K um, I have orbs in my house (Mainly my room) And sometimes theres cold and warm temperatures and then I hear crying of a little girl. I find it kind of facinating but somtimes creepy cause I keep seeing figures on the tip of my eye and then i blink and see it again. One I saw one and it was in an black and white jail suite? My mom doesent believe and no one else does (Sept for my friend megan) And I keep having her over and showing her the orbs and she freaks out but when I try to show someone else the orbs disapear! And its not from any of her clothing or my cause she wears different clothes every day and same as me. Its not an object either cause once we turned the light off and shut the blinds and we saw an orb that was really bright. And just now as Im typing I see figures of people in jail suits on the tip of my eye! Have you ever dealed with ghosts?
Whoa.. thats really werid..
What would happen if you moved the orb into another room or something?
Well, not last night, but the 2 nights before I was getting really freaked out for some reason.. like the first night I sat up because I kept hearing creping noises, and all of a suddon I heard this strange whisper that sounded like it said "Lor" or something?
I don't know, but I got real freaked out so I went to my parents room to say I heard something, so my mum got up and looked around or whatever and said like theres nothing to be worried about, but when I looked at the clock in their room it was 11:11pm
I just thought that was a bit creepy.
Then the next night I started to get freaked out again, I didn't hear the voice but still creeping noices so I told them again and the clock was on 11:11pm again.
Last night I was fine thankgod,
I sometimes sleep with my door open, sometimes closed.
I try to get to sleep before all the lights in the house are out, so like if the door is closed I can still see light shining through my bedroom floor.
I'm not afriad of the dark, its just everyone gets cautious when its real dark..