Funny Moments at School


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One time, my teahcer found a broken pencil on the ground, and she makes this huge speech about breaking your property and wasting materials and that. I said "Well, you can sharpen the end without the point, and boom. You've got two pencils!"

During Art, me and Sam were drawing random stick people and claiming they're Adam's lovers. We made them really stupid names like "Suicidal Spencer" and "Pimple Pete." and Adam found the most delightful ways to kill them. He would draw them getting blown up my hand grenades, getting chainsawed in half, etc. And every person had a different death. xD

During Math, it was pretty much silent except for a few voices, and Adam goes "Your hair smells nice!" and he kept smelling my hair all class. :/

Some kid in Kindergarden was stalking Kaitlyn. When Kaitlyn walked away, and girl would be like "No! Don't go away!" and hug her.

In Science, we had to name the types of tissues, and Brandon says epithelial tissue. Wyatt says "Wow! Big word, much. Do you want to be a doctor or someth- Oh yeah. You want to be a surgeon." xD

And in Science, everyone thinks I'm a freak because I already know most of the stuff about cells and tissues and stuff that we're learning. And I'm the only one that can pronounce confusing words. Like "endoplasmic reticulum"

A guy called Krish was like "Granny Apples!" when we were talking about "Green, White and Black.". Random, but everyone laughed. Even Mr. Quiet. (Tony <3). My teacher was like "Ok, now 'cause you have seating arrangements doesn't mean you're gonna catch cooties from the person next to you. They're not gonna kiss you or ask you to marry them. I don't want any underage marriages.".

On Wednesday Ms. Conry said to name our 3 favourite TV shows (In Yr 6, GAWD. Don't we have anything better to do?). A kid said "The Biggest Loser" and Ms Conry said "Yes, 'cause YOU have to go on it.". OMG. This teacher cracks me up.

Last Thursday we taped a "Kick me. I beg you!" sign on our English teacher's back!! It was soo funny!

And we taped another one on our maths teacher too! =3

Okay,I have a few more XD I was at lunch on friday and this kid named josh(I Call him Alexander,Like from vampire Kisses. I <3 him) he sits at our lunch table and he had this ring on with flowers and pink stones and he was asking people if it was manly. here's the convo:

Him:Check out my new ring

Skylar:Dude,thats a girly ring

him:No,it isn't. Tristan,(Me) is this a girly ring?


Him:No it isn't

me:Ummm yeah it is

Him:No it isn't

*Yells at Random teacher walking by*

Him:Is this a girly ring?


Me: I told ya!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then later me and my friend were walking with Alexander later and my friend likes him too and shes been trying to get me to ask him out for her and we were walking down the hall and this is us talking:



Laurel:Ask him for me!


Him:Ask me what?

Me:Laurel wants to go out with you!!!!!!!!

Him:I know.

Laurel:HOW DID YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Him:Your standing right beside me.

The he left and Laurel just said "He didn't even give me an answer!!!!!!!!!!!" XD

I was playing with my glasses all day.

Charles knocked a paper off his desk and walked 10 metres to get it.

Tony looked at the fan and rolled his eyes.

Emily slapped the atlas on Tony's face.

Charles and Niyazul made faces at each other.

Kavindu was playing with the atlas and pointing at places, like ***** and Malaysia.

Kavindu told me to sing and asked if I liked High School Musical. I said no and he said he hated me.

Then we started singing "Status Quo" and he said "See, you like HSM. Now I like you again!"

Richard said toboggan as "to-bog-gon".

Ms Conry reacted to that as "What's that? A japanese warrior?" Talk about racist.

Ms Conry said "What the hell".

Ms Conry told us a story of when she was young.

Emily, Tony and I were staring at each other from around the room.

Tony grabbed a book about 1995 off the shelf and started reading it.

Tony dissed me and told me not to cry. I did, anyway.

I walked through the door after lunch with Tony next to me. I said "dang it". And he was all like "What?"

I said "Sorry for being a bi***, like I said." to Tony. He loved it.

Alexandra danced out the door, jumping up and down ang moving her arms like wind-screen wipers.

I executed the moonwalk like I stepped in s**t. Then I did one that looked like.. well, way better.

I jumped of the staircase, thinking I was a bird. I felt like I was actually flying.

