Getting Rid of this stupid account. BYE HO-OH


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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
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I hope this isn't attention seeking.

*sighs* I'm getting rid of this account, I can't just simply give up just because I got yellow karma, I might as well dust myself off, and try again. All this time I've been trying to be someone I'm not.

Ok, I not some cheery, nice person all this time. This Ho-Oh is just some front to show the people that had problems with me. You know I feel stupid. I'm just going to apologize to all the members I hurted. I'm just going to come clean and aplogize.

Sorry Notes:

Tigerlily013- Yes, yes, some things were said that shouldn't been said, I know the things I done to you were stupid, and you didn't deserve treatment like that, once again I aplogize. For putting you through all that mess.

Tama-Love - I remember when we first met each other it was a rocky start, we had a few arguments, and problems. And it seemed all I showed you was my bad side of me, I really should've been mature. And you're not a bad person, nor am I, I just made a bad decision.

Nummy- Yikes, the things that were I couldn't belive that came out my mouth. It was horrible, I should've never said those things to you. And I aplogize for being such a jerk.

Rensa- Ok, I'm sorry if my computer had some weird virus, but trust me I wouldn't NEVER send you something like that, I mean come on. I'm not some creep like that.

A very nice, geneorus, smart, and kind person I would like to thank the most is Rey Mysterio. Look what she wrote. :(

Locky, it's time for RM's opinion time:I don't give a care what karma you have. You are one of my best friends here- you will ALWAYS be Locky to me, no matter what username you post under. Ho-Oh just dosen't suit you- in the eyes to tamatalk, you are Locky458. You are really popular here- it just isn't the same talking to you on a different account. It's like I'm talking to a member I don't know. Locky458 is who you are- not Oh-Ho.

You've got to believe you can get your karma back. Life isn't about starting a new slate when you fall- it's about fighting your way back up. It'll never be easy- of course I'm aware of that. But, I know you never quit- you're a fighter. You can NEVER give up on who you are. And YOU are Locky458.
Ho-oh is something, I am not. The only reason I left that account because I was just scared what people might thought of me, and karma isn't everything. I learned that karma doesn't make you a bad person, it just shows that you made a bad decision.

So in all conclusion, I apologize to all of you guys, and I hope you can read this topic. Sorry to all the tamatalkers I've mean to. And you know who are you, and sorry if I didn't post your name on their.


I'm glad you're going back to your Locky458 account- yayness! :D

And, I'm sure all the tamatalkers will forgive you. :lol:

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Oh lawrd.Here we go again.
And what does that exactly mean...? <.<

I'm glad that you are going back to your old account. It was hard for me to talk to you as Ho-Oh, because sometimes I felt as if it wasn't you....but, even on Ho-oh, I could feel the real you come through at times. Locky, I do not CARE about your karma. I still love you with or without it! So don't mind what other people think of you; everybody makes mistakes. :D

that's great you should be proud of who you are and i don't even have karma

I'm glad you're back as Locky! As mametchitama said you should be proud of who you are and if you made a few mistakes then it's good that you can face them and apoligise for what you did. Nobody's perfect after all! Everyone makes mistakes and everyone has a fallout with someone at some stage. It doesn't matter if you have some bad Karma, that doesn't mean you have a bad attitude or anything. Don't let the bad Karma bother you! You know ho you are and if some people diss you for having bad Karma just ignore them! Karma isn't there to rule your life! It's just there to keep the site friendly!

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Do you honestly think you can kiss and make up with a public sob story after ALL of the AWFUL things you said to me??

I'm glad you decided to come back as Locky458 :( , I don't think I could get used to seeing Ho-Oh in my inbox.

Welcome back Lock458 ;) .

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I didn't know you were Locky! Well, welcome back! (I'm happy you'll be on your old account again!)

Good to know.. I myself don't like the idea of dropping everything and starting over, so it's nice to know that you think the same thing.

well im sorry...although i need a apoligey. I didnt mean everything i said...i was just mad. I hope you dont hate me...

welcome back locky458! when i looked at the posts you had made i saw that you were realy polite and respectful. i never imagined you to hurt people!

but welcome back!

Oh sorry for not replying so lately.

Thanks everyone. :D

kk445, I don't hate you..

Oh, yeah thanks *tamacoolie* :p .

Paisley 520: :p <- Says all. (I think) xD

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