that all smart people are good at every subject in school... Hell to the no math and I are on the terms of we hate eachother and i want to explode it with a nuke.
All Sciencey types are good at all science, No wrong again science is huge! thats like saying all computers are the same hell to the no
Oh heres one Biology majors only have to memorize... yeah okay.. then (lies)
Now here comes the teen angst
- as a "kid" i have nothing to stress about - so school, and the future that i have to have all the answers for, how i'm going to pay for school, and my phone bill, and cadet crap ( it was crap if you want to know more about my crap i'll talk till you get bored) yeah yeah no reason to stress all because i don't have a job... (eye roll)
- every thing that comes out of my mouth is a lie
- there is always a secret boyfriend ( I wish)
- all people my age party and go clubbing just because we are legal (ummm no I am to busy with my school life)
- oh nerds have no life _ am living am i not? I eat, and sleep (sometimes) just because i dont do what you do doesnt mean im not happy
- You need a boyfriend to be complete... F that
ummm are there anymore? I'll have to get back to you....