Ms Conry gave us our school diaries, when she wasn't allowed to. We're the first class to get them. Only Yr 5&6 are allowed them. Yay.

That was the best day of my life.

Ohmagawd. At my school, I started a trend. What I did, was I got a box of condoms, and I got some white gravy, and put about a spoon full in each one, and dropped them in the halls, in the bathrooms, and implanted them in sixth graders' desks. Now, after news of my genius spread, and sixth grader screams could be heard, everyone started doing it. xD That's what teachers get for telling us to be imaginative.
We did that until some chick got expelled for it when it was us.

It happened in year 8. We put one hanging out of a guys bag and his mates gave him sh!t about it.

Playing with condoms must be more fun then what your mean't to use them for.

Band Lessons [2nd period] :

I asked Mr.Hanna if Besson makes good instruments, and he said yes, so I said "Good, because I read on wikipedia that theres a counterfeit brand called "Bessons"." Mr.H: That's stupid. Why would they make something SO obvious? Me: Probably because they can trick people into buying their fakes. [i taught Mr.H something. o.o]

Mr.Hanna taught me a quick math lesson. C:


I saw Johannes, and Thora said I had a crush on him, and I kept denying it, and my face went red. D:


Today we had a messed up seating arrangement! o:

Okay, so you know how a band/orchestra is in a semi circle? Well, today, it wasn't! O: It was to the left, in a straight line! xD [First row: Flutes. 2nd row: All Clarinets + Me. O_O 3rd row: Trumpets,Trombone + Bari sax. 4th row: Horns,Altos and Tenor. 5th row: Percussion.] O_O IT WAS AWESOME!

I had to sit next to Taylor, and we had to sing our parts in Wild Westerns, so she put her hand in my bell and tried reaching to the bottom and told me it was wet. xD

Me + George had to play our special part in TWW!... And everyone thought George had a solo. [George is quieter than me.. o.o AND I'm the foundation of the band yo. xD]

Taylor looked at my music, and said "I can play that!", Me: No you can't. -.- Then we got into a big discussion.

We skipped to measure 122 [silverado] and Trombones have a special part [it sounds like Indiana Jones! O_O"] and Ryan + Scott had to play it, and George kept shaking Scott's instrument. xD

We had to clap something, and I had my Tuba on it's side on my lap, so TAYLOR TRIED PUTTING HER CLARINET IN MY BELL! O________O

Me + Taylor were talking duing a rest, and she asked me when I had ROB, and I found out she's in my ROB class. >:]

Taylor was fixing her hair during the rest, and she said "I'm using your Tuba as a mirror! It makes a good one too.". xD

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Today during math my teacher was doing some stuff with the sides of a triangle and she asked me what one of the sides was so I said 4 and she said how did you get that answer? And I said I guessed and the whole class started laughing. and the really funny part is I got the answer right.

A couple years ago we had a sub in the room and any time he turned around to write something down on the board we all stood up and started doing the wave.

My friend David would always make these weird groaning sounds when the room was all quiet.

In theatre, This guy J kept touching my hair and shoulders, So I threw my hand in the air, and screamed, "MS.-TheatreTeacher'sName. J IS THREATENING ME IN A MANNER THAT COULD BE INTERPRETED AS SEXUAL." And J was like "What....? Am not." And Ms.-TheatreTeacher'sName- was like, "J. Stop Touching Phoebe in a sexual manner." And he was like "I AM NOT." And I was like xD Then, he started whispering something to me, and I screamed, "SHUT UP. I DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX IN THE JANITOR CLOSET WITH YOU." And he was like "Oh please! I did not just ask you to have sex in the janitor closet with you." And the teacher was like xDDDD

In theatre, This guy J kept touching my hair and shoulders, So I threw my hand in the air, and screamed, "MS.-TheatreTeacher'sName. J IS THREATENING ME IN A MANNER THAT COULD BE INTERPRETED AS SEXUAL." And J was like "What....? Am not." And Ms.-TheatreTeacher'sName- was like, "J. Stop Touching Phoebe in a sexual manner." And he was like "I AM NOT." And I was like xD Then, he started whispering something to me, and I screamed, "SHUT UP. I DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX IN THE JANITOR CLOSET WITH YOU." And he was like "Oh please! I did not just ask you to have sex in the janitor closet with you." And the teacher was like xDDDD

Lol X.Neon, condoms!

