Features You Like and Dislike About Yourself


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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
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Pennsylvania, USA
Everyone has insecurities.

Things that they wish they could change.

Things that they wish were different.

Yet everyone has things that they love about themselves.

Things that make them unique.

So what are yours? (Physically and otherwise.)

* Things I Wish I Could Change About My Physical Appearence:

(In order of importance)

-- The markings on my back.

-- My nose. D:<

-- My short torso.

-- My shade of blonde hair.

* Things I Love About My Physical Appearence:

-- My long blonde hair. (I love having naturally blonde hair, though I don't care for the shade of it.)

-- My height.

-- My shape/build.

-- My skin tone.

* Things I Wish I Could Change About My Personality:

-- I hate not being the best.

-- I like to be the center of attention.

-- I'm envious.

-- I lust.

-- I care quite a bit about how other people think of me.

-- I'm easily brought down.

-- I'm emotional.

* Things I Love About My Personality:

-- I usually think things through,

-- Yet I'm spontaneous.

-- I'm realistic. (Realist)

-- I'm laid-back.

-- I'm loud and love to have funny.

-- I have a sense of humor.

-- I'm very caring and empathetic.

Recognize your faults, relish in your triumphs.

Everyone is different and everyone is unique.

What I previously posted makes up me,

Whether I like it or not.

So what about you?

What do you love about yourself?

What do you wish you could change or improve upon?

What makes up you?

~Things I wish I could change about my appearance:

The colour and length of my hair.

My stomach, which I keep on feeling is fat.

My profile.

~Things I love about my appearance:

The colour my hair turns in sunlight.

I'm slim, for the most part.

My skin tone.

~The things I wish I could change about my personality:

I'm far too loud, and need to think before things come out my mouth.

I make judgements about people quickly [although I find it easy to forgive].

I wish I was more sure of the way I want to be. Right now, I can't define myself.

~The things I love about my personality:

I'm easy-going, loud and love having fun.

I can make people laugh.

I'm very forgiving.

I'm intelligent [i have my moments, but at the end of the day I know I'm smart].

I'm very social, and very caring and affectionate.

I'm confident with myself, and very much an optimist.

I'm undefinable and unique.

Yeah, a lot of that contradicts itself. Maybe that's also something I need to work on - explanations and words.

Overall, I'm happy with who I am.

* Things I Wish I Could Change About My Physical Appearence:

-- My height

-- My eyes

-- My eyebrows

* Things I Love About My Physical Appearence:

-- My hair

-- My eye color

* Things I Wish I Could Change About My Personality:

-- I need more patience and tolerance

-- I need to be more creative

-- Need to be less realistic

* Things I Love About My Personality:

-- I'm funny

-- I'm pretty open

-- I listen to what other people have to say

-- I atleast try to get along with everyone

-- I'm a pretty independant thinker

* Things I Wish I Could Change About My Physical Appearance

-My Skinny Tall Body. (Sometimes I hate it)

-My face shape

-I wish my hair was a tad longer.

-My tiny mouth.

* Things I Love About My Physical Appearance

-My Eyes. I get a lot of Compliments.

-My Long legs.

-My Skinny Tall Body. (Sometimes I love it)

-My skin tone.

*Things I Wish I Could Change About My Personality

-I'm emotional

-I always worry what people think of me.

-I think I'm ugly.

-I get brought down easily.

-I worry about stuff

* Things I Love About My Personality

-I'm random and funny

-I'm mean sometimes. It makes me feel better when people bring me down, to give them a little "payback"

-I'm caring

-I think I'm a good friend

Things I wish I could change- Physical-

~ My nose- I have a slight roman nose, which has the bump. It's not too bad, I just don't like the small bump

~ My skin- My pores on my nose are terrible, and under my eyes are always red

~ My hands- My thumb. I have a dumb clubbed thumbs, and it looks ugly. They're so small and weird.

~ My feet- My toes are weird too, and tiny.

