Okay guys , can u help me help Matthew out hes a kid that is gonna have a bone marrow transplant soon and they cant find a perfect match . he needs a 6/6 but they only can find a 5/6. well Matthew wants people to visit his web site and its www.alexandmatt.com. he want 500,00 hits before his surgery on JULY 13! ( that means go to the GUEST BOOK and sign it. write a little note of encourage ment or somethin nice and end it with (5/6 in Gods Hands IS PERFECT!)
PLEEZE do this guys ! the kid need help and we dont have much time ! remeber to keep him in ur prayers and PLEEZE sign!
One of our Dream Factory kids, MatthewPearl, is in Minnesota awaiting a life-saving bone marrow transplant that is not a perfect match. He and his sister both have Fanconi Anemia, a fatal, geneticdisease, unless intervention, like a transplant, is performed. We completed Alex's dream in 2000 shortly before hertransplant. Alex wanted to swim with the dolphins and went to DiscoveryCove, and Matt wanted to drive the Disney Cruise ship in 2002, and they did!!.
Their website is www.alexandmatt.com Matt wants to get to 500,000 hits on their site before his transplant on July13, and wants everyone to mention how they are "connected" tohim. Could I please send this to all of our chapters and ask them to takea minute to forward a message and ask their members to email Matthew, wishinghim good luck, etc., and telling their state, and connection (Dream Factory)?
Thanks a lot.
Pam Passwater
Alex and Matt have been to Paul Newman'sHole-in-the-Wall camp for three summers. Their situation is pretty grim -Dad lost his job due to cost of second transplant, and the match is only a 5/6,not the desired 6/6. Their family has registered, I think, almost1000,000 additional people in bone marrow drives all over the US and Canada, and of the 4.5 millionregistered donors world-wide, none is a perfect match for Matt