Focusing Tamagotchi


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I don't get what you're saying... "I WANT TAMAGOTCHIS TO BE A BORING WASTE OF TIME LIKE VINTAGES! I DON'T WANT ANY UNIQUE FEATURES THAT MAKE TAMAGOTCHIS FUN AND INTERESTING!" I don't like thinking of Tamagotchis as pets because in the anime they can talk and go to school and are just like people. What's wrong with all the engaging features that make Tamagotchi stand out from simple, purposeless virtual pets? :huh:

Well, I'm fine with the Tama's as they are. I do like vintage ones a lot, but I'm also planning on buying a Tama-Go.

All the features it has, even though some may seem pointless and just a detail make it all together fun. By adding small features into a tamagotchi it gets a bit more unexpectfull which is what people want I believe.

I don't get what you're saying... "I WANT TAMAGOTCHIS TO BE A BORING WASTE OF TIME LIKE VINTAGES! I DON'T WANT ANY UNIQUE FEATURES THAT MAKE TAMAGOTCHIS FUN AND INTERESTING!" I don't like thinking of Tamagotchis as pets because in the anime they can talk and go to school and are just like people. What's wrong with all the engaging features that make Tamagotchi stand out from simple, purposeless virtual pets? :huh:
Was this directed to me?

Hopefully my point was well made in the first two posts I created. The history and what they were to start with is irrelevant, however what they are today or the versions in the connection series seams more like someone came up with an idea and they found a way to fit it in vs looking at the design from the beginning and having cohesion between the different levels and stair stepping to reach a goal.

Just look at all the things you can do on the tamagotchi and remove anything that doesn't actually add to the end game (another generation?). Going to the park, eating out, growing food, the shop, items, extra food, tamatown, mail, going to school, getting a job, etc. Those are nice features, but I don't see them as actually part of the end game. However if they were integrated more into the end game (another generation?). But all these features are easily connected together with a little fancy programing.

School gives personality that is used to find the "right" mate.

Job gives you money to pay for things for the "right" mate.

You can Shop for Items to give to the "right" mate.

You can go to the park to find the "right" mate.

You can take your sweetheart out to eat.

You can take your sweetheart out to movies, trips, etc.

If you don't perform these then you won't get married and you won't have children and you won't go on to the next generation. However they can add in special characters based on generations of the same personality. They can add in the beauty queen/king date that is very demanding and hard to catch unless you give lots of gifts and go out all the time vs some of the other characters only requiring food and a rose at home to fall in love.

I'm just saying there is more that they can do to interconnect all these ideas to make the game flow and still keep up the difficulty of raising a pet/friend until they are old.


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i love the dating idea! that would be super cute :D

I don't think the main goal of a Tamagotchi should be to go to the next generation. The goal of a Tamagotchi is to take good care of your pet, play, and buy stuff for it.

Also, I hate those stuff where I MUST first do something before I can do something. Although earning money to buy stuff doesn't.

School gives personality that is used to find the "right" mate.

Job gives you money to pay for things for the "right" mate.

You can Shop for Items to give to the "right" mate.

You can go to the park to find the "right" mate.

You can take your sweetheart out to eat.

You can take your sweetheart out to movies, trips, etc.

Honestly that whole idea sounds more like a video game for Nintendo or whatever to me than a Tamagotchi.

I already don't like most of the options on the connections versions that to me defeat the purpose of a Tamagotchi.

Honestly that whole idea sounds more like a video game for Nintendo or whatever to me than a Tamagotchi.

I already don't like most of the options on the connections versions that to me defeat the purpose of a Tamagotchi.
So to create a better Tamagotchi we should define what the purpose is. Obviously I feel as though you should be challenged to keep the pet happy through out it's life-cycle.

To be fair, othercents ideas are interesting, if because they make a more unique experience. I've gotten bored with tamagotchis when I unlocked everything, so something to make it more challenging will be welcoming. Perhaps I'd like to see a tamagotchi life sim. You play as a character I guess, and just interact around a town of you're own.(Like.. Say, animal crossing?)

However, I will never give up on the current series of tamagotchi in Japan. I love what they have done so much XP Its really cool.

So to create a better Tamagotchi we should define what the purpose is. Obviously I feel as though you should be challenged to keep the pet happy through out it's life-cycle.
That would make it more of a game than a virtual pet like the classics.

And that is what Bandai is doing with the newer releases, so for another release in the game-style they are doing now anyway those ideas might work :) Just not for me.

I'll keep my little key-chain pets without all the extras.

I guess the difference between the past and now is the difficulty level of keeping a pet. I'm just introducing realism into keeping the pet, but as we stated before in this thread what was classic tamagotchi isn't the same as the connect series where you can get married and have a kid and generations.

Oh, so you're talking about making Tamagotchi more like a life sim instead of an ordinary virtual pet? That's awesome! Sorry for yelling before...I admit I didn't even read your ideas when I made that post. X3 Then it would be like Animal Crossing, as DJ said, which I love. ^_^

Isn't all the Connections and iD L more like a life sim than the P1 was?

I think the idea of a virtual pet is a eletronic device that you can grow a baby creature into adult hood. What difficulties that are added into the process of raising a baby creature into adult hood is up to the manufacture. Adding Generations of families was another aspect that wasn't part of the original virtual pet, however gave the user the ability to continue on and possibly unlock new items with each sucessful generation. Then you add School, Work, Music, etc. the virtual pet becomes more like a life sim.

Think of it as if you were creating a Virtual Dog device. You would want to feed it, keep it happy, clean up poop, and train it. Which is the original virtual pet. Now lets add obedience training for Toddler and Teens. Lets add Dog competitions (beauty, agility, etc) for adults. Now lets also breed the dog, so we get the pick of the litter and start all over training the next one. That is basically a V6, but V3-V5 might also fall in those levels. Now lets add in some difficulty like requiring a specific level to be able to breed with higher end dogs. Lets require extra money for the other breeder to pay to allow us to breed with them. Lets make "beauty" queens very needy creatures that want all the good toys and stuff, or agility dogs require lots of play time. Lets also make goals for generations where at 5 generations of agility dogs you can get a special dog. Which would then be next generation pet.


Think of it as if you were creating a Virtual Dog device. You would want to feed it, keep it happy, clean up poop, and train it. Which is the original virtual pet. Now lets add obedience training for Toddler and Teens. Lets add Dog competitions (beauty, agility, etc) for adults. Now lets also breed the dog, so we get the pick of the litter and start all over training the next one. That is basically a V6, but V3-V5 might also fall in those levels. Now lets add in some difficulty like requiring a specific level to be able to breed with higher end dogs. Lets require extra money for the other breeder to pay to allow us to breed with them. Lets make "beauty" queens very needy creatures that want all the good toys and stuff, or agility dogs require lots of play time. Lets also make goals for generations where at 5 generations of agility dogs you can get a special dog. Which would then be next generation pet.

That's kinda Nintendogs for Nintedo DS lol.

That's kinda Nintendogs for Nintedo DS lol.
I really liked the nintendogs and Cats game for 3ds.. A shame it didn't do very well like the first ones. ;c

It's also probably one of the three kinds of v-pets i have ever liked. (Chao from sonic adventure series, tamagotchi.. and well, THIS!)

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