I'm wearing a lot more make up than usual lately, cuz it's fun to put on.
I like eyeliner, cuz I'm bad at applying it, and it's almost inevitable that someone will get poked in the eye
I like experimenting with eye makeup. Especially eye shadow, like, mixing colours, and blending them to make several different colours and stuff. It's way good.
And doing little art things on your face with eyeliner, I'm good at that. But around my eyes, I find hard to do :\
I wear foundation, but not much. Just cuz it's annoying if there's too much, and I don't want it to run or anything... OR look like you could set my face on fire and still not burn my skin lol.
As for lipstick, etc. I don't really use that, just occasionally some lipgloss or light pink lipstick.
Nailpolish is fun though, I wear it a lot. I've usually got painted nails, a new colour every so often. I have purple atm

I love it. I wanna keep them like that for a bit.
Nail art is way cool, it's so.. Yay. I've got little flowers in my pointer fingers hehe