Funny Moments at School


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Courtney and I are really obsessing over "Chuck Norris" and "Dinkleberg", so we came up with Dinklenorris and Chuckberg.

And in math class, one of the word problems had a guy named Walter, and the picture showed an African-American kid with a red/white striped shirt and glasses. So Courtney screamed out "I FOUND BLACK WALDO!"

In Launguage Arts class:

About 3 people have gotten thier phone taken away for using it in class, and it seems like everyone knows...

Ms. Moran: *Mentions someone...*


Ms. Moran: *Takes away her phone* You just won ******* of the day and the day has barely started.

Michael: She should get a trophy for this!

Ms. Moran: Yeah, we'll have a big trophy ceremony for her and she'll have a giant trophy that says "******* of the day"!

Micheal: I want a T-shirt that says "I'm texting her right now"!

Nicole: You guys are never gonna stop talking about this, are you?

Ms. Moran: Nope.

My Language Arts class is awesome.

The last post isn't 3 months old yet, so...

In math class:

Ms. Stan: Okay class, in order to answer this we need to do the opposite of addition. What's the opposite of addition?

Nia: Multiply!

Ms. Stan: ...What?

Wesley: Huh?

Nia: Wait what?

Ms. Stan: Just ignore her, she's saying random things.

Nia: Muuultiplyyy...

In Geography class: (Kinzel has a history of answering "Is it 'cause I'm black?" every time the teacher won't give him something he wants)

(We are talking about how much fun we had together this year)

Mr. Butterfield: Kinzel, the first thing you told me in this class was "Can I have a 20 dollar bill?" And I said no, and you said "Is it 'cause I'm black?"

Kinzel: No you probably give the white kids 20 bucks every day!

Mr. Butterfield: Oh yeah, yeah that's right. I give all the white kids in here 20 dollars every day because they're white. Kinzel, I'm not a racist. Has anyone in here who's white ever recieved 20 dollars from me?

Shawn: *Raises hand* (Mr. Butterfield once gave him a 20 dollar cowboy card, which is something that the teachers can give to Seniors so they can go to some fast food place for lunch)

Mr. Butterfield: Shawn, you're ruining my point.

In Geography class again:

(We are playing Jeopardy with Geography questions for extra credit points, apparently he is out of Geography questions)

Mr. Butterfield: Who is the smelliest kid in the class? *picks Lorenzo*

Lorenzo: Kinzel!

Mr. Butterfield: Point for Lorenzo. Who is the most annoying kid in the class? *picks Sydney*

Sydney: Kinzel!

Mr. Butterfield: Point for Sydney. Who is the worst student in the class? *picks Kinzel*

Kinzel: Me! *Points to himself*

Mr. Butterfield: Point for Kinzel.

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Last year Miles and Jacob were making brownies in Food technology. Jacob smashed a glass bowl and Miles got really mad. I wasn't there but when Miles told me we both died in a fit of laughter.

My friend Sarah and I sit in English, and call eachother stupid names. For example: "Bubblebutt!" -Me. "Fishbrain!"-Sarah. It's hilarious. Plus, when our teacher says something, Sarah will most likely comment on it. "Today we're going to..." "You know, this one time.." -This annoying kid in our class. "(Kid's name), we hate you, think you're an idiot, and you smell!" -Sarah. "Oops! That was supposed to stay in my head. *Points to head then covers mouth*" -Sarah. "Hahahahahahahahahahahah!" -Me and Sarah.

Hahaha, we have some good times in English. :)

Ive had so many funny moments in school its hard to count them all here are my favorites :lol:

1. I'm in math its all quiet until "EVERYBODY'S RUSSIAN!" Some kid just yells that out! I think its from the song Friday. o_O history we were talking about the Mayans then my teacher brings up the top 3 richest people and then he talks about how Bill Gates has a foundation and I'm just sitting there like WTF :mellow:

3. I'n math class me and my friend were haveing a MAC v.s PC fight and some kid in the middle of it sreams "MCCAIN FOR THE LOSS!!!!"

4.Today in math class someone ate a maker XD

By the way this all happend in 7th grade (Witch i'm almost done with!!!)

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In 1st grade( a loooonnngg time ago) , there was this girl named Margaret, and me an my friend bit our nails and spit them on Margaret when her back was turned xD We were little brats.

Once, my friend licked a scented marker and said it tastes like candy. So I licked it and it did! The techer left for just 5 minuites and when she got back, everyone was sucking on scented markers (I was in like, 3rd grade, so don't blame ME!)

I yelled "RED ROBIN!" in the hall and to my surprise, everyone replied with a "YUMMMM!" xD

1.) This one time, my bestfriends and I were at our lunch table, and one friend yelled out "SIERRA'S A LESBIAN!" and the whole cafeteria looked at me, it was quite funny.


2.) My friend was walking up the stairs, and I said something to her, she looked over at me, and tripped. She was okay, but it was funny.


