Funny Moments When People Have Hit On You


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Haha, too many times before. There was the one time I was in Starbucks and a girl was staring at me. She wa like 16, I was creeped out o_O. Not recently tho.

--hope this isn't a major bump---

What a great discussion. [:

I was at a track meet last year, and a little kid from a team I didn't know ran up to me and said "if you were a cheeseburger at McDonald's, you'd be McGorgeous" and he ran away before I could say anything. I didn't know what to do, it was really creepy.

Then, this summer, I was walking to the store and a guy who goes to my school drove in a car by me really fast and held up a sign that said Single? Haha, it was an ad for an online dating site. I knew because they were all over where I live.

My poor friend has been getting attention from men and university students since she was in the fifth grade. She developed very early and getting through elementary and middle school that way was very tough for her. Now we're in the tenth grade and she's stopped talking about all the harassment. Hopefully it's dying down. By now she's learned how to deal with it. :(

Someone tried to pick me up by saying they were related to Justin Bieber.

Just saying.

There's been so many times where I'm just walking either by myself or with friends and guys drive past screaming "HOT B*TCH!" or whatever, but that actually really annoys me so bad because majority of them are almost double my age and it's pretty wrong :\

There was one time where I was walking home from school and there were two guys from the other local high school walking on the other side of the footpath. One of them screamed out "oiii you're hot what's ya name" I'm like "none of your business?" and the guy said to the other guy "HAHAHAHA REJECTED!"

And in the local public library like a month or two ago where my friend and myself saw this guy who goes to my school who happened to ask me out a week or so before. My friend dared me to go up and say hi so I did. He seemed over-joyed and said an excited "hey!" back. Me and my friend sort of walked off. In a few minutes we saw all these other guys approaching us. They came up to us and kept asking me all these questions about the guy and asked for my number and what school I go to and told me I'm attractive and whatnot. My friend and I kept walking off but wherever we went, we kept bumping into the guys. And we weren't allowed to leave the library either because her parents were coming to pick us up soon. K so then the library closed and we all had to walk out. Her parents soon came and we got in the car but we saw all the guys staring at us and telling us to come over to them, obviously we didn't though and managed to get away pretty quickly :) Freaky experience it was.

Lalalala. Sitting with friends chatting and a 23 year old guys comes up and talks about how sexy and how good my clothes look and then I was like " ._. thanks you?" he then leans closer and says "Where Ya from" "Um...'________' " "Oh I dated a girl in '_____' " "oH...That's awesome why don't you go back to her then."

Worst facepalm fail pick up line ever.

There was this other time when I was wearing a rather cute I must admit bikini and sitting in a chair reading as my brother ran around with his friends at the water park. I don't like water so I kept way from it. Anyway, so this guy comes over that I don't know and says "Hi." winking and stuff. My older brother randomly shows up out of no where and tells him to back off so he walks away. He leaves ( my brother I mean ) and goes back to his friends. Here comes the dude back again and sits by me staring at my chest eyeballing it and stuff, so I put my phone over it and contuine reading he then says, "Hey let's go swim..." "No" I grummble and here comes my brother AGAIN and gets all in his face to back off. He does then walks away. My brother goes away and HE FRIGGEN COMES BACK AGAIN! ( Grrr ) Grabs my hand and yanks me into the water dragging me to a private area. I was sitting there telling him "'m busy. I have a boyfriend. No." I try to tear away but her holds on. When we get there he starts trying to hug me from behind and pull me close like spoon and crap putting his hands close to my ****s and I tel him no trying to pull away. He holds tight and doesn't let go. Here comes my brother with anger written up and dad his face. I swear that dude was gone with in 3 seconds screaming like a wuss. I was cracking up and stuff. It was happy happy jolly jolly until I saw him eyeballing me with eird looks from across the pool as I was texting. I....t was kinda creepy.

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^ That guy was messed up.

I was hit on by a 16 year old in a site called ourworld, im ten BTW. He said "Are you single?" and my avatar was cute and stuff but I said "I leik mudkipzz" and walked away XD.

Haha, nothing has ever happened to me (Uglyness.)

But my friend (who is underdeveloped) experienced a little eight year old asking her out.

It was cute but creepy.

Lalalala. Sitting with friends chatting and a 23 year old guys comes up and talks about how sexy and how good my clothes look and then I was like " ._. thanks you?" he then leans closer and says "Where Ya from" "Um...'________' "  "Oh I dated a girl in '_____' " "oH...That's awesome why don't you go back to her then."
Worst facepalm fail pick up line ever.

There was this other time when I was wearing a rather cute I must admit bikini and sitting in a chair reading as my brother ran around with his friends at the water park. I don't like water so I kept way from it. Anyway, so this guy comes over that I don't know and says "Hi." winking and stuff. My older brother randomly shows up out of no where and tells him to back off so he walks away. He leaves ( my brother I mean ) and goes back to his friends. Here comes the dude back again and sits by me staring at my chest eyeballing it and stuff, so I put my phone over it and contuine reading he then says, "Hey let's go swim..." "No" I grummble and here comes my brother AGAIN and gets all in his face to back off. He does then walks away. My brother goes away and HE FRIGGEN COMES BACK AGAIN! ( Grrr ) Grabs my hand and yanks me into the water dragging me to a private area. I was sitting there telling him "'m busy. I have a boyfriend. No." I try to tear away but her holds on. When we get there he starts trying to hug me from behind and pull me close like spoon and crap putting his hands close to my ****s and I tel him no trying to pull away. He holds tight and doesn't let go. Here comes my brother with anger written up and dad his face. I swear that dude was gone with in 3 seconds screaming like a wuss. I was cracking up and stuff. It was happy happy jolly jolly until I saw him eyeballing me with eird looks from across the pool as I was texting. I....t was kinda creepy.
Ew, that's horrible. You shouldn't be that polite with people like that.

