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Um...sort of.

Goldenheart (one of my RP warrior cats) represents my own emotions and how my deep down personality is. I don't think/pretend I'm a cat or anything, but Goldenheart does represent me and my personality.


Yo estoy muy confundido. how do you get a "fursona"?

It takes, imaaaagination~Imaaaaaagination~~

If you don't like how it looks~

Change it around

With your imaaaaaaaagination~


You can't buy


No you can't buy



You won't find it at a store

Its something thats already yours


All it takes is imaaaaaaagination~




-coughs- Sorry, couldn't resist. 8D

Um, anyways, its a character you create yourself. With your...


^Yeah XD

Anyways I have one. I haven't used her in a while though. She's called Heather and she's a Harp seal, I wasn't really intending her to be my fursona but I'd put a lot of me into her so I just drew some pictures of her and stuff so she was mines. She's cute with big eyes and a blue collar with an orange squid tag.

yeah i still dont get it o.0.. ohhhhhh is it like an emaginary friend? i have an emaginary firend named lenard and hes soo cool its on even funny. speaking of funny do u no whats funny?.....LENAARD! lenard rox hes like a super hero'n'stuff, speaking of super hero, wanna no whos a super hero?....LENARD! lenard is specail cuz hes magical ^.^ so is that what a .... freso-jacka-whatnow-dohicky is? its a lenard?

I don't not have a fursona, and I don't plan to make one. I like havening original animal characters without making them a mouthpiece to my beliefs.

I have nothing agents creativity, or making your wolf or fox or cat look like a crazy raver, its just not for me. I like my wolfs with silver and black and red fur with normal markings, thanks. Again, im not panning you guys, Clione and Pyonnie. you both are good artists...great, and very imaginative, its just not for me.

I do, however, have a male persona. His name is Reuven. I love him like a brother. But this topic isnt about that.

yeah i still dont get it o.0.. ohhhhhh is it like an emaginary friend? i have an emaginary firend named lenard and hes soo cool its on even funny. speaking of funny do u no whats funny?.....LENAARD! lenard rox hes like a super hero'n'stuff, speaking of super hero, wanna no whos a super hero?....LENARD! lenard is specail cuz hes magical ^.^ so is that what a .... freso-jacka-whatnow-dohicky is? its a lenard?

It is not.

x.x Read the article Starman.exe posted. n.n

well ok i see how its an animal carecter with human carecteristics but how can u HAVE a fursona-thinga-migiger, i mean i do little cartoons for my school newspaper and some are about a cartoon squirle named carl who wears over-alls , a lot of CATOONS do that so how is a ...ferso-wata-dohicky diffrent from a cartoon animal? is it basicly like a little cartoon u draw alot, if so i have a fersona-thinga-mar-oo whos a sqirle named carl ^.^

well ok i see how its an animal carecter with human carecteristics but how can u HAVE a fursona-thinga-migiger, i mean i do little cartoons for my school newspaper and some are about a cartoon squirle named carl who wears over-alls , a lot of CATOONS do that so how is a ...ferso-wata-dohicky diffrent from a cartoon animal? is it basicly like a little cartoon u draw alot, if so i have a fersona-thinga-mar-oo whos a sqirle named carl ^.^
You just make it up. ._. Didn't you hear my torture song?

i think i've been somewhat enlightened. or perhaps i am still very, very far off. oh well.

so, authors create charactors in stories that may resemble them in some way, so artists do the same things with animals, resulting in a fursona?

i make charactors based off of me, and stuff like that. so artists make animals based off of them?

Yes, I have a fursona. You can see her on my deviantART page, link's in siggy.

I don't understand what anybody could have 'against' fursonas and the people who make them. I don't know about anybody else, but I find that designing your own character and giving it a personality and clothes and whatever is quite fun. It gives you a chance to express yourself and your designs to people.

Yes, I have a fursona. You can see her on my deviantART page, link's in siggy.
I don't understand what anybody could have 'against' fursonas and the people who make them. I don't know about anybody else, but I find that designing your own character and giving it a personality and clothes and whatever is quite fun. It gives you a chance to express yourself and your designs to people.
Most people think people who are furries or anthros are into yiffing and having a fetish for animals. Which isn't true at all.

ohhh i think i get it....in that case i guse i have manny fersoa-ja-hoosits xD

Then no, I do not have one.

I honestly don't care. Although the really obsessed ones- the yiffers or whatever- need to well... learn where to draw the line. x..x;

That made no sense.
Tamaw/pants. do you know what yiffing is?
Yeah, I wouldn't recommend talking about it on TT.

And most people who have fursonas do not all yiff and have creepy fetishes and stuff.

I didn't realize how many people didn't know what they were and stuff. Well, a fursona is NOT:

- An imaginary friend

- A character in a comic strip you made

A fursona is:

- an animal character that has personality traits, looks, or anything else of the creator

- an animal character that represents you

Doglover10, a fursona is something you made that is supposed to represent you, not a character you made that is an animal. If you make a character that is an animal it is not automatically your fursona. Thought you should know that.


Tamaw/pants. do you know what yiffing is?
Yes I do- I read that on the wikipedia page when you explained it to me. And yes we well not talk about it. xP

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