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oh god it's annoying me >___>this is the first time it's been really heavy.

i got so many cramps >__>

it's killing me
Mine's mellowing down, Sort of, not really... :D

Sorry. ;__;

Mine's mellowing down, Sort of, not really... :)
Sorry. ;__;
You know there's a trick I used to do when mellowing out my period a bit (before I started taking birth control). You know how with some people the period would make you moody? Well I notice if I don't let myself get nasty or frustrated with other people or moody during the time my period was lighter and less troublesome that way. Mind you there were a couple days in the 7 day period that were unavoidable for heavy bleeding...but it was better when I kept an eye on how I was feeling emotionally.

Give it a go and see how it works. Who knows, I might be on to something big here lol.

You know there's a trick I used to do when mellowing out my period a bit (before I started taking birth control). You know how with some people the period would make you moody? Well I notice if I don't let myself get nasty or frustrated with other people or moody during the time my period was lighter and less troublesome that way. Mind you there were a couple days in the 7 day period that were unavoidable for heavy bleeding...but it was better when I kept an eye on how I was feeling emotionally.
Give it a go and see how it works. Who knows, I might be on to something big here lol.
I actually believe you're onto something, or maybe I'm just thinking too highly of this idea. :)

Usually I'm like, a monster during that week in the month, but I've kept my anger down quite a bit, and it hasn't been as heavy.

Maybe this trick has something to do with stress levels affecting the "period" blood flows in some way. Either way it seems to work. xD

I actually believe you're onto something, or maybe I'm just thinking too highly of this idea. :D Usually I'm like, a monster during that week in the month, but I've kept my anger down quite a bit, and it hasn't been as heavy.

Maybe this trick has something to do with stress levels affecting the "period" blood flows in some way. Either way it seems to work. xD
Yeah I've had stressing moments when I was young and when I didn't react negatively my period didn't follow suit. Case in point: These kids were poking fun at me at the park I was in sitting on a swing (yes I was having my period at the time during it's heavy phase) and I just laughed them off and joked back at them about myself and they actually thought that was pretty cool and we just chilled and shot the breeze and such. Now normally sitting on a swing with ah eavy period you'd be thinking are you nuts?! LOL! Well I just was in a chillaxing mood all day and I barely got much blood on my pad, not enough to miss or anything.

It started today again, I absolutley hate it.

Mine are very irregular, I just ended my last one on the 16th D:

Lucky for me though, I never get cramps.

It started today again, I absolutley hate it.
Mine are very irregular, I just ended my last one on the 16th D:

Lucky for me though, I never get cramps.
Lucky lucky you :kuribotchi: I always get cramps but I take medicine for it ( I hate that pill but it's better than being in pain ) I try to control my mood swings too especially around my buddies I don't want to freak out at them for no reason so I try to control it too ( usually I get mood swings before it starts lol so no problem there )

It started today again, I absolutley hate it.
Mine are very irregular, I just ended my last one on the 16th D:

Lucky for me though, I never get cramps.
OO: Very lucky!

Im finishing mine today. I started about five months ago. I get cramps. VERY bad ones too x.x

I hate it, no doubt. :eek:


It's comminnggg... I can tell. I keep expecting to have to yell at one of my friends to get me my little purse, D; Last time I had it it only lasted three days (lul Friday, Sat, Sun. ) So I was goodd :3

The horrible thing is, everyone hits everyone in the stomach, and when you have cramps and you do, it kills.

One of my friends the other day had such bad cramps, she had to use teh bathroom. (Big deal, she hasn't used the school bathroom for 6 years!) O_O

I have super bad cramps right now and i think i started my period... i had this light brownish discharge??? I don't know... But yea so help me if ya can!!

I have super bad cramps right now and i think i started my period... i had this light brownish discharge??? I don't know... But yea so help me if ya can!!
I get that too. It's old blood with a very light flow. Sometimes it does that and then goes away... and then comes back but with super heavy cramping flow!!! DX My periods hate me. but when my boyfriend is being extra lovey it is over with quickly.

Have you ever noticed that if you are with a group of women on a regular basis you'll all get your periods at the same time? o_O It's so weird!

It started today again, I absolutley hate it.
Mine are very irregular, I just ended my last one on the 16th D:

Lucky for me though, I never get cramps.
If your periods are really really irregular you might want to see a doctor. ;) I had some irregular ones once (I was dealing with lots of stress multiple deaths in the family and stuff) and had one that lasted a whole month! ... The doctor gave me birth control pills for three months to help fix it (I was so embarrassed) and it worked. Never had a problem since. Not that you'd need to fix it but irregular periods can be a sign of a problem with your system. It's best to find out early so you can treat it, you know?

.....If your periods are really really irregular you might want to see a doctor. ;) I had some irregular ones once (I was dealing with lots of stress multiple deaths in the family and stuff) and had one that lasted a whole month! ... The doctor gave me birth control pills for three months to help fix it (I was so embarrassed) and it worked. Never had a problem since. Not that you'd need to fix it but irregular periods can be a sign of a problem with your system. It's best to find out early so you can treat it, you know?
Please don't forget, however, that for most girls beginning to experience puberty, irregular periods are totally and absolutely normal.

If your periods are irregular it may well be because you actually haven't had many yet - like you only started getting periods in the past year or so - so your body is still adjusting before settling into a regular cycle.

If you've been having regular periods for a couple of years and they become irregular, then by all means, get checked out, but please don't worry about irregular periods if you're just starting out.

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Mine are actually pretty regular, for starting out.

I had my first period at the very end of July. It was terribly, awefully heavy. I soaked pad after pad for 10 days straight. So that kinda sucked. D:

I had it again in September- for maybe 3 days, extremely light. It was basically right when I would be expecting my period.

I got my period yesterday... just when I'd expect it. It's being very heavy like the first one... D: I'm glad my cycles aren't completely random; I can kinda expect them. And I cry the day before a heavy period. The day before my first period I cried because my friend and couldn't go skating and she had to come to my house instead, and on Wednesday I cried because my mom told me I should do "child abuse" as my family heritage project. Dx And low and behold, my period announces itself a day later. So that's a perfect way for me to tell if my period is going to come a be fairly heavy. n_____n

Cramps? I am fortunate to not really get them... it just feels like a mild constipation in your lower abdomen to me. I take Advil for it, because every now and then it will cramp for a few seconds. Its not unbearable under any means, but I take Advil anyway. :S I think that it helps. I dunno though.

illiey12- There's no reason to be afraid of your period. It varies from girl to girl, but I had my period a little on the later side (I was just shy of 14) and I don't cramp much, so it's just an annoyance to me. Even for girls that cramp badly, I'm sure they aren't afraid. Just a monthly annoyance, is all. And it is a great discussion starter with a group of girl friends. Bring up Aunt Flow, and you'll have a convo going for hours. C:

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Mine's usually from the 24-27/28.

Right now I have a four-day period. It hasn't started for this month, but, it's coming, Im sure. The heaviest is the second day after I get my period.

My stomach will get really tender when I get mine. Even if someone touches it by accident, I'll likely snap at them :)

[SIZE=7pt]I had mine at the end of August, but I haven't gotten my second yet. :p Oh well.[/SIZE]
okay, so I had my first period, and had my second one 35 days later. I was suppost to have my third period 3 weeks ago. Im having REALLY heavy discharge but no period. Thats normal right?

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