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Well, it's been 24 hours since it "stopped" so I think it's done. If nothings in my pad by the time i go to bed, I'm taking it off for the night.

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If I shower near the end of my period it usually stops, until next month. Is that weird, or just incredibly lucky that I can control stopping it?

Mine's been super bad this time. D8

So like, mine usually isn't too bad. Since I became irregular, anyway.

I WAS completely regular, and then everything got screwed up in like, May. I was having my period every 15-20 days, rather than every 25-30.

This time I actually got it at 26 days later, which is about normal. Which is why I think it is so bad.

Like, normally at school I change my pad or whatever once, during lunch. Yesterday I had to change four times, between 6:30AM and 2:30PM. o: I used a tampon at first, but within like, two hours, it felt like it was gonna burst. So I was all, "Hm, this is not going to work..."

Sooo... and the cramps and everything have just been worse this month. Maybe cause I went longer in between periods than I have been the past few months.


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^ D: Well that sounds annoying. o:<

I just started mine... Luckily after we got back from PA. :)

But it's still on the right track to mess up my Disney World trip. Ohwell. I guess I'd rather have it while in Florida then to have problems with my period and have to see a doctor. Wowthatwasoptimistic. xD

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Mine finished today. :)

And with the way it's going, it just won't mess up my NZ trip.

Hopefully Krystal will be fine when she goes to Disney World too. :)

I'm scared!

Okay, so yesterday I was at a casino (of course I was at the arcade part). We got home at around 11 PM. Fine. But I had to go to the bathroom, so I did, and I saw some blood. It actually looked like strawberry syrup. And it was syrup-y too. Is it suppost to be like that? I'm really scared because:

*my mom isn't home

*I'm home with my dad

*I'm going to a picnic today

*I don't know how I will tell my mom

I was thinking of just waiting until she does laundry and maybe she will see. Then she will tell me.

But I'm 12... should people start at 12? I mean... I know some do but I don't have many friends who have had their period. Only my tubby friends have had it... (no offense but they did)

So if my mom isn't home, it's not like I'm going to sneak into her bathroom and steal a pad (or whatever she uses). H.E.L.P.?

I'm scared!
Okay, so yesterday I was at a casino (of course I was at the arcade part). We got home at around 11 PM. Fine. But I had to go to the bathroom, so I did, and I saw some blood. It actually looked like strawberry syrup. And it was syrup-y too. Is it suppost to be like that? I'm really scared because:

*my mom isn't home

*I'm home with my dad

*I'm going to a picnic today

*I don't know how I will tell my mom

I was thinking of just waiting until she does laundry and maybe she will see. Then she will tell me.

But I'm 12... should people start at 12? I mean... I know some do but I don't have many friends who have had their period. Only my tubby friends have had it... (no offense but they did)

So if my mom isn't home, it's not like I'm going to sneak into her bathroom and steal a pad (or whatever she uses). H.E.L.P.?
Chances are, it probably is your period.

Don't wait until your mom does laundry. You don't know when that's going to be, and she probably isn't going to be paying attention to your underwear. And I know my mom is extremely ignorant when it comes to laundry and wouldn't notice it.

I actually believe the average age for someone to get their first period is about twelve. I was actually later than all of my friends - I got mine a month before my fourteenth birthday.

Your mom isn't home... will she be home soon? By soon, meaning within a few hours / before you go out? If so, just wad up some toilet paper.

But honestly, I know my first period was really heavy. I would just take a pad; I'm sure your mom won't mind. And they're super easy to use - you just stick them in your underwear.

You should tell her as soon as you can. Trust me, it'll be worth it, even if you feel like crawling in a hole. That way you can get the necessary supplies and get some meds if you want / get cramps. :hitodetchi:

Sorry, I didn't see that you posted lol.

Okay, she doesn't get out of work until 2 or 2:30. I'm stuck home with my dad.

Should I wad up some toilet paper or take one of her pads?

If I choose to take a pad, how do I tell her? When she comes home, she goes into her room to change out of her uniform. I could tell her then. But when I need to tell my mom something like that, I always freak out and say "Ummm... we need more cheese" Or something like that. Maybe If I don't look at her face I can tell her.

If I choose to was up some toilet paper, still, how do I tell her?

Oh, and I forgot to mention we are going to the picnic at around 5. I really hope it's not warm out. They have a pool, and I don't know if my mom's pads are waterproof. =O

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Definitely do not wait until school Tuesday.

Just tell her. I was nervous, but when the time came, I was just like, "I got my period." That's it. Four little words and you're done. It doesn't require a long, drawn out explanation. It's part of life that nearly every female has to go through.

