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I do have mine, but it freaks me out. For one, mine don't even last a day, and they stop at night! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME?! D:

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I do have mine, but it freaks me out. For one, mine don't even last a day, and they stop at night! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME?! D:
Nothings wrong with you, everyone is different. Your probably lucky that they don't even last a day - but if your really worried you could go to the Doctors just to ask is it normal.

My periods only last 2-3 days but before I went on the pill they lasted almost a week. But I'd only had my period for about 5-8 months before I went on the pill.

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Nothings wrong with you, everyone is different. Your probably lucky that they don't even last a day - but if your really worried you could go to the Doctors just to ask is it normal.
My periods only last 2-3 days but before I went on the pill they lasted almost a week. But I'd only had my period for about 5-8 months before I went on the pill.
It's more the fact that mine stop at night that worries me. Has anyone else ever had that?

Do you mean they stop at night and then start in the next day again?
OK, I get mine usually at night, before I go to bed. Then, when I sleep my period just.... stops. o.o It's so freaky! D:

It's more the fact that mine stop at night that worries me. Has anyone else ever had that?
Yep! That's totally normal. ;)

And for some reason, that happens to me, too.

It takes around two years for your body to adjust to the cycle.

But while you're adjusting, you never know when it might all-of-a-sudden sneak up on you.

As long as you're prepared for it, you're well on your way. :)

But while you're adjusting, you never know when it might all-of-a-sudden sneak up on you.As long as you're prepared for it, you're well on your way. ;)
Lol, I don't really get it... I have my period. :p

Does it stop at night and comes back the next day or does it just stop and you don't have it for a month?
Stops at night and comes back the next morning. It stops sometime during the day.

I'm really confused now.
It's not a constant flow of blood, it might just get lighter at night and then more heavier in the day when your moving around.
It stops altogether at night. No blood at all comes out. It confuses me too.

yeah i did when i was 11(thankfully i wasnt at school)... i didnt hurt tho, but sometimes u might get cramps before or during ur period! i hope tht helps! ^_^

I really don't think this is appropriate! Some members are very young and may not be mature enough!! And some members are boys! Please take this into consideration.

I really don't think this is appropriate! Some members are very young and may not be mature enough!! And some members are boys! Please take this into consideration.
This topic has gone over 250 pages. Plus so what if boys know about a girls period? The guides obviously think it's okay because it is in Seriousy (Non)TamaTalk. It's obvious that you're not mature enough for this topic, and as it says:

This forum is for any mature and sensible discussions unrelated to Tamagotchi. All TamaTalk rules are to be strictly followed - no exceptions, no excuses. All topics are checked before appearing. Rule breakers will be unable to post in this forum.

If you're not mature enough to handle this topic, then please leave. Nobody wants to hear you whine or nag about how this is inappropiate. This board is for mature topics. The period is something every single girl goes through sooner or later. They will eventually know about this. And once again, so what if boys know about periods? It's no big deal, I know about a thing boys go through called the 'wet dream'.

If you're not mature enough to handle this, please leave. If you ask a guide to close it, trust me, THEY WON'T.


It stops altogether at night. No blood at all comes out. It confuses me too.
Really? I always wondered how people controlled their period at night, I mean, if it did go all night you couldn;t wear a tampon all night, you'd get an infection or possibley even sick or something. And a pad would get full and maybe leak on the bed or something.


At night, mine sometimes stops and then comes again in the morning. I only sleep on my back at night during mine so it won't get all over my bed. It helps!

I'm actually having it now.

Courtnee~Malakian, you can get overnight pads which are longer than normal. Usually I tend to bleed less at night (or not at all). This varies from girl to girl. Only on those rare occasions will you actually wake up and find blood on your bed.

You know how loud noise is supposed to give you stress and anxiety, and stress and anxiety is meant to delay periods? Well, when I went on an aeroplane and flushed the toilet on aeroplanes (for those who have never been on aeroplanes, let me warn you that they're really loud) I didn't get my period that month! Weird.

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