^ Yeah, apparently I got my period for the first time on Krystal's birthday. XD
So, basically, I walked around thinking I was stupid, because I thought I had "used it" in my underwear. xD
Then, I got some toilet paper and stuck it in there so I wouldn't have to feel it.
Then, when I used the bathroom before my shower, I took out the toilet paper and SURPRISE!! Blood. Ew.
I took off my underwear and called my mom. She walked in there and helped me.
I took my shower and blah blah blah blah. I got out, used the bathroom, and it was just really light. o_o Compared to earlier.
I got a pad and went to bed.
I woke up with no mess whatsoever.
CONCLUSION: I am happy with how my body is behaving for my first period. XDD