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Some of my friends, are forming bumps.

And, they just turned 10. o.o

I hope I get ****s in atleast, the bigging of high school. /.\

Yeah, yeah I have breasts. I'm 12. I wear training bras mostly but I have some normal ones. My bra size is AA I think...


And yeah. My friend who is 12 is really short and flat, my other friend who is 11 is like me.


Plus: I hate it when boys stare at my chest! One time a boy was like 3 feet in front of me and he was staring right at my chest the whole time I was talking to him! It was so embarrassing!



Yes, but I have a bit of a problem.My breasts are getting pretty big (scary big), and I'm noticing stretch marks on them. What should I do?

I have these stretch marks on my thighs too, and on my lower back also. Am I becoming fat?

These marks temporarily fade, though, because I exercise a lot. I'm guessing they're just from overeating a bit.
I used to have really purple stretch marks on my breasts and sides. Eventually they just turned white.

You would try using cocoa butter to get rid of them.

Stretch marks can come from gaining or losing weight. You might not be gaining it at all. If you exercise a lot it might be caused from gaining muscle or losing weight. No reason to worry.

Mine are OK. I just where sports bras, but soon (very soon) I gotta where real ones.

No periode. (Only 10.)

Eck. Don't worry about the comments you get from boys, hun.

They're still *******.

As for me, I'm a giant that just got her period a few weeks ago and my brest size is a 36AA (I think? It's either an A or AA).

I'm only 13 in 20 days.

All bodies are different. You'll grow eventually.

Hey, I'm a year younger than you and I have nothin' on top, does that make you feel any better?

Well I do got a lil' sumthin' sumthin' up top, but not that much.

Have confidence in yourself. :D


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...I do feel a little left out... I'm going into eight grade nearly flat... and periodless.  :D
I know how ya feel. I'm going into the same grade as you with nothing up top hardly at all. :gozarutchi:

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2 years ago when im just 12...

boys calling me LAPTOP (becauce i have no chest... and they were make me want to kick their a**)

but, know when i'm allready 14...

they can't call me laptop again!!! because im growing!!!

and... YAY!!! ITS TIME FOR a** KICKING!!!

Well my breasts aren't that Big (like a adult women's) I'm just 11 and my breasts are way bigger(maybe my weight or hormones? ) than my sisters she wears my bras but they don't fit :D . The thing that creeped me out is when I was ike 10 or 9 I thought I was gonna die because my nipple was pushed in o_O; I didn't start my period yet but I will soon.

Well, it get's more wetter, and whenever I do my business, I not my underpants are slightly wet. D:It's not like I wet myself, but, it's just weird... I asked the nurse in the school, and she said it's just liquids for preparing for period....
*Phew* It's happening to me, too! I thought something was wrong with me. Good thing you brought it up! ;)

I'm 13 and barely have any ****s at all. I haven't started my period yet, either.

Mine are finally growing! :DD I honestly don't care about my chest size, to be honest.

Hey, have you guys noyiced that school uniforums make you look totally flat? You can't even see I have a chest at all. xD

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im 11 i do have my breasts (they're not like, whoa huge but you get my point)

and i started my period

im "growing up" very quickly for my age!

I have both my period and breasts. I'm 11. My period happned just a little while ago, actually. It just stopped yesterday. As for my breasts... My mom calls them big bazoingkers(sp?) I'm not going to be in the 'Itty Bitty ***** Club', that's for sure. In fact, the only member is my cousin. XD
exactly the same for me....except for the big bazoinkers todays my last day....then i can swim. i am an a 30 in and i am 11 so dont worry, since your not grown now by this age one day you'll wake up and be like a b cup 35 in... or a cc. that happened to one of my friends, only she's 13 and a half. dont worry! we all grow at different rates. and i advise you to beat up the boy, lol, jk. laugh at him when your a dd. ha!

Mine are finally growing! :DD I honestly don't care about my chest size, to be honest.Hey, have you guys noyiced that school uniforums make you look totally flat? You can't even see I have a chest at all. xD
Yeah! School uniforms do kind of make you look flat chested. But I'm not that sure, because I wear jackets almost all the time. I didn't have enough bras then, and I had to use tanktops. (They sisn't really work) But now, I have 4 new bras, the cupped ones this time. (But I could still use training bras)

Im going into 8th grade and I dont have my period yet! Whats the rush? I heard it hurts like bloody he** anyway...

i guess not for me i've started my period already i should get some soon and i feel really sorry for u and i personally think ****s and periods are annoying ****s because that's all guys think about and periods because they're like a suprise

OH gosh, I am starting with the bewbs. They are not a size they are just the non padded ones.I usually don't wear one at all but I have to this year because we have to change in front of all of the girls, and no one is seeing my red growing nipples. eeew, my bewbs. But you will get them very soon, and don't worry one of my teachers started their period at ur age, so you wil start soon. Don't worry, your body wont mess you up :(

Im going into 8th grade and I dont have my period yet! Whats the rush? I heard it hurts like bloody he** anyway...
sometimes it hurts usually its just so d*** annoying.

i got ****s not big (phew) but not flat (

I haven't got my period but have had an A cup since i was 8 and i'm now 12 and will be 13 in 2 weeks and I have b or c cups (depending on the store) so i'm odd and its weird cos i'm so thin that I have such a large chest.....

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