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I'm on it right now.

Fantastic. That means I'll be on it again during the last week of summer gym. So now I'm off to conquer the dreaded tampon. And even if you do use tampons, it's still a major pain in the behind during summer gym. >_>;

EDIT: TAMPON CLUB MEMBERS - Zommggg I am so mad yet sooooo excited! So summer gym starts in less than a month, and I figured I better figure out this tampon issue now and not later.


It didn't even hurt one bit! It was just the initial fear. I got it all the way up and I was like w00t. But THEN - I tried to push up on the thin, stick-like part at the end of the tampon to launch the part of the tampon that stays inside my body. I kept pushing on it, but instead of launching the inner-part of the tampon, the barral kept going up farther and farther into my vagina. So I gave up, and got out a new tampon. I just practiced launching with the applicator, and it was fine and easy. So I tried again, easily got the tampon barral into my vagina, but came across the same issue a second time.

So I am so mad yet excited! I'm so happy that I FINALLY got over my fear of tampons - it didn't hurt, and it was fine and dandy. But I couldn't get the inner-part of the tampon launched. So I'm thinking that I had my angle wrong... like it was too parallel to the ground. I'm actually going to ASK my mom this question (Hah, that's a first) and see where it gets me. Then I'm going to try again and insert it more vertically.


Has anyone else had this problem? O:

Btw, my tampon brand was Playtex Gentle Glide Regular/Slim.

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Nice Cinder. 8D

Mine must be irritable or something, because it hurts like crap if I actually put it in right. D:

I should be getting mine soon. I'm kinda worried, I thought I would be getting it today. But it still hasn't come. D:

^^I used to wear two aswell, like when it was heavy or if I knew I wouldn't be able to go to the bathroom for a long long time.

Mine has finished; hoozah.

I desperately wanna try a tampon, lol.

But I have no idea on how to put it in. I might ask mummy, I don't feel un-comfortable plus she said she's always happy to help me with anything like that.


Edit: Typo :/

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^^How'd you do that?

I seriously don't know what hole to put it in and stuff.

What hole does my period even COME from?

That's why they should have taught us about that last year in sex ed, lol.

I'll ask mummy, and hopefully she'll help meee.

As my 2000th post, I'd like to dedicate this to the whole entire TamaTalk community. Whether you know me or not, you've all made a difference to this place. Iloveyouall<3

YES. I PWNed THE TAMPONS > :rolleyes:

I actually did it the whole way today. I went to the store and got a box of tampons, the Playtex Sport kind. It was so easy. After you get past the inital fear, it's smooth sailing. It didn't even hurt a bit -- It slid right up. 8D

I think it varies from person to person if tampons hurt them. My mom said even after she had kids, it still hurt for her to put a tampon in. Me? It doesn't bother me at all now. I still get a bit nervous before I put the barral in the opening of my vag, but after it's super duper easy. n__n

Ksenia, it took me AGES to find my vag. xD It's not as far back as I originally thought - I know mine is real close to my lapias (flaps of skin around the opening to where you pee).

The best thing to do would be to get a hand mirror, and when your squating on the pot, put it under you so you can see. Make sure your legs are spread far apart, and eventually you'll be able to see your vag opening. It's pretty small, actually. O: I found mine when I looked and realized blood was coming out of it. xD So when you're really stuck, try looking for it when you're on your period.

I figured out tampons without the help of my mom. We were at the mall today, and I was all, "Mom, let's stop at Rite-Aid. I need some tampons." And she was all " O: You use tampons? They always hurt me, even after I gave birth." And I was all, "Eh, I use them sometimes, but I don't have a problem with them."

So now I'm not nervous about summer gym at all. Sure, I'm going to slowly and painfully die when we run miles upon miles everyday in the hot sun, but I'll be able to use tampons with no problem. :]

I'm so happyyyyy -spaz- Wait until Skadi hears 8D

EDIT: Typos

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Yay Katie 8D
My attempt at tampons still fails. The tampon won' ._.
I was so afraid, and that was the worst part. But for me, once I got started, it slid right up, no problem. (I still cannot believe how easily it does that! lol)

I actually found it hurt worse to get the tampon OUT... O:

^ Hmm o:

I think I got mine 1/4th of the way up? XD I think my angle was wrong. I went straight in.

And it hurt since the tampon was all dry >.< It scratched a little.

I'll try next month

Dry? O: You should only try using a tampon DURING your period... and when I'm on the rag, I know it's pretty moist up there. xD

Yeah, try a fourty-five degree angle, toward your back.

What kind of tampon did you use? I use Playtex Sport, and it has a wonderfully smooth applicator. O:

^ I did use it on my period o: I read on a website that you could lubricate it, but it's not like you can do that in school everyday xD

Just a light Tampax. It was like an exact fit for me x3 I didn't want to try a Super tampon on my first attempt o.o

I'll try a plastic applicator next time. ;D

^ I did use it on my period o: I read on a website that you could lubricate it, but it's not like you can do that in school everyday xD
Just a light Tampax. It was like an exact fit for me x3 I didn't want to try a Super tampon on my first attempt o.o

I'll try a plastic applicator next time. ;D
Definately use an applicator for first time attempts. O:

Awwoow. Katie, you figured out tampons all by yourself? Niice.

I have this fear of sticking something up there--soo eep.

Don't you have a piece of skin covering the opening that bleeds when you rip it? Is the tampon supposed to rip through that, because it's gunna rip eventually. And honestly, that's my biggest fear.

I stick to pads, because I find the tampons so scary. And I hate blood in the first place--I can't even talk about it and I absolutely despise my period.

^ You're hemophobic, my friend. So am I. When you hate blood, you really hate... erm... girlhood...

What the -- I started today. =_=; Let the joy and inner peace begin.

Sorry. I'm super sarcastic and weird like that when I'm on my period. Dx

Awwoow. Katie, you figured out tampons all by yourself? Niice.I have this fear of sticking something up there--soo eep.

Don't you have a piece of skin covering the opening that bleeds when you rip it? Is the tampon supposed to rip through that, because it's gunna rip eventually. And honestly, that's my biggest fear.

I stick to pads, because I find the tampons so scary. And I hate blood in the first place--I can't even talk about it and I absolutely despise my period.
It rips for some people, and some people it doesn't.

Most of the time your hymen (sp?) breaks with the first time you engage in sexual intercourse, but not always. You hymen can break when you're even riding a bike, and it depends on the person. Your hymen may already be broken. And it isn't always broken with a tampon.

Does that make sense?

I was so afraid, and that was the worst part. But for me, once I got started, it slid right up, no problem. (I still cannot believe how easily it does that! lol)
I actually found it hurt worse to get the tampon OUT... O:
Yes. I agree with that statement!

I got it in fine but getting it out was scary because I hadn't left it in for long enough and you can tell because if it slides easy its ready to come out.

There is NO, thats right no, applicator tampons anywhere here. Except for a brand of tampons specially for people with super heavy periods. So I had to go at it the hard way.

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