Friends: any differences between American ver and European ver?


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I heard the display for the American version of the tamagotchi friends has a brighter display then the European version but I don't own both versions so I'm not for sure

There are different games, all i know that theres a driving game and ice cream game

Thanks!Is this valid also for the American ones with the European designs like Blue Dalmatian and Colorful Leopard?Or is this just valid for the new designs?

The games are... Driving, Dance, Find the IceCream. Then you unlock the games at 30 pieces of jewelry collected. I haven't bought that many yet. 60 total.

We don't have the UK designs. Our idl type has white/clear not the color/clear cover. Then our own designs... Purple jewels, Blue with stars, Pink with black/bow.

I hear you might be getting our designs later. Possibly with our play data/edits.

I know European designs are available in Canada and in the US too, I've seen them in one of the toyfairs' photos, they contain the colored icons too.I hope to find an American Blue Dalmatian, even if I'll probably buy a European Pink Gem here in Italy this week, but I want both versions, I'd like to try the new games and the bump feature :) and I want to support this new version, maybe someday, there will be a color screen Tamas for us.

Nope... I think those are just for comparasions. The ToyWiz people have the UK versions but don't expect the heart icons. If so, you could switch the inners and sell the other.

My TRU full shipment was 6 American shells. They said they weren't expecting anymore shell types and it maybe a while before tey get more tamas shipped into my TRU. Note, my TRU, not all.

I'm not saying I want the new icons, I said that they contain the icons because I think they're probably the American ones.

And some people said that the European designs will be available in Canada and in the US too, I hope it's not a lie...

I think its the other way around. "wave two will be available in the uk" We just got ours, so this early to have a "wave two" (what they would be for us) would be silly. Now, for you guys, you could probably find them sometime soon.

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