Favorite things to learn about!


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x.super.m o r m o n

Active member
Jan 14, 2010
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New York City, Africa, on planet PANDORA
Okay, here are my favorites from each subject of mine:

English- Grammar, and I don't like learning how to read. I just like reading.

Drama- I don't really lean much new in Drama, but I do like short plays and doing scenes, costumes, make up, etc.

History- Ancient Egpyt, America in the 1800's (Mountain men, Pioneers, ect.)

Math- I LOOOVE triangles, and shapes and such. It's hard sometimes but it's fun for some odd reason.

Science- Plants, Planets, and Microorganisms.

Gym- Different muscles and Basketball.

Band- New notes...I guess? I don't know. I just like playing trumpet and trombone.

I love to learn, I actually have a lot more, but I can't remember then right now!! (I only had 5 hours of sleep last night)

So, post your favorite things to learn about!


ENGLISH.I love english <3 .We learn about..Uh...I forgot D: .

Woodwork.:We learn to make stuff <_>

I love learning about the world and about other countries and such.

My favourite thing to learn about :)

I think my absolute favorite historical event would be The Black Death. Creepy and weird, I know. But I find it really fascinating. My first experience with world history was in seventh grade. And I was flipping through the book a few days before school, I came across the brief section on the plague. I must have read those three paragraphs at least twenty times before school started. I was so dissapointed second semester when we spent like ten minutes on it. :/ but yeah. The plague was even a basis of a really old story.

And the Gold Rush in California. First time I ever enjoyed history, let alone Cali history.

And I like Shakespeare. He's my faveee.

History, I find it rather interesting. :)

Also, I like learning new things at my singing lessons.

I like learning Spanish! It is my favorite. I want to be fluent.

And I like learning about writing in English class, like paragraphs and stories. That sounds lame, but I like to write. :furawatchi:

I lovelovelovelove Japanese!!! XD

oh and I also like other subjects but i forgot.

English, most definitely. I lovelovelove writing, like stories and poetry and such, and readine. We're doing Shakespeare right now and it's kind of fun. I don't like math, but I actually enjoy learning about it. I make no sense. xD But I feel very accomplished when I understand my maths; algebrashapesgeometricgradenine. Italian, too. x]

Out of schoolwise, I enjoy learning about my religion. xD And cookinggggg! :D And anything. art. Drawingpaintingstilllifemangaishportasdfghgfds. You get my point. xDD

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Geography and science (particularly the human body, cells and stuff) :D

Biology-- DNA, genes and things. If I didn't hate chemistry so much, I could quite happily continue studying that sort of science.

History-- All ancient history. Egypt, particularly. It's fascinating. Rome, Greece.. Etc.

Music-- Learning about cool new artists, songs, terms. Scales like Dorian and Mixolydian 8D

French-- It's just a beautiful language

Maths-- I could sit and do trig ALL DAY

English-- <3 Shakespeare, classic novels.

Art-- Just general. <3

History. I just find it so interesting how our country and world has evolved through the centuries, especially knowing that history has a reputation for repeating itself.


like seriously omg I love that stuff. </3

Each subject:

English - I don't have a favourite in English

Maths - Trigonometry

Science - Chemicals and matter

Social Studies - Boring!

Health - We only do goal setting and well being, so goal setting

P.E. - New skills

Textiles - Making patchwork

Drama - Everything! I love Drama, it's fun!

That subject where you learn about stupid things countries fought over.

Also known as history, specifically World War - esque stuff + the French Revolution and such.

No favorite in English, but I'm a huge English person.

The other subjects are alright, just not as interesting as the above mentioned.

Oh yes, and I'm huge on physics.

You can never have enough of that stuff. :)<

I love learning a bit of everything now and then.

Learning is fun.

As far as the subjects go, I'm not too sure.


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