~ My height- I'm 5'1. I think I look weird with how curvy my figure is (an hour glass, almost) and my height

~ My figure- I wish I didn't have so much. I think its too mature for a 14 year old

Things I like- Physically-

~ My eyes- nice and big, and a pretty green and brown color

~ My lips- nicely plump, but a decent size

~ My hair- a pretty brunette with some reddish tint and some blondish, depends on lighting

~ My legs- shapely and long

Me- https://s445.photobucket.com/albums/qq175/J...b64bfbd202a.jpg

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Physical appearance pros--

I'm tall.

I'm blonde.

I have pretty good eyes.

Physical appearance cons--

My face is fat.

My thighs are fat.

My face is too red.

My toenails are too thin, and break.

My hair has heat damage.

I can't tease my hair, it just doesn't work.

My hair is thin.

It's too curly.

My body hair is too thick.

I am completely un-athletic.

I'm not skinny enough.

My chest isn't big enough.

My butt is flat.

I sunburn easily.

My skin is oily.

Well, that was fun, but I think I'm going to stop before I die inside. Maybe I'll do the personality thing later.

Things I Wish I Could Change About My Physical Appearence:

-I wish I wasn't 'average.' I wish I was skinny. So that I could actually buy clothes that are made for someone stick skinny. =_=;;

Things I Love About My Physical Appearence:

-My eyes. They're blue~ No I'm not bragging. I didn't chose them! xD

Things I Wish I Could Change About My Personality:

-I have certain anger issues, so that can turn away someone. D:

Things I Love About My Personality:

-I'm fun

-I'm creative

-I love to help out

-I love to be kind~

***Things I dislike about my physical appearance:

-My arms, they have like 6 random freckles spread around each

-My hair texture, it's too wirey

-My thighs, they're so much larger than the rest of my legs!

-My face gets so red easily

***Things I love about my physical appearance:

-My height

-My hair color

-(Yes, I like them D:) My freckles

-My hands, I have really long fingers

-My lips

-My eyes

***Things I love about my personality:

-I'm innovative

-I always find something funny

-I'm quirky

-I'm patient


-I can hold in emotions really well

***Things I dislike about my personality:

-I always jump to conclusions

-I'm horrible at sharing feelings

-I'm horrible at telling people what I actually think of them (the people I dislike, no one here P:)

-I get disgustingly nervous for everything

.. That was fun. Like a 'me' summary.

I'd like to change -

- My nose. Its weird. I don't like it.

- My height. I'd like to be able to reach the top shelf with out a step stool.

-I have lots of stretch marks around my hips. I hate it when people comment on them. Its like the only thing I'm super insecure about.

Things I adore -

-My eyes. Beautiful and I have a unique hazel fleck. Everyone comments on them.

-My thighs. I keep them right all winter and work on them to make them summer stunning. I love them.

-****s. They are very nice and fit my slim figure.

-My figure. I finally got hips! And I'm slim but fill out in the right places.

-My butt. Its very nice. I get nice comments.

-My hair. Its such a nice colour and its soft.

-No under arm hair!

-I have a long neck. Its nice.

-I have full lips.

-My legs in general.

-I have almost perfect skin.


I love -

I am incredibly positive!

I can freely express my feelings and it takes a bit to break me down

As you can see from the list above I am quite happy in my own skin.

My whole personality really except for the below...


I lack empathy.

I can hold a grudge forever.

At bad times I can be incredibly b!tchy.


I want to change:

My eye-lids. They're to thn and show the veins under them D:

My height. Just a bit taller!

My back. It curves alot, not helpful for a dancer.

I like:

My eyes. Big and brown ^.^

Being naturally thin (Well, I'm underwight, I eat a ton, blah blah blah) (What do you mean "are you anorexc)

My hair.


I like:


Artistic and music skills (Is that counted)

I want to change:

I'm always moody

I'm impatient

I get bored easily

No empathy. Whatsoever

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* Things I Wish I Could Change About My Physical Appearence:

-My hair frizzes > :angry:

-My general face

-I is fat

-I'm hairy Dx

-Natural color of my hair

-I'm uber short

* Things I Love About My Physical Appearence:

-My eyes

-I has no acne > -_-

* Things I Wish I Could Change About My Personality:

-I care what people think

-I rarely have comebacks and get owned

-I get jealous easy

-I can be really aggressive

-I'm pessimistic

-I'm lazy

* Things I Love About My Personality:

-I can make people smile

-I have a good imagination

-I can be caring

-I'm loud and active sometimes

-I'm a great reader

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*My height [uber tall]

*My eyes. Big and brown.

