Funny Moments at School


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The funniest times are always with our history teacher! He's hilarious! :)

Today he opened the window in the class and said "Okay, everybody enjoy the sunshine!" and he closed he's eyes and smiled weirdly. Lol! I cracked up, as well as my friends!

And he's the best teacher ever, 'cause he NEVER gives homework and he tells stories to us everytime! It's not like usual learning! :)

I have one. This was maybe Day2 of Semester2. We were in Crafts and Mr. Murray, the teacher, was talking about the rules. This one girl was whispering to another girl. Mr Murray goes and asks," Are you telling her the rules or are you trying to make sweet passionate love to her?" Then the two girls just started freaking out.

Memories :)

[SIZE=9pt]^ Lol, you have a weird teacher xDD[/SIZE]


Well, it's not hysterical, really, but it was at the time...

Err, two girls: T and D. Teacher: Miss. Lol =P


Miss: ... 7S, you will be in room S8 [something like that].

D: Will we still have Mr Smythe?

Miss: Yeess...

D: [quietly] Yes! [does little dance with T]

Miss: Girls, what was that?

D&T [lol] both crack up.

D: T... T loves.... T... T... [laughing hysterically]

Miss: T? Looks like D can't speak very well.

T: [still laughing]

D: T loves Mr Smythe!

Miss: T?!

T: I do not! I just think he's really hot.

Miss: [cracking up slightly] I think you should be concentrating on something else during lessons.


It was funny =]

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Today was hilarious.

Me, Jen and these 2 boys found this bug and put it in Mr K's coffee. He then drank it xDDD.

Then when Nicole and Mikee came back from Gym, Nicole put her finger in the sharpener and without realising she said ''Oooh, feels like its up my backside''. We all cracked up laughing.

Then Mr K was using using big words. Like ''insert your abstract at the back of your Society and Environment journal''.

Awww...good times xD.

ZOMG. I learn't the biggest word ever today!

I freaked and was asked to keep my vocal range to myself.

A blast from the past...

On a school camp to our capital city and from me and my mates room we could see a room with 4 boys and they sat playing cards with themselves and awkward looking fighting.

We named them the 'Henis guys'

We went to Te Papa and theres this huge piece of art. Its a big 10 metre radius black circle on the ground and on the ceiling and it actual looks amazing. Me and Laura lay in the middle of it yelling 'We are the art!' and the Henis Guys came up and asked us for our numbers and gave us theirs and then Lewis and Liam [aka the guys who loved me and Laura] tackled them in the middle of this busy, fancy and arty place screaming 'Keep your dirty mits off my ladies.' And we laughed and ran off and the HG's followed us and started saying 'Hey baby, how you do?' and other white gangsta stuff and it was very funny. Later that night we waved to them in the room from ours and then one waved back and his towel fell off giving us a very errmm... interesting sight.

I <333333 school camps.

I fell off my chair in Ecs and hit my head on the wall and now theres a denty cracky bit in the dry wall.

I laughed during silent maths because I scribble 'Laura Smells Bad' all over Lauras book and was laughing at my own joke.

Then we had a pen fight and my pens were confiscated and I had to write with a pencil that wasn't colourful [i write in purple, pink, bright blue and fluro green] and it sucked.


I hit my head so many times like that, its not funny.

Ooooh, I remember last year I was on the playground eating my sandwhich and my teacher was walking around like always, and I accidentally dropped my sandwhich on his head.

Lol, I got in so much trouble.

At camp, I was moping around, for whatever reason, and jay was all "Kaaaat~!" and was trying to make me play basketball. I was all, "You know I am physically challenged, I would missss..." and he was all, "PLEAASE" so I was like, "FINE FINE SHUT UP!" and I grabbed the ball, and threw it in the basket.. It was like, seriously, PERFECT. He screamed, and I walked away. xDD

Then, Angelina gave me a piggy back ride, and I fell onto the pavement. lmao

Me, Sam, Sophia, and Katie were all sitting in the hall, and Jesse walked by (Down teh hall.) I heard a loud bang, and then all of a sudden he came back, only, from like, the same way he had originally came, not up the hall. I was like "JESSEEE~~~~!" and he was all, "What." and I was all "How'd you do that?!" and he did the walking motion with his fingers. xD

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Today my friends and I attempted to reenact the I'm Not Okay video. But after a few hours of filming, we realized that the camera wasn't on record...

This really bg scary girl came up to me going on about twilight and was like 'Do you like twilight?' and I was about to say no then she said 'Oh, if you don't say you love it I crush you' I'm like 'Its like the best book ever, duh' and she said 'Good' and I turned away got about 3 metres and yelled 'TWILIGHT SMELLS - RUUUUUNNNNNNNN' then ran down the stairs to get away, smacked into the wall and tumbled the rest of the way down, got up and sprinted because that girl scares me.

In EVS we had to count seeds. Count out 70. 40 in one pottle and 30 in the other and Maddy and I got lazy and just estimate them, got the giggles and then knocked over 1 pottle and instead of picking them up with our hands we used tweezers one by one and really got on people nerves until the offered to help as well.

I got the urge to sing and the only line that came out was 'I'll take my clothes off and it will be shameless' and then I got all these awful looks from my teacher and 2 visiting teachers.

Today was funny-ish.

We did knitting with these elderly people who visited the school and everyone was like knitting perfectly and I couldnt do a single stitch. Then with the help of the elderly people, I did one stitch and I like yelled ''OH MY GAWDDDD, I like, did my first stitch...REJOICE, REJOICE''. And while I was doing that, I lost the stitch and the knitting thinggys flung and hit my friend in the head. Was so funny.

After school was and Sarah stayed at school for like an hour after school and we were just sitting on the bark, looking through eachother's bags and seeing what colour cars go past. Then I thought I saw Trace Cyrus [sarah loves him] and we like screamed and ran up to the guy, who turned out not to be Trace. We then sat down on the bark again, and the dude was playing cricket and we were talking about in appropriate subjects [Like what Sarah found in her mum's room]. He heard us...and then was funny.

Oooh, and Kathy got all dressed up today cuz she wanted to ask a guy out. She put on like loads of make-up and put on her best shoes & socks and stuff. He rejected her, lol.

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