Figure skating: the best sport ever


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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2005
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I figure skate and i adore it. I'm on intermediate and am just soexcited to pass it!

No offence to your favoruite activity or anything, but figure skating makes me want to vomit becuase of all the girliness >.<


actually it's really not that girly... jsut the dresses and we'e kinda forced to wear them so..... really it's not. u gotta actually do the sport to know but i ttly understand. It looks girly from the outside

Explain the twirliness and spinning and "grace". I consider that girly, because come on, GRACEFULNESS. Blech.

Plus, the guys wear like friggin' tights xDDD

For myself, gracefulness on the ice is pushing anyone who goes near my crease and making an amazing save on a breakaway. The pushing and penalties are funner xD

I don't do figure skating (I'm a boy) but I just skate sometimes when I have time.

Is this a game? It is in the wrong section!Anyhow, I love to figure skate! However, I think swimming is more fun!

mametchi ;)
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I'm like wildcat gal. Of all sports played on ice.... I think that Figure Skating is girly. I've never skated on ice all my life. I think Hockey is better.
I also hold a grudge against figure skating after these figure skaters were randomly like "WE HAVE THE ICE!!! (Even though we didn't rent it. Oopsies!" When I was at a golaie school, so they had to cram a good 30+ goalies into a single dressing room to watch instructional videos for one hour.


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