x. Tama_Crazy x.
Well-known member
Call me crazy, but I thinks ghosts are real.
I'm sorry but you don't seem to know enough information to actually conclude this. So basically because you say ghosts are un-true, and your friends say they are un-true, that makes it a fact? I think not. Plus, there are RARE cases where ghosts are actually seen. So I think right now you are fooling yourself. When someone claims a ghost or disturbance it most likely is from strange noises, or strange happenings. A true story, [Not one on TV or anythign so don't say it's false] A family actually had things moving around in their homes. Tell me that is not a sign of poltergeists. The certain day thing is possible. Say you are a ghost, there is a likelyship that the ghost would return to the place it died, voluntary or not. So please next time, use better information to back up your thoughts =/I think ghosts are not real. It's just an urban legend, which means it is un-true.There has to be another explanation than ghosts.
People also say that ghosts come on double dates. I think that's also un-true!. No one can say that ghosts will come on a certain day, because that's not likely to happen.
Also, people say that they see ghosts. I thought ghosts were invisible, which proves they're not being truthful. Anyway, who made up the fact that there's be ghosts roaming around the Earth? It sounds crazy, if you ask me.
This is just what I think, so if you believe in ghosts, don't eat me D:
real convincingghost are real. at my school theres a ghost at one of the class rooms and someone died going up some stairs