My BMI was 17
me is underweight
I'm 164 centimetres, and 46 kilograms
(Tall and skinny XD Like my Mummy was ^.^)
It's really hard for me to find well-Fitting clothes, cuz pants that fit well around my waist are much too short, but the ones that fit me well in length, are much too baggy, and always fall down D=
Which is strange cuz I eat TONNES of junk... and hardly any healthy foods
You should see what I ate today!
Breakfast: a bowl of cheerios (with sugar sprinkled on top)
Lunch: Hot chips with chicken salt and tomato sauce
Dinner: Pasta with parmesan cheese (i
think thats healthy

Drinks: Milk, water and coke
Snacks that I ate inbetween meals: a caramel kitkat chunky, 3 icecreams, a milky-way and a weird Candy-Drink thing
I think I should start to eat a bit better
And to Answer the question of this topic: Yes

I have had my period before
Aaand.. It's that time of the month... (If you know what I mean)