true that!personally, i don't think the game experience is the same when you play it on an emulator or just as a flash game online. It's very satisfying to pop a cartridge/ disk into your console and play with a real controller. especially older ones. 8D That's why i bought a N64 a few years back, and why i just bought an NES!!!
No.^Unfortunately, games do break, but you'll have to buy another one.
personally, i don't think the game experience is the same when you play it on an emulator or just as a flash game online. It's very satisfying to pop a cartridge/ disk into your console and play with a real controller. especially older ones. 8D That's why i bought a N64 a few years back, and why i just bought an NES!!!
That is not a appropriate answer... Saying no could mean anything (besides yes obviously) if you are disagreeing then you are obviously one of those people that download games illegaly
Illegal!!!so this site has free NES games. there are no viruses because you dont download anything! (except the latest flash player XP) at the bottom of the page they have links to other game consoles to play. check it out! nintendo8