Favorite Ancestor Tamagotchi...


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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2007
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Here! :)
Hey, everyone! It's looking a little lonely over in this ancestor board. Let's give it some lovin'! My question is, what is your favorite ancestor Tamagotchi and why? If you're like me and have more than one favorite, pick the one you like the best (or you could choose "Other") and please tell me why you like the ones you like. I'm very much looking forward to taking it back old school style and mingling with all you ancestor enthusiasts. Thanks! :p

I've barely played the P2 since its the only ancestor I have so I'll vote for it :angry:

Random question: What kind of batteries does a P2 Tama use/take?

Not random at all! :huh: A P2 (and all other ancestor Tamagotchis, for that matter) will take 2 LR44 batteries. They're smaller than the usual ones for the Connections (CR2032) and they look like this: https://cgi.ebay.com/10-X-AG13-357A-S76-G13...=item3a58a7162c. You can get them pretty cheap on Ebay and there may be different names for that same type of battery (as you can tell in the listing I provided) but just type in one of those names...the same type of battery should come up by using any of those battery names. Thanks for voting! :D

I have several favorites, but my most favorite so far would have to be the Tamagotchi Angel/Angelgotch. It's not too low-maintenance but not too hard to take care of either. I also like the fact that it has a motion sensor in it, which is useful for if you're feeding your Angel a snack and a bat tries to steal the snack, which would lower the Good Deeds Meter (sort of similar to the Discipline Meter in regular ancestors) if it's successful in stealing it. You simply tap the Tamagotchi to scare the bat away. You could also tap the Tamagotchi to bring the Angel back from its stroll. I also think a lot of the animations and characters are very unique and adorable. This is a great page (off of an EXCELLENT website for ancestors that I've been visiting since I got my first Tamagotchi in 1998) that talks about Angel/Angelgotch: https://www.mimitchi.com/html/tangel.htm I also love the P2, since that was my first, and Oceangotchi is pretty great too, if only it weren't so hard to care for. :p Osu/Mesu is also one of my favorites because the Tamagotchi units can physically link together, mate, and have a family. There are a ton of characters too for the pair too: https://tamagotchi.wikia.com/wiki/Mesutchi_and_Osutchi.

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Oops, forgot to mention that I like my Morino too. They're fun little bugs to raise. :p

My favorite ancestors are Angel + Ocean. I'm begging my mother to get me one, but they're so expensive since they aren't being created anymore. I oh so badly want them. ^_^

Yeah, the Angels and Oceans are pretty fun to play with, and don't worry! You'll get a chance to acquire them someday. :) Ebay's probably one of the very few places you can find them these days. They can be pretty expensive because of their rarity, but if you go for the Japanese versions of these Tamagotchis (Angelgotchi and Oceangotchi), they're usually much cheaper than the US versions (Tamagotchi Angel and Tamagotchi Ocean). Thanks for answering my poll. :)

Morino is my favorite! I love bugs. :)

I really want to get the Mothra one though.

Morinos are pretty cool! I like the motion sensor function and the predator feature on the Morinos, similar to what the Oceangotchi has. I haven't had a chance to play with my Mothra yet...probably going to do that sometime in the near future. I hope you're able to get one soon too! :(

I haven't had a chance to play an Oceangotchi yet! They're probably 3rd on my list of most wanted behind the iD and Mothra. I've heard the Mothra is a lot like Morino. :D

Santaclautch. I have a green one, which I got for a bargain at Goodwill a few years ago, still new in the box. They are super rare now, and very expensive. I think it is lots of fun, and I only play with it at Christmastime.

@thedog829: Finally started up my Morino! Man, I had forgotten how fun these guys could be. If it's true that Mothra is similar to Morino, I've gotta give that one a go too. :) Good luck with getting an Ocean! They are SO hard to care for, but definitely worth it.

@magicboa: You're very lucky to have a Santagotchi. Slim chance that I'll score one at Goodwill like you did, but I can't wait to save up enough money to get one and a Devilgotchi (my poor wallet, haha) on Ebay. Those would definitely be the pride and joy of my Tamagotchi collection.

An update for you guys: just got a Devilgotchi for $70! I'm liking it so far, quickly becoming a favorite. :) Next on my list of Tamagotchi purchases: a Santagotchi.

My favorite is definitely the Osu/Mesu, because it's mateable and I love the characters. Of course, the Connections mate, but there's something about Osutchi/Mesutchi that appeals to me more! :]

Do Digimon count?

'cause they're my favourite Bandai virtual pet. XD I always loved the large cast of characters, and the fact that they could battle with eachother. (One of the downsides to this was that you needed two of them to grow your Digimon to the best stages)

They weren't overly needy or annoying, and didn't die quite as easily as Tamagotchis.

I even adored the cute little cage-esque shell that they came in.

I love the devil! One of my friends lended it to me for 1 month! Back then I thought "i am WAY too lucky!'' Seriously,it is just 100% ME.

^ Absolutely they do! :D They sound really cool actually. I've never had the chance to play with Digimons myself, but my collection is always growing and perhaps I'll get a couple someday to see how they are. Do you still have yours and break them out every once in a while? ;)

My favorite Ancestor Tamagotchi has got to be the Ocean- I don't have one, but if I had the money I would definitely buy one! I love them because of how much care they need. I know that most people don't like Oceans because they need so much care; but personally, I love VPets that are needy little buggers :pochitchi: I have a Morino coming my way in about a week and a half, though.

^ Absolutely they do! :( They sound really cool actually. I've never had the chance to play with Digimons myself, but my collection is always growing and perhaps I'll get a couple someday to see how they are. Do you still have yours and break them out every once in a while? ;)
I do still have mine. I'd never get rid of them. :(

One of my v1 Digimons, sadly, is dead. It turns on, but the screen is severely messed up.

My three Pendulums are very worn down, too. I've decided to 'retire' their use recently, since I don't want them to break.

It's too bad, because I really did enjoy playing with them. I took my v1 Digimons everywhere when I first got them.

I guess they were all just loved too much. :pochitchi: ;

I'm hoping to buy some new ones some time, but they're really difficult to find.

Angelgotchi <33 I havnt gotten it yet but I've listened, seen things. I really want the oceangotchi though! so sososososososo bad D:

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