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Dec 8, 2007
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do you?

I do.

End of story.

Okay fine

Tell a little about your sona

Mine's name is Clione

We have nothing alike except for our personalities.

she's an arctic wolf


insert moar stuff here.

we are anonymous. idk why i just said that.

Basically a separate personality, but it's an animal.Some people take it WAY too far and dress up as said animals and role play. <--- That's what I'm against.
I understand why you are against it ;)

No, I don't have one.

Nope. Don't see the point of making an animal version of yourself, it's just too.... meh. I don't mind them when they are not to bad, but I honestly think it's insane when you see wolves with blue polkadots and chains and wings.... and GRADIENTS ON THEIR BODY. o.o

Sorry. If you like fursonas, keep on doing 'em. Just my opinion.

I have characters, though. I guess my character Paul is like me. He's a Kai Ken dog. He was raised to be a guard at an animal testing lab and escaped with two of his friends. He... er... is clumsy and random at times, but sometimes he is serious. So yeah. xD

Edit: Tamaw/Pants, it's something populating DA right now. You draw a animal (usually a wolf/cat) and make them absolutely opposite of you and your personality and it's supposed to present you. Some people don't go too far with their fursonas. (Like Frodse.)

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Err. I don't have a full fledged fursona, and I only use it on a specifically -cat- site. Its my Warrior form [from Warriors by Erin Hunter]; and I have a matching human form to go with it, and I make sure people know that I don't have orange hair, etc, before I ever use it on a new site.

She has my same personality, though. I don't like having alter-egos. But, in a nutshell, she's a slim she-cat with orange-ginger fur and a black left ear, twisted back right paw, and green eyes.

Yes, yes I do.

I don't look at a picture of Onyx and say "That's me." For me, it's just like having a character on Gaia or Maplestory, or a persona. It's something that you have and people say "Hey, that means that it's you." Do you actually have to think you ARE a lion, or a wolf, or a cat? No, you don't. It's a symbol. Just like your username. People look at it and they know it's you.

It's really a logo or a mascot until you start saying "I AM this" but the majority of people don't. They know the difference between reality and make-believe. And if that's something people find fun, I don't see what the huge problem is.

I'm really fed up with all the people who think they can set the limitations for everyone else. "Oh, it's only okay if you do it like THIS" or "you have to do it like THIS or else it's dumb" because you know what? Having a fursona is something that's supposed to be fun. Doing something like making yourself an avatar is so that you can be a part of a community where you enjoy yourself.

What fun is it if everyone's caught up in sniveling at everyone else? Why would anyone spend their time, when they could be doing ANYTHING ELSE to say "eww, this fursona isn't cool because of this this this this this, I don't like it so it obviously negates all credibilty this person has."

Yes, yes I do.
I don't look at a picture of Onyx and say "That's me." For me, it's just like having a character on Gaia or Maplestory, or a persona. It's something that you have and people say "Hey, that means that it's you." Do you actually have to think you ARE a lion, or a wolf, or a cat? No, you don't. It's a symbol. Just like your username. People look at it and they know it's you.

It's really a logo or a mascot until you start saying "I AM this" but the majority of people don't. They know the difference between reality and make-believe. And if that's something people find fun, I don't see what the huge problem is.

I'm really fed up with all the people who think they can set the limitations for everyone else. "Oh, it's only okay if you do it like THIS" or "you have to do it like THIS or else it's dumb" because you know what? Having a fursona is something that's supposed to be fun. Doing something like making yourself an avatar is so that you can be a part of a community where you enjoy yourself.

What fun is it if everyone's caught up in sniveling at everyone else? Why would anyone spend their time, when they could be doing ANYTHING ELSE to say "eww, this fursona isn't cool because of this this this this this, I don't like it so it obviously negates all credibilty this person has."
i love you for this

It's so true.

If you don't like someone else's fursona



... yeah I'm still kind of lost. Do you make it online? Is it something you buy at the store..? :)
A Fursona is like having an alter ego in animal form. You dont buy one.

The Furry fandom existed for a very long time now also. Don't matter what animal. It can be a real one or even something mythical like a Jackalope or a dragon.

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... yeah I'm still kind of lost. Do you make it online? Is it something you buy at the store..? :D
No, no no! -starts to sing-


It takes, imaaaagination~


If you don't like how it looks~

Change it around

With your imaaaaaaaagination~


You can't buy


No you can't buy



You won't find it at a store

Its something thats already yours


All it takes is imaaaaaaagination~




-coughs- Sorry, couldn't resist. 8D

Um, anyways, its a character you create yourself. With your...


^Lol. Spongebob did that once.

I don't really get it. :D

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^Lol. Spongebob did that once.
I don't really get it. B)
Well, a fursona is rather like an anthro--you give an animal human qualities. Fursonas are NOT catgirls, or wolfgirls or whatever, though.

To make a fursona, you just take an animal form you like and its looks, and give it a few human qualities like two legs, hair, clothes, etc. Then you have a fursona or an anthro.

Well, a fursona is rather like an anthro--you give an animal human qualities. Fursonas are NOT catgirls, or wolfgirls or whatever, though.
To make a fursona, you just take an animal form you like and its looks, and give it a few human qualities like two legs, hair, clothes, etc. Then you have a fursona or an anthro.
Some Fursonas son't need hair or clothes. XD

I have a jackalope fursona and all he wears is a hat and a vest.

But yeah. You summed it up also.


so like, you make an animal, and you draw it. then you, like, make it look more like a person, and you give it a name, and then you draw it on everythhing and it takes up classtime, and when someone asks, you dart your eyes around suspiciousley and say

"it's my fursona"

or, you draw it, say this is me, and put it on the internet or what?

so you make an animal that looks like you. wonderful! what do you do with it?

and no, in case you were still wondering, i don't have one ^^

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