Edit: Oh yeah, i remember this one time in 7th grade when the band and orchestra was going to see the Philadelphia Orchestra, so I was dressing nice and all, and this really annoying dude in my grade (not at my school anymore thank god) kept making comments on my sexy hair and sexy dress and sexy glasses (i still wore glasses then) and was being really loud, rude, and obnoxious. I just ignored it and hid behind my locker door.

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The same guy that I told everyone about earlier sent me a sweetest day rose. He's oh so creepy.

Oh, and he asked my to Homecoming this year. Three times. And each time, I told him I already had a date.

Ahha I've gotten hit on many times in public. It's funny, actually.

A few weeks ago when I went to the mall with a one of my friends, we were going down the stairs at the same time a group of a guys were going up. They looked to be a couple years older than us. As we passed them, one of the guys touched my arm and said, "MMMMMMMM, damnnnn, a nice hot white girl." Kind of startled, me and my friend ran to a near store then started laughing our heads off. That same night, we went to go wait for the bus at the busstop. I was sitting on her lap because I was cold, and didn't have a sweater. Well, three guys walked by and stared at us. "We like guys, not girls, don't worry." my friend said. Then, the three of them came over and sat beside us. "Oh, okay. That's good then." one of them said, then he started asking us where we wen't to school, how old we were, our names, and then finally for our cellphone numbers. He still texts me every once in awhile, ahhaa!

Ahha I've gotten hit on many times in public. It's funny, actually.

A few weeks ago when I went to the mall with a one of my friends, we were going down the stairs at the same time a group of a guys were going up. They looked to be a couple years older than us. As we passed them, one of the guys touched my arm and said, "MMMMMMMM, damnnnn, a nice hot white girl." Kind of startled, me and my friend ran to a near store then started laughing our heads off. That same night, we went to go wait for the bus at the busstop. I was sitting on her lap because I was cold, and didn't have a sweater. Well, three guys walked by and stared at us. "We like guys, not girls, don't worry." my friend said. Then, the three of them came over and sat beside us. "Oh, okay. That's good then." one of them said, then he started asking us where we wen't to school, how old we were, our names, and then finally for our cellphone numbers. He still texts me every once in awhile, ahhaa!
Wait, you actually gave them your number? o_O

well gurls hit on me a lot. most of the time that come to my lunch table in school and sit next to me. They just like stare at me, pretending they know me. Tis weird.. Then i made out with this 1 girl by the water fountains and I didn't even know her xD

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^Not something we want to know dear...xD

Another story, from when I had long hair. So I was on a certain webcam site that shall remain nameless. Anyways, so I was on this site, trying to find something interesting to talk to, and all these guys kept talking to me, like, asking me out and even asking me to do certain inappropriate actions, it was really weird.

Also, I have this overdeveloped friend, thats a girl. And she always gets hit on by older guys, and Im always there because were inseperable, so, it's strange.

/sigh...why dont I get hit on by girls? lol

Couple of akward times but thank the lord I had nice big buff guys with me. There was one time a few of us had been invited to vist a local college. A few others schools were also asked so we were all walking the same places. Some very rude boys*little older I think* made comments about my legs and butt.....One of my football friends was there and he like side hugged me to him to get them to shut up. The looks on their faces were priceless and I knew he was very amused.


I don't usally get hit on, my sister says I'm intimidating, but people definitely stare. One of the curses and blessings of being a 5'10 red head.

My first boyfriend in 7th grade, before we went out he was walking over towards me with this flirty grin and...he tripped over the chair. -_-


I was at the cinema with my friends and a bunch of guys sat next to us. One guy said to me "Heeey, you're hot what's your name?" I'm all "I don't have a name." Him: "Because you're that special, baby. Wanna go out with m-" -other guy pulls him away and says- "No! Don't listen to him, he's an idiot. Go out with me." Hahahaha.

Oh, and today I was with this guy and he asked if I was cold. -because i was shivering and it's not obvious, pssh- I said yeah and he hugged me and said he'd keep me warm. I said "Aren't you cold?". He said "No, I'm fine." But you could tell that he was freezing - he was just trying to be manly. xD He makes so much small talk with me, it's crazy. He asked for my number so I said that I left my phone at home and couldn't remember my number off my head. He's asked me out twice. I've turned him down twice. He just doesn't give up.


I look alot older than I am so I was at this party with my aunty and my cousins and such and everyone else was like 18+ apart from a few kids my age. My Aunty was talking to this guy and she was saying stuff like 'Oh we're all sisters, cousins and such,' and the guy looks me up and down a few times and says 'And this must be the dwarf of the family,' and my Aunty went 'No. She's 12,' He turned round and went 'Oh sh..'. I was in hysterics.

It's because I look older I get checked out alot. Sometimes by guys my age and sometimes guys older than me. It's really creepy.

Haha, a couple days ago I wore my hooker boots at school (knee high with pointy toes) and tight skinny jeans- I got a total of 5 wolf- whistles, and 2 guys yelling "Nice Ar#e!) Oh the funny days of my plonkerish high school...

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