious though! I want it but I don't...I've had some terrible mood swings and cramps lately (along with discharge) but I don't have my period! The worst part is, I'm having all the un-fun before parts with a flat chest! Ugh.
I dont have a flat chest but its fine. It is normal I promise. ^^

I was due 2 weeks ago (Nearly 3). Now I am panicing. I dont want to start at school this week. Ugh... This is like torture.

well i havent had mine yet but i have been have mor mood swings and discharge latelycould that mean im getting it soon?

Here's something about it:

Sometimes it ends up happening at the WORST time possible

Let's take me for example...TODAY!

Okay so I went to my friend M's little sis's birthday at the Recreational Center for a swimming party. For the whole morning I was fine and hoped with all my might that I wouldn't get it today. And then BAM right when I get there it starts! I was so angry, but who was there to be angry at??? Myself? God? There was no one so I just ended up going home for a good cry. ^_^ :eek:

Puberty is a roller coaster. I'm not just saying this for girls, but even for boys. There are times where you feel like you can conquer anything, and then other times you just feel like you could curl up in a ball and die...but it's all part of the experience. Thirty years from now you're gonna laugh about it all!!! Trust me. :p


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