Fresh Starts


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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
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Pennsylvania, USA
Well, summer is here (finally). My 7th grade year definatly has not been good on the popualerty and self esteem levels. *sighs* Part of it was because I was on prednisone half of the year, I thought I was fat, stopped eating, and now I am too skinny. (It's a LONG story! XD) I am planning a fresh start for eigth grade already! Here they are:


~buy a hair straightener... pronto

~take my iPod to school

~only take one Tama to school-- unfortunalty, they are not popular, a hassle to get to school through the metal detectors, etc.

~gain some weight (I am very skinny---hopefully I'll get some weight around my *ahem* chest... if you will, hips, and butt. LOL)



I am also redoing my room, for me. My friend came over today and we played Clean Sweep on my room. Hopefully we will paint it soon.


So... any suggestions for me? Anyone else doing anything to get a "Fresh Start"? I want to know! Please!




Lol what I'm hoping for before the new school year in Gr. 10 starts, is to:

~Get braces.

~(Try) To finish my 40 hours of volunteer work.

~Buy a Wii

~Get my hair straighten...

And umm...Thats about it! Lol

Your school has metal detectors? 0___o Woah.

I'm redoing my room by sticking paper cranes on the ceiling. Count 536 :3

I suggest you try some new things, and see if you can make some friends there.

Since next year we have to wear uniforms, to start fresh, I will:

-Buy really nice uniform stuff so it will be like I'm not even wearing a uniform.

-Buy really nice pencils, binders, ect.

-Try out contacts instead of glasses.

-Start wearing my hair down.


- Get a hot new hair, makeup and wardrobe look.

- Be involved in Competitive Dancing

- Dye my hair Lighter

- Buy some new songs for my iPod.

- Eat and Excersice right.

- Focus on defeating Depression.

- Focus on my Acting skills.

Yeah, I have a few things that I'd like to improve. This year was a no-no.

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i new a BIG new start.

i gotta go to high school

1. im not taking any crap next year

2. im gonna be obsessed with FOB even if ppl hate them

3. i need to lose weight badly :'[

4. try not to fall in love with another girl :// wow o_O

5. remember to text my Boy freind back everytime xD ahah

yeah thats bout it im not gonna list the others :/

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- Get a new haircut. Depending on what haircut I get, I will either straighten it, or make it slightly wavy. (Like the 'beach waves.'

- Become a better athlete. I want to run a 7:30 mile everytime. I also want to do better in P.E, swim team, and windsurfing.

- Get nicer clothes. Not fancy clothes (like hollister), just nicer looking clothes.

- Keep my backpack organized. I was going to do that last year, and did a little better than I did in sixth grade. Next year there will be no loose papers in my backpack.

- Maybe get braces. I don't know, if the orthodontist says I need them, I want to get them.

- Get contacts. I don't have glasses yet, but I don't want them. I want contacts. It's really annoying not being able to see the board in class.

- Think before I speak, and speak more.

-Be more..organized with my binder and locker.

-Don't slack on outfits! Under no circumstaance will I wear jeans, a sweat shirt, and my hair pulled up at all. I have to dress my best, when I do, I focus more on my work instead of how bad I look.

-Wear make up, I look better when I do. xD

-Wear contacts like I'm supposed to. It's tiring not being able to see what youre supposed to copy for your notes.

Well, summer is here (finally). My 7th grade year definatly has not been good on the popualerty and self esteem levels. *sighs* Part of it was because I was on prednisone half of the year, I thought I was fat, stopped eating, and now I am too skinny. (It's a LONG story! XD) I am planning a fresh start for eigth grade already! Here they are: 

~buy a hair straightener... pronto

~take my iPod to school

~only take one Tama to school-- unfortunalty, they are not popular, a hassle to get to school through the metal detectors, etc.

~gain some weight (I am very skinny---hopefully I'll get some weight around my *ahem* chest... if you will, hips, and butt. LOL)



I am also redoing my room, for me. My friend came over today and we played Clean Sweep on my room. Hopefully we will paint it soon.


So... any suggestions for me? Anyone else doing anything to get a "Fresh Start"? I want to know! Please!



Nice. I'm going to High School next year and I'm TOTALLY having a fresh start.


In fact, I only started wearing make-up (eyeliner and mascara) in March after Spring Break, which means my ugly yearbook picture had me with NO make-up. I plan to look hotter too. And since I wear make-up now, that means I'll have make-up in my 9th grade yearbook picture. Plus I plan to dye my air black with red streaks. If not red streaks, I'll just have it black. I already straighten my hair, but it never stays straighten. I plan to get my hair thinned out so I can easily straighten it and have it a little bit shorter.



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