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I've had discharge since I was *almost* 11, and got my period at age 12 1/2.
Wow, I haven't even had discharge yet- does that mean it'll probarly be a year or two before I get it? :eek:

Wow, I haven't even had discharge yet- does that mean it'll probarly be a year or two before I get it? :D
tell me how old you are and maybe I can help

I'm 11! :D But my nanny didn't get it until she was 13, and I take after her alot! :furawatchi:
Well if you haven't had discharge yet i think it might be a while until you get it

What do I do if I'm at my dad's house and don't have supplies? (I started 5 min ago!!) Please tell me !
you should prolly tell him. it's not a big deal. he'd understand. but if you're not comfortable telling your dad about it, then just use a crap load of toilet paper until you get to your mom's house or whatever.

but your penis doesn't bleed. what intrest do you have here? there is a boy puberty topic u know...

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Then go get a sex change! I think I'm a boy trapped in a girl's body somethimes, but when I'm near boys who are my friends..... I like them.... So I'm a girl!
thats cool lol xD so how is everyone

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wow...i've never actually talked to someone like this before. what does it feel like to be "trapped" inside the opposite sex? o_o i never understood it..

Um..... There are gender transplants. Get one of those if you're not happy with yerself. I did.

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