*My hair. I'm hell happy with it.


*My acne. The only thing which brings down my confidence a lot.

*Early physical puberty. I look too old.

*My nails. They get dirty in like, 10 minutes of doing nothing.




*Intelligence. Not all the time, but I get told I'm really mature for my age.

*Stupidness. Not the terrible type, but the type that amuses people.

*Niceness. At times I'm too nice, but being kind and caring helps me socially.


*I can be selfish. Not often, but there are times.

*I'm not all that loud, but sometimes I don't think before I say.

There. My 'summary'. The thing I don't like about myself the most is my acne. It's terrible. It's starting to control my life, and making me a lot less confident and a lot more self-conscious.




My Nose.

My ****s

My shoe/feet size.

My Stomach Fat.

My Fingernails

My Toes

My Hair



My Eyes

My Legs




My anti-socialness




The fact that I can stay calm in any situation. The most Hectic, I'd be calm.


Theres probably alot more things I like/dislike about my appearance/personality, But thats all I can think of for now.

* Things I Wish I Could Change About My Physical Appearence:

(In order of importance)

-My squished nose. Srsly touch it, it seem like jelly.

-My shiny legs, they are SOO shiny it look Barbie like.

-Longer hair, I hate my bob.

* Things I Love About My Physical Appearence:

-My shiny eyes.

-Skin tone.

-Nails that grow quickly.

* Things I Wish I Could Change About My Personality:

-I swear in every sentence...

-I get hyper too easily.

* Things I Love About My Personality:

-Nothing. TT^TT

Looks - Dislikes

  • Weight - I'm a fatty.
  • My skin [i'll explain a bit about that.
I just think I have like, really sensitive skin - I get sunburnt easily, and I'm really pale, and everything I put on it is like.. Ugh.

Looks - Likes

  • My eyes - They're cool :)
  • My height
  • My hair : D

Personality - Dislikes

  • I'm kind of... Loud and sometimes I talk over other people, and yeah.
  • I hate being in the spotlight - It's scary lol, and so people like, have to say I did a good job in someting without announcing it.
  • My craziness sometimes gets in the way haha.

Personality - Likes

  • Even though I'm loud, I listen when I need to - So my listening ability
  • The way I help people... I like that lol. :)
  • Secret keeper : D

* Things I Love About My Physical Appearence:

-- My eyes

-- My eyelashes.

-- My hair.

-- My skin tone and texture.

-- My little hands.

-- My full lips.

-- I tan really easily.

* Things I Wish I Could Change About My Physical Appearence:

-- I'm not thin enough.

-- My thighs are huge.

-- My nails are thin.

-- I am the least athletic person ever.

-- My eyebrows are too dark.

-- I worry about my nose.

-- my face is too weird.

-- The apples of my cheeks are too prominent.

-- My face and lips are too sensitive.

-- I'm too short.

-- I have a few stretch marks.

-- My teeth aren't yellow but I want them whitened.

-- My calves are too big.

-- My back has back-flab.

-- My hair falls out a lot.

-- My face is fat.

-- My hairline is weird.

-- My little toe is strange.

-- My fingernails are really small.

-- My chin is gross.

-- My butt.

* Things I Wish I Could Change About My Personality:

-- I am a bit of a perfectionist.

-- I procrastinate.

-- I over-analyse.

-- I always assume I'm going to fail my classes. (But I don't! I only do not so good in P.E)

-- I'm too shy.

-- I get too excited too easily!

-- I have lots of "blonde" moments. :angry:

-- I'm a compulsive shopper.

* Things I Love About My Personality:

-- I'm intelligent.

-- I'm sincere.

-- I'm an optimist.

-- I'm considered "cutesy"

-- I am funny and have a good sense of humour.

-- I'm friendly and kind.

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