Me and my friends always stick pads on random things, trees, desks, railings, whatever we can find.

Today nothing really happened. It rained so it was a pretty boring Monday. And my mexicanos weren't at school today. :0

In theatre, This guy J kept touching my hair and shoulders, So I threw my hand in the air, and screamed, "MS.-TheatreTeacher'sName. J IS THREATENING ME IN A MANNER THAT COULD BE INTERPRETED AS SEXUAL." And J was like "What....? Am not." And Ms.-TheatreTeacher'sName- was like, "J. Stop Touching Phoebe in a sexual manner." And he was like "I AM NOT." And I was like xD Then, he started whispering something to me, and I screamed, "SHUT UP. I DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX IN THE JANITOR CLOSET WITH YOU." And he was like "Oh please! I did not just ask you to have sex in the janitor closet with you." And the teacher was like xDDDD
I would do something like that to Brendan.. xDDDD

It was my freshman year, and I was in engineering class.

Now, in my school, the art class will put their artwork up in the hallway, some of them containing nudity.

Well, in class, my teacher had a picture of Michaelangelo's "David" on a slideshow. She had put a white circle over his man-parts, so that nobody would be ofended.

I'm one of those people that, if art contains nudity, let people be offended. So, I said, "We see that ALL the time in the hallway." What I had MEANT was the art classes' pictures that would hang on the walls in the hallway.

However, everyone else took it a COMPLETELY different way.

So the catchphrase for a while was, "We see that ALL the time in the hallway!"

Tony wants to be a unicorn. "Cause I'm rare.. and I have a shiny horn." - He says.

Ms Conry said "Retard".

Tony said "You're not my type" to me... Haha.

Today was very funny and weird.

In the morning, the clock had only one hand on it and it wasnt moving. Five minutes later, the same clock had two hands and WAS moving. And no one came to fix it. Creepy...

Oh yesh. I broke my pencil yesterday by accident D:

And also today we had computers and I kept making stupid typos. 'Twas funny.

And me and my friends were practising this film clip thing and we put our arms in the air, I was holding my bottle and forgot to close it so all the water splattered out xD.

I also walked into a pole. Oh yesh, very not good D;


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This wasn't at school but I was in my uniform so close enough

My family minus my dad were at the mall and I was drinking some Red Bull and eating my maccas and my mum and sister stood up and left to go buy food for dinner. My brother went to put the rubbish in the bin then just walked away. I thought he was going to come right back but he didn't so I said out loud to myself 'I've just been ditched by someone lamer than me!' and this old lady bursts out laughing at me pointing then whispers something to her man friend then 3 guys laughed when I stood up and left and told my bro what happened and half way through my sentence my voice went very high and made this horrid noise and there were the 3 guys one came up to me and told me its ok to seek help from men in white coats and ran off. I still have my dignty very intacked but will always have the memory of a old lady laughing at me. She was like 90!

This was in my school uniform. Hah.

I was at the store, and I all of a sudden had the urge to say a joke, so I did. (The isle was mostly deserted exceot for one guy crouched on the ground looking at jelly, and another guy further down looking at cards.)

So I started (loudly) to say my joke.

"What does the pink panther say when he steps on an ant?!!!" (singing along to beat of the pink panther theme song) "DEADANT DEADANT DEADANT DEADANT DEADANT DEADANT DEADANT."

Silence for a few seconds.

Then the guy looking at jelly BURST OUT LAUGHING. He was like, ROTFLMAO... Litterally. o_O

It was so weird. xD

This is not really funny, just fun for me ;D

Well I usually go during 7th and 8th grade choir to practice my bass clarinet, because I got in a special honor band thingie. 8th grade was testing, so there was about 10 7th graders. Anyway I was asking my BD (also CD) if there was a "trick" to playing high notes on a bass clarinet. It was only my 5th time playing, and I needed help. She is showing me when all of the sudden, this preppy girl drags out her baritone and starts playing obnoxious notes -.-;; I got mad. Later on, I was playing the Piano parts xD My friends were pushing buttons and stuff. Haha fun ;D

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