Funny moments in life.


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Today my friend ands I were sitting outside of school waiting for a ride. This 5-year old petite girl I know was running right past us. I yelled "LITTLE PERSON! =D" Then she stopped, turned around, tackled me and gave me a hug. :3

At the shopping center:

Dad: Hey! Did you know that's a door there?

Me: Yeeaaahhh.

Dad: Oh... Well it looks like a window to me.

Me: Uhm... not really.

Dad: -walks over to the door, and acts like there's a window there-

Old man walking by: -sits on the bench and watches in amusement-

Me: That old man was staring at you, y'know?

Dad: Yeah...

Us: -bursts out laughing-

It was hilarious. :)

And dad was trying on Winter hats at Zellers, and getting odd looks from the clerks...

^ Don't you love goofy fun dads? :'D

A little while back:

My family and I were at a restaurant and on the wall there was an article in the newspaper saying how good this certain restaurant is. At the top of the article, there was a picture of a kid with his face in his spaghetti. My dad goes, "Heyy, that kid eats like you, Krystal."

I'm pretty sure the girl taking us to our tables heard that. xDDD

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^ Don't you love goofy fun dads? I've got the most hilarious one. :'D
Mmhm... Hilarious dad's are epic win.

Just now...

Mum: What was that noise?

Me: Fruit Fly.

Mum: It was a sizzling noise, not a buzzing noise.

Me: Fruit Fly on a barbecue.

It was hilarious at the time...

In class we were reading a story about a 'dark horse'. And my teacher pointed out to us that in stories and movies, all the friendly horses are never black. They're always some sort of brown or beige... and all the wild, dangerous ones are black.

She was like [in her little french accent] "All the friendly horses, always white....never black" and my best friend who's black was just like "._." and everyone was laughing.

-mum flicking through my iPod-

Mum: Gosh, you have alot of Paramore albums. Who are they, anyway?

Me: You wouldn't of heard of them.

-Continues looking-

Mum: Why do you like people like Paranormal and not regular stuff?

Me: -laughs- Paranormal? You mean Paramore.

Mum: Well they're called Paranormal to me. And your Paranormal for liking them.

xD It was hilairious. Now whenever the room is silent, she'll stare at me and say Paranormal. Or if I do something stupid she'll call me Paranormal.

I was just talking and my brother and I break out in that All Star Weekend song.

Me: -sigh- I want to be...

Dustin and I singing: A ROCKSTAR, A SUPERHEROOOO! -startcrackingup-

:3 So funny.

So, we get t-shirts for stage crew, right? And you can get a nickname on the back. It's a thing in my social studies class (the teacher just so happens to run Stage Crew too ;P) that this kid John is always looking to get checks (like, participation points) so on the back of his shirt he puts down he wants "Got Checks?" When we get the shirts his doesn't say Got Checks, it says Got Cheeks. XD Like, the entire class burst out laughing for ten minutes, and he's sitting there all ".__." Poor John. xDD

Me and my friends were walking to math, in the sixth grade wing, and I see my little brother across the hall and shout "HI LITTLE CHILD." And some other, random kids waves to me. x] It was funny at the time. xDD


One of the FUNNIEST pathetic Krystal episodes happened last Sunday. I was at my friend's house with a group from our church. We were making uplifting posters to donate to a women's prison. Somehow we got onto the subject of Mario. And I broke out in song:

"Swing your arms, from side to side, come on it's time to go do the Mario! Take one step, and then again, come on do the Mar.. i.. What?!"

Everyone started cracking up. It was embarrassing, and hilarious. :'DD


Kaya: What's that? Oh it's a log. I thought it was his hair.

Me *looks in the direction and sees a man carrying something* wth?

Kaya: xD

Me *sees my mum* Hi mum!

Mum: Hi.

Kaya: What is that? Oh it's not a log it's a plank of wood.

Me: I thought that too. Wait no it's a carpet.

Kaya: Oh a carpet.

Me: Yeah a carpet.

Yeah I find the strangest things funny.

Yesterday me and Jess decided to have an arguement in the shop about who's looking after our children at the weekend.

People looked at us, two thirteen year old girls, confused.

XD Awesome.

Ohyus. An event after swim club, in the shower with two of my sister's friends. Let's call them N and G.

N: I needa go tinkle, but I don't want it to go cold.*

G: -moves away from shower drain- Go then.

N: I don't wanna go in the shower!


N: -dancing- Aha, Aha!

G: You smell like a strawberry shortcake!

N: -jumps up and down- =D

It was funny at the time. I was basically a bystander.

*Flushing a toilet makes the shower in the changing room go cold.


I went to my boyfriends show last night (He's in a band)

I almost got kicked in the face by a crowd surfing kid. He also almost fell on me.

I screamed and ran away.

The end xD

My sister and I were playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii this morning and I thought about Krystal's post about getting onto the topic of Mario and bursting into song... and basically:

Me: "Everybody do the Mario, it's time to go do the Mario"

I kept on doing that while my sister went "Everybody do the Mario, the Mario, the Mario, all day long!"

We found that very funny at the time xD

At the tire swing yesterday:

Kent: Are you ready for an under duck?

Me: What? No! I mean, Yes!

Kent: ahhahaha


Chelsea: You scream like a girl...

Me: Well, I am a girl, idiot!

Also at the tire swing;

Kent: I've got a bucket of water I'll throw on you


Kent: *throws the bucket while laughing menacingly*

Me: .__. That actually had water in it!

Kent: Isn't that the point?

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At work 2 funny things happened.

There were 4 of us just standing around and Carissa's like 'Anyone seen that white haired lady that spikes it up and used to come in everyday with the disabled guy she treats as her son even though he isn't? I haven't seen her in 2 months and I'm afraid something has happened to her' Fiona was like 'I remember her, god, I haven't seen her in ages. She drove that little white car and always parked it right there -points out window to a disability park-' and just as she points at it the lady pulled into the park and Carissa's face went white and she was like 'That was beyond creepy' It was actually so weird.

This guy came through and bought 8 bottles of wine. He's like 'This will make several headaches' and I laughed and said 'I'm going to guess you're holding some sort of gathering' and he's like 'No, actually I just felt like stocking up while it's cheap' and I was like 'Emergency stock?' and he's like 'Yupp' and I'm like 'Like a zombie apocalypse, several bottles of wine and you'll be too drunk to realise they're eating your brain' and he laughed and agreed that it'd be easier to get through one drunk and as he walked off he thumbs up'd me and said loudly 'Your imagination will get you places, kid' and I'm like 'I wasn't joking, it's coming' and he laughed and was like 'Seeyaa' and everyone stared at me because it was so quiet in there they had nothing better to do than listen to our conversation.

Me and Jess walked down the street, fingers interwoven and looking deeply in love just to see the "chavs" reaction. xD

Then we went to her's and tagged Beth's **** on Facebook on Beth's mum's album...

On the bus today, Urban [the bus driver] stopped in this rural area. Then these kids at the back of the bus screamed "URBAN'S GOING TO RAPE US! EACH AND EVERY ONE!" Then his friend responded "You're first!" Then the other boy's all "****!!! NOOOOO!"

Ahh.... good times.

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