3.) This was yesterday, but these 4 girls were having an arguement (I think for real) about who was better... Elmo, Cookie Monster, or Big Bird... XDDD

Okay, this was recent but we have to hand in student homework diaries for the teacher to check. Now one of my friends, Ella, had never handed it in, so the teacher (who's humorous) was writing punishments on the board, everybody raised their hands and told him one. I raised my hand a said, "send her to an orphanage." Everybody agreed.

The people who rode on the bus were sent to the office about their 'bad' behavior on the bus. I do not go on the bus, but it was Mr. Hally making the announcement. (We call him Jelly Belly because he's overweight and we all hate him), I was all like, "HE'S GONNA **** THEM ALL!"

There was this one time a loonnggg time ago, where everytime we had a silly replacement teacher who asked us to put our names on a card or something we all put fake names on it. I was Emily once, and Yuna twice. The teacher found out our names and we were all in trouble.

Last year, the teacher we HATE the most (Ms. Paten or something) forced us to play bored board games so we came up with a plan, one of us would be yelled at, then run out the door, almost out of the school and hide. Then we would all yell it the teacher. She was so freaked out.

I have 3 that I can think of from the top of my head.

I walked into one of my classes with a big green bucket on my bottom, and when I walked in I was all like "Mai butt is so big it's Green!" and then a kid slapped it. I told him how violated I felt.

This one was 5th grade, the teacher asked what Fiber did and I raised my hand and she called on me, but it came out wrong and I said "It makes you poop." and being fifth graders they all had to laugh.

During our free period, me and my friend, lets call him Jasen, were fighting over who gets to sit in the bean-bag chairs, and we finally both got one and then we decided to have a race around the classroom, in the beanbag chairs, it was amazing.

Edit: Haha, I have a friend Shelby, and during lunch me and her were in the classroom, the teacher wanted to call a girl's parent and she couldn't get a hold of her, so she asked for Shelby's phone, and she handed to her and the teacher made the call, afterwards Shelby didn't want to put up her phone up so she asked me. I walked to her backpack and put the phone back, then I spotted a bag of skittles in the backpack and just stood there eating them, and then Shelby called my name and I all turned around all scared. xD

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on the last peroid of the last day of the half term in geography with our horrible teacher Mr. F so we decided when the bell rang for half term the class would do the mexican wave and we did it worked and the teacher went BALISTIC. Hilarious

In science class...

Teacher:So fat cells...


*everyone snickers*


Teacher:Now fat cells...

Same kid:FLAB!!

*everyone starts laughing*

Okay, fresh from today, our whole class is full of the funniest Grade Sixers ever, with a few exceptions.

Today our school day was very very very windy, te building was creaking from the wind and it sounded like it was going to tip over. Sometimes it sounded like farting and everybody was like, "CHANDLER!!!" (Mr. Chandler is our teacher.)

But the first time it creak badly, some guy yelled out "My mum's coming!" It was much funnier at the moment, you had to be there to actually get how funny it was.

I just realized how fun windy days actually are.

Another time during the day, these guys were trying to look under girls skirts and stuff, it was hilarious. We were also having piggy back wars, when someone tried to give someone else a piggy back everybody would push them around. Eventually I tried to kick them but I slid in the mud instead.

Best lunchtime ever. <3

someone was taking pictures on the last day of school, and some kid lifted his shirt in front of the camera and they took a picture of it xD

Well it's been a long time since I've been in school but there is one thing.

We were in the gym for some reason and my friends and I were sitting on the bleachers talking when some girl none of us knew came up and asked me for a quarter. Well even if I had a quarter I'm not gonna give it to a perfect stranger so I say no. She then asks me if I knew anyone who might have a quarter. I said yes. She starts to look all hopeful and asks me who. I reply "Donald Trump"

She calls me something I probably shouldn't repeat here and storms off while we all laugh at her.

One time on band trip, some kids bought a live crab and kept it in the bathtub and charged $0.25 to come look at it. It died and they gave it to the hotel cook, who actually cooked and served it. Sketchy, sketchy hotel.

In my yearbook, there's a picture of a kid in soccer getting hit in the...ah, you-know-where.

And my English teacher, who's approximatly 6'5 and is extremely muscular, came in with this really short kid over his shoulder XD I was like "wth?? lawl"

And also, my band teacher let random students conduct. It was absolutley hysterical. I conducted, and I was awesome. lol :D

I wore a shirt that was PURE zebra stripes one day. I was a very crazy girl in year 7. I also wore fake glasses, and fake bangs that hardly matched my hair. Lawl, I'm sure I'm losing points for that XD

...that's all I can think of right now. Year 7 sucked for me, cuz most of my teachers were demons. So, I'm hoping Year 8 will be better. Yes, I'm calling it Year instead of Grade. It sounds fancier.

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