Fashion tips!


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Nov 27, 2008
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This is a topic where we girls can talk about beauty, fashion, and care products. Very girly, yes indeed. <_<

Here are tips from GossipinGabby, an AIMbot:

Just because you weren't born with amazing bone structure doesn't mean you can't fake it. You can create the illusion of chiseled cheekbones by starting with a mousse primer and adding contour by using two tones of cream blush

Boy Blazers look great as long as you wear a skirt or dress to keep it girlie!

Put lip balm on under your lipstick. It'll soften your lips and help hold the color

Keep your eye on Kira Plastinina, a 16-year-old Russian fashion designer. She has 40 shops in Russia and is now opening stores here in the US. See her cute styles at her website!

Keep your hats simple. Not only are hats super-trendy but they hide a bad hair day! To avoid hat hair, make sure to style your hair first.

Wear soft, side-swept bangs. They frame your face perfectly, without hiding your pretty eyes. Keep whispy bangs from falling out of place by using a hair straightener and spritzing on hairspray


Some of those I don't understand.

But they are still awesome!!!

Here are some of mine:

When you give yourself a manicure, put on a clear coat first, then polish them. When they are dry add another clear coat to keep it protected and shiny!!

Use mostly natral (spelling?) or organic stuff. They are better than those other chemically stuff.

After you shower, rinse your face with stuff that unclogs pores. The shampoo you use in the shower can clog your pores and cause breakouts.

Cool tips. :]

Here are some of mine (my basic beauty regimen):

~ Shave your legs, then moisturise with tan moisturiser. Result = Smooth, tanned legs.

~ Moisturise everywhere after showering. Especially in the Winter. Result = Softer skin.

~ Put Vaseline on your lips every night, and Chapstick lip balm on each morning. Result = Smooth, moist, coloured lips.

~ When you get a zit, dab a little bit of toothpaste on it at night and wash off in the morning. Result = Clearer skin.

~ If you have slight under-eye bags, use concealer. But not the stick kind, the liquid cover-up kind. Result = Less obvious dark circles.

~ Smile! It will brighten and beautify anyone's face.


Be creative.

When people obvivously lack originality, it makes them look like a clone of some sort.

For people like me, with pale skin - it's all about making it look fabulous. Pale skin is beautiful. Don't be 'ashamed'.

It bugs me when people hate their pale skin, you are who you are. Inner beauty shows on the outside, if you hate it, it will show.

^ Show her you're mature (helping around the house, being a considerate daughter) so that she doesn't feel you're 'too young'.

Also, tell her that it's quite important for you to just at least start small.

Tell her you won't heap it on, just a little at first.

Remember, if your Mom insists on saying no, then it's a no for now. But do all you can. :]

And remember, if the worst comes to worst - beg. ;]

Aye, well, I've had my fair share of experiments. x33

I've found that dabbing concealer on with a cotton ball helps extremely, then taking your finger and "blending" it in with the surrounding skin.

Also, I've noticed that some guys find it easier to talk to girls who don't hide their face. XD I usually wear my bangs in front of my eyes, but one night I pinned them back and a bunch of guys talked to me O:

Herbal Essences makes a great "Long term relationship split ends cream" that helps immensely with straightening of hair. When I straighten mine it gets brittle and breaks, but with the cream it stays smooth longer <_<

^^ I would have thought oil would have been bad o_O

Water[melon] is great! drink heaps of water and see it make you look great. I get my water by eating watermelon. [irrational fear of water]

~ Orange lipstick makes your teeth look yellower.

~ Even if your skin is full of acne and oily you still need to moisturise it as it can and will dry out. Try anti grease moisturiser.

~ Witch Hazel is an excellent toner. It closes your pores and dries up your spots.

~ SHAVE YOUR UNDERARMS. It grosses me and many other people out when girls have hair under there.

~ Electric razors are better than non-electric ones.

~ Buy a good body cream and apply to full body after a shower.

~ Find a signature perfume.

~ Don't bite your nails.

~ Moisturise after shaving. Scaly legs = Eew.

~ Natural tans are in SHRN spend time in the sun (With your SPF30+ sun block of course) and tan!

~ Lip-Gloss, never just lip stick unless you are 30+. Shiny lips = :) Dull lips = Not so much.

~ Wash your hair once every two days. Over-washing it will make it greasy.

~ If you have oily hair, only condition the ends.

That's all for now, I will post more later.


Be creative.When people obvivously lack originality, it makes them look like a clone of some sort.

For people like me, with pale skin - it's all about making it look fabulous. Pale skin is beautiful. Don't be 'ashamed'.

It bugs me when people hate their pale skin, you are who you are. Inner beauty shows on the outside, if you hate it, it will show.
Agreed, I love my pale skin, I can do a lot with it without looking crazy.

Plus, if I do get sun burned it only looks rosy on my skin, because I'm normally to lazy to put on sun screen, and I am normally out all day, It's a rather good deal.

Oooooooo I figured out more great tips:

Use Crest Extra-Whitening toothpaste. It makes your teeth really white and works better than Colgate.

Everyone loves Boar hair brushes. Unfortunely they make you hair really frizzy. The soultion: Brush your hair with the Boar hair brush as many times as you want. In fact, so many times that the hair will stick to your face. Avoid touching your hair because you will shock someone, unless you want to that is > :rolleyes: Then spray hairspray all over your hair and brush with a regular brush. Result: Really shiny soft hair.

Try to use a hairdryer as little as possible. Using them damages your hair. Let your hair air dry most of the time.

Organic liquid concealer is really good. My mom still won't let me though.

~ Even if your skin is full of acne and oily you still need to moisturise it as it can and will dry out. Try anti grease moisturiser.

~ SHAVE YOUR UNDERARMS. It grosses me and many other people out when girls have hair under there.

~ Don't bite your nails.

~ Moisturise after shaving. Scaly legs = Eew.

~ Natural tans are in SHRN spend time in the sun (With your SPF30+ sun block of course) and tan!

~ Lip-Gloss, never just lip stick unless you are 30+. Shiny lips = :) Dull lips = Not so much.
These ones I like.

Once in P.E I got a faceful of Ella Arm Hair in my face. Gross. [Thank goodness I don't have armpit hair yet!]

Bitten nails look bad

Scaley legs are onlu good on mexican walking fish

Fake tans are more like 'I fell in tandorri chicken'

I agree that natural tans are in.

I tried a bottle of fake tanning moisturiser stuff on my face once.

(I didn't bother reading the directions).

I looked like a mini orange Paris hilton. But with brown hair, and a totally different-looking face. >.<

And then it took around 4 days to go. That was pretty bad.


In class the other day, Dylan was telling everyone how he'd been to Florida and got seriously tanned.

And I was sitting next to him so I just sniff him and I'm like, "Pfft. Yeah right; you smell like fake tan."

So we all start singing, "Fake it, don't bake it!"

Twas funny. :]

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