Forbbiden Fates


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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2008
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Angel put a hand to her forehead. She'd be feeling dizzy all day, in the morning, at school, and even now, after school! This was not good for her, because she had tried so hard in tama primary school to get into this top tama high school, and if you didn't work hard enough, you'd get kicked out!

Angel sighed and dragged herself back to her squished tama cottage. She wished she had loving parents who could care for her, who could make her feel loved and appreciated. But it had just happened that she was an orphan, one that no-one liked, one that everyone in the school thought was stupid and lame.

Angel decided to go for a little walk, to calm herself down, and because her dizzy spell was getting worse by the minute.

I'm not stupid, thought Angel, as she shuffled along the roads. I don't care what everyone thinks! I----

Everything went black. Angel hit the ground with a hard thud. Faintly, she could hear other tamas yelling, screaming, and saying "CALL AN AMBULANCE, YOU DORK-HEAD!" Then everything faded away. Is this what dying was like? thought Angel weakly. I can't die, my mother told me to search for my lost sister before she died, how can i meet her in the underworld before fulfilling her wish..............

"Angel! Are you okay? I was so worried when Annie told me you fainted on the footpath?" gasped the worried voice of Angel's only best friend, Sarah.

"Sa-Sarah, where am I? What ha-happened?" whispered Angel.

Just then, a doctor walked in. "Umm, Angel, I hate to tell you this, but you have acute leukaemia, and you need a marrow transplant within 6 months, otherwise you have no hope!" she said, before walking out again.

"WHAT?!?!" exploded Angel, shocked.



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