Found one of my old Tamas!


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Dec 31, 2008
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My brother found one of my old V2 Tamas!

It was my favourite version and I think it still is and it's the transparent yellow one with blue buttons.

I hope to find my other V2 and my V3 when my mum pulls out my old unit [if they're there hopefully] and hope to get a V4 and a Music Star [the V4 if I can persuafe my mum to bring me to get one because they still sell them in my country.

I have to get batteries for them, so where do you get Tamasgotchi batteries from?

Cool. I have never tried the v2. I get my batteries from a 2 dollar shop. It was 10 for 2 bucks.

I got mine from Dicksmith (an electronics shop- its name is actually two words long but Tamatalk's coding probably won't let me type it here). They're CR 2032 batteries.

Thanks a lot.

I managed to do a batery transplant on my Tama and I restarted him and he's now a Marutchi.

I'll keep these places in mind when I need new batteries.

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