Stuff We Play is not just for games: "Of course we play with our Tamagotchis, but what about everything else? From sports to computer games... If you can play it, you can talk about it here!"Is this a game? It is in the wrong section!Anyhow, I love to figure skate! However, I think swimming is more fun!
I also hold a grudge against figure skating after these figure skaters were randomly like "WE HAVE THE ICE!!! (Even though we didn't rent it. Oopsies!" When I was at a golaie school, so they had to cram a good 30+ goalies into a single dressing room to watch instructional videos for one hour.I'm like wildcat gal. Of all sports played on ice.... I think that Figure Skating is girly. I've never skated on ice all my life. I think Hockey is better.