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My friend bought a 'GameShark' from eBay yesterday. Apparently its some kind of "cartridge" which you use in your Gameboy/DS etc as a 'game cracker'. It provides you with codes for your games so you can access secret modes and things like that. It is a bit like Action Replay. They sound cool, but they could also ruin your game slightly (depends how much one likes 'hacking' their games).

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I Shark and AR my games after I have played them for a long time or finished what ever game it is. I don't like to cheat right away. It takes the fun out of it but yeah... I do have a cheat device for every system there is a device for. Even the Game Genies. It's fun to cheat after you have had the games for a long time. :blink: It adds new life to old games.

With my xbox I cheat when I can't beat something.

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