Go put on one of your mom's pads, and tell her when she calls you. That's what I would do.


I am so nervous, that it isn't even funny... (okay, maybe it is a little bit) But I will try to tell her. If my mom doesn't use pads and she uses tampons (or whatever they are called) then I am going to use toilet paper, because I don't want to scream because it hurt and then I'll have to explain the whole thing to my dad. xD

And I know every female has to go through it, but I need to find out if any of my other friends got theirs. I am so scared out of my mind.

I'll wait until my dad is awake and until I take a shower.

And I do feel like crawling in a hole.

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I am so nervous, that it isn't even funny... (okay, maybe it is a little bit) But I will try to tell her. If my mom doesn't use pads and she uses tampons (or whatever they are called) then I am going to use toilet paper, because I don't want to scream because it hurt and then I'll have to explain the whole thing to my dad. xD

And I know every female has to go through it, but I need to find out if any of my other friends got theirs. I am so scared out of my mind.

I'll wait until my dad is awake and until I take a shower.

And I do feel like crawling in a hole.
Good for you. :)

It will be okay, and soon it will be part of a routine.

So should I use a pad or toilet paper? Or should I find out what my mom uses first? (because that might help a little xD)

Sure, it will be okay, but today I am gonna be using the phone and seeing who got their period and what not. I know one of my friends would freak when they got theirs. xD It would be so funny, but my friend who called me probably feels the same way about me.

But on your first period when it is heavy, is it syrup-y? It really looked like strawberry syrup, and I tried to wipe it off a little, and it was like syrup. Or am I just different? (I figured that out a while ago xD)

Find a pad. I find that toilet paper generally doesn't work.

Syrup? I don't know. Your period changes colors and consistencies quite a bit. Syrup-y sounds normal though.

So should I use a pad or toilet paper? Or should I find out what my mom uses first? (because that might help a little xD)
Sure, it will be okay, but today I am gonna be using the phone and seeing who got their period and what not. I know one of my friends would freak when they got theirs. xD It would be so funny, but my friend who called me probably feels the same way about me.

But on your first period when it is heavy, is it syrup-y? It really looked like strawberry syrup, and I tried to wipe it off a little, and it was like syrup. Or am I just different? (I figured that out a while ago xD)
You should deffinatly use a pad. Toilet paper isn't that absorbant, and will probably ruin your underware, and ruin your pants (I found that out the hard way)

But you should call your mum and say this. Sure, It will sound odd, but it's really important your let your mum know. Because if she doesn't find out, time will come and she'll be like "you're 19 and still havent gotten your period!?" so you'll have tp tell her sooner or later. So call her and say this "My period started. Are there any pads in the house?" then if she says no, wad up a crap load of toilet paper and use that until you get some pads. It's embarassing I know, but you'll be happy you got it over with.

And YAY! My period ended 2 days ago. I'm so happy! :)

Okay, good.

And you know the "bag" they give you in 4th or 5th grade? I took the deodorant and gave the pad to my mom... now I really regret it.

does that mean my blood can be blue

x.:DragonFire:.x9705- LOL. That made me laugh. xD And thanks. =)

She goes on break at 11, but sometimes she doesn't call. I think it depends on who she is working with.

I know there are either pads or tampons in the house. (too bad we aren't in a public restroom where they have pads and stuff for 25 cents) I just don't know which.

Maybe if me and my dad go out to eat, I can tell him I have to use the bathroom. He usually asks me what I want for lunch. I will say McD's or something, and tell him I want to eat inside. Bam. Another good idea from me. or the only idea from me

I don't know. For now I will either use a pad or alot of toilet paper. Right now, it's not that bad, so toilet paper may be okay. (so far I have ruined 2 pairs of underwear, atleast they weren't my Aero underwear)

Okay, I am going to go take a shower. Who knows, maybe I will take a shower and it won't be that bad. I'll be on later to check out the new posts.

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Ohmai, Jamie! Katie gave you great advice and you should definitely listen to her. :) You need to put on one of her pads and just wait till she gets home to tell her. Or if you're comfortable, you can tell your dad. He knows.

And remember when I PMed you about shaving? And I said not to act nervous? Do that. I mean I was very nervous when I got mine. I did tell my mom and I felt soooo relieved. Really. You will too! When I first got mine I just felt like crying. I don't know why, I guess it's just those hormones working.

And guess what. If you got yours today, I got mine last night so we're on the same track. ;) Hahahlawl.

Good luck, Jamie. <33

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