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^^^ That's what Kitty from that 70's show says in the episode that she gets menopause.
I love this topic, it helps me prepare for mine.
Me too! I haven't got it yet. I was beginning to think I was the only one!

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I don't want to go through menopause.I won't feel like a woman anymore. .__.
Geez... that's kind of depressing. Don't you think that suggests that the only thing that really makes you feel like a woman is your period??? :pochitchi:

Nope. I'm not there yet!

But, there are plenty of things that make me feel like a woman and I won't be sorry to strike tampons off the shopping list (when the day comes)!

My turn. x3

Yep. It's odd. Last month, I got it on the 20. Now on this month I have it on the 20th too. xD

Ah well. Just in time for Father's Day. D:

I'm still really happy that I'm done. :3


I don't mind tampons, they don't hurt me, but I get nervous when I have to swim with them.


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I wonder if you remeber my post about my bird getting her period. She didnt of course, it turned out to be tomato (too much of anything turns the poop the color of that particular food)

But YESSSSSS I FINALLY GOT IT!!! It gets a little annoying to change out the pads or (if im not wearing one) seeing a little red stain in my underpants.

Its kind of a good and bad thing. I feel so mature but WHAT DA HECK I HATE THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :D :huh: :huh: :D :wub: :wub: :wub: :) :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Today my lower back hurt and I was having cramps. My mom predicts that I'm gonna get my first period at the end of the month. You never know. ._.

EDIT: I just went to the bathroom and it reminded me to say this:

For a little while now when I "wipe" these little very light brown things that look like the size of a comma (,) are on the toilet paper. What is it?

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I wonder if you remeber my post about my bird getting her period. She didnt of course, it turned out to be tomato (too much of anything turns the poop the color of that particular food)
But YESSSSSS I FINALLY GOT IT!!! It gets a little annoying to change out the pads or (if im not wearing one) seeing a little red stain in my underpants.

Its kind of a good and bad thing. I feel so mature but WHAT DA HECK I HATE THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Seriously? You're happy about getting it?

Geez, I'd do anything not to have mine..

I guess it wouldn't so awful if I didn't get it so badly, for such a long time, and if it didn't make my back feel like it's slipped a disc again.

I get back pain from a Tae Kwon Do incident, and come my period it just makes it geniunely unbearable Dx

I jinxed myself Dx I woke up saturday with a splotch of red in my undies D:And I slept over @ my guy friends house last night [His sister is my friend and I leaked ALL OVER the back of jeans Dx

I'm in a bit of an... awkward situation. I need help. D:

Well, two days ago I started my period. It was light, as usual. I hardly seemed to be bleeding the whole day. By the second day, in the morning, there was just the smallest amount of brownish-red when I wiped. But today and yesterday I haven't bled. At all. When I wipe, there's only discharge.

It's not normal for me to have a one day period. o_o What's wrong with me? Is it because I have a cold? Helpp.

I'm getting sick of this! I MEAN I'M 14!!! I've been 14 since March... Why don't I have my period?! My friends are making fun of me!! THEY R CALLING ME A BABY!! ;________;


.... I wanna know am I the frickin' only one... :angry: *cries*

I'm in a bit of an... awkward situation. I need help. D:
Well, two days ago I started my period. It was light, as usual. I hardly seemed to be bleeding the whole day. By the second day, in the morning, there was just the smallest amount of brownish-red when I wiped. But today and yesterday I haven't bled. At all. When I wipe, there's only discharge.

It's not normal for me to have a one day period. o_o What's wrong with me? Is it because I have a cold? Helpp.
My period does this. It's heavy for a few days, stops completely for a day, and comes back again.

So It seems perfectly normal. I think. XD

I'm in a bit of an... awkward situation. I need help. D:
Well, two days ago I started my period. It was light, as usual. I hardly seemed to be bleeding the whole day. By the second day, in the morning, there was just the smallest amount of brownish-red when I wiped. But today and yesterday I haven't bled. At all. When I wipe, there's only discharge.

It's not normal for me to have a one day period. o_o What's wrong with me? Is it because I have a cold? Helpp.
Depends on how long you've been having periods and how regular they are.

If you've been having periods for less than a couple of years and they are only just becoming regular now, then I don't think what you have described is unusual.

You say you have been ill. That may affect it, especially if you lost your appetite. Make a note of the days you bled and the day you stopped in your diary and wait. When you next start again, count the days to see if it's anything like a cycle.

Some women experience what is called "spotting" (in the UK it's called that).

It means very light bleeding mid cycle - often (but not always) around the time you ovulate, you may get a day when you pass some blood - then it stops and you don't bleed at all until your usual due date.

Could be that too.

I'm getting sick of this! I MEAN I'M 14!!! I've been 14 since March... Why don't I have my period?! My friends are making fun of me!! THEY R CALLING ME A BABY!! ;________;


.... I wanna know am I the frickin' only one... :unsure: *cries*
If your friends are making fun of you they are not friends.

Smile in a superior kind of way and say no - no bleeding for me yet - ha ha.

No embaressing stains, no bloody sheets in the morning, no chance a boy will find my pads in my school bag, no uncomfortable pads to deal with under my clothes, no cramps, no mood swings... do I need to go on? :D

Don't complain about not getting your period yet; celebrate.

Your period will start one day and you will get it regularly for years until you are around 50! Don't be in a hurry to start :D

Depends on how long you've been having periods and how regular they are.
If you've been having periods for less than a couple of years and they are only just becoming regular now, then I don't think what you have described is unusual.

You say you have been ill. That may affect it, especially if you lost your appetite. Make a note of the days you bled and the day you stopped in your diary and wait. When you next start again, count the days to see if it's anything like a cycle.

Some women experience what is called "spotting" (in the UK it's called that).

It means very light bleeding mid cycle - often (but not always) around the time you ovulate, you may get a day when you pass some blood - then it stops and you don't bleed at all until your usual due date.

Could be that too.
I've had my period for a year, this July. They are pretty regular. I guess it just had to do with me being sick and I was spotting.

I'll see. If by the time my next period comes and it starts acting weird, I'll call the doctor.

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