FAMITAMA LOG! New Japanese Model!


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Alright. Let's see what the babies are now..

Nicky is a Ahirukutchi.

Ann is a Belutchi.

Kate is a Sakuramotchi.

E N T R Y O N E - N I C K Y

I hope my sisters aren't reading this.......... Cause I just took Ann's necklace, and Kate's wooden sword. Kate's wooden sword is so smooth, compared to mine, which is pretty bumpy feeling. Ann's necklace is so cold. Does it ever warm up? Wait... Uh Oh. Here they come.... AHHHHHH!!!

E N T R Y O N E - A N N

This is so fun! I've been practicing ninjutsu with Kate!!! We're doing so well!! I think I'm better than her!!!!!! I feel like I'm missing something, though... Why's my neck have this strange sensation..? AHH! MY NECKLACE! NICKY! GIVE IT BACK NOW! Stupid brother.... I hear Kate yelling. Oh boy. He stole the wooden sword again...

E N T R Y T W O - K A T E

Working... Working... Calligraphy is so hard. *scritch* *scritch* Whew. I think I'm just going to rest for now. I wish it was simpiler. I'm tired from working with Ann on our ninjutsu and sword practice. My dad says his grandpa, grandma and his great -aunts did it, so I shouldn't complain. But I can't help but do it. Oh well. Huh? My wooden sword was just on it's- NICKY! COME HERE AND GIVE BACK MY SWORD!

Currently, they are the same. They all love Takoyaki and Steamed Buns and Moon cakes and all other things except mushy porridge.


We've all written together. Agh! We all couldn't sleep last night! Nicky did it! Ann did it! Kate did it! Hmph! Now all our ninja weapons are yucky... Ick... The wooden items are splintered, and the other ones are bendy.... It's noo good. It's all their fault!

Currently, Nicky is a Korokotchi. Ann is a Shelutchi. As for our favorite Kate.... She's.. I HAVE NO CLUE! *someone throws a brick at my head* D'oh... That hurt.

Ann was the only one who wrote in her journal.

A N N - E N T R Y T W O

Sigh... I'm sitting on the couch looking out the window as I write. I'm watching the neighborhood girls gossip. I don't think they see the window is open, and I can hear them. They call me a gross and boy germy child. I hate them. They were gossiping about the gross dolls selling on the shopping channel. Like no way am I going to buy that barbie doll.... I'm a ninja arts child.

Ann is a Potechi.

Nicky is a Mukugetchi.

Kate is a Lavuzukintchi.

Entry 2-Nicky

Yawwn. Soccer is fun. So is ninja arts. I'm not so impressed by girls. What did dad see that was soo good in girls back then? I'll tell you a little secret. Ann likes a guy named Star, and Kate likes a guy named Stone. Heehehe.... Hopefully, they don't plan to read this.

I think I'll have two Kunoitchi's and one Gozarutchi.

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Anyway, All the entries missed here:


Single. Playing National Football League. My ninja skills are high. I'm happy. I KNEW I could make it. As long as I believe and love this game, I will stay in it until the day I retire. Now I'm a uncle to little Zeni, Spinny, Kate and Liz. It's wonderful. Little Zeni wants to be a teacher and Spinny a Hockey Player. Ann couldn't handle Spinny, so I have him now. I told them to work hard and do their best, and to BRAWL and to make best decisions for that dream. No shortcuts. No cheating. It will bring bumps, but will bring the satisfaction. So work hard... And try till' you can't go on!!!!

ENTRY 4 Ann:

I married Eddie. I'm training hard still as a ninja instructor to all- and also a good mother. That no good Nicky!!!! Hmph! Well, I guess I should just think about me. Nicky made his choice not to have children, so I deal with it. I originally just wanted 2 kids, and anymore should be girls. But Spinny was a boy, and was too much. He would keep screaming Spowt! Spowt!(Sport). So I handed him to Nicky.... Who I'm sure can handle Spinny. Well, I guess it's time to give this up.


Ah. Got back from my news reporting. I'm tired. I'm going to meditate after I finish scribbling this short one down. Ok, next time you read something from this, You'll probably get bored. So yeah. Ahahahhaa..... Sorry. Just watching a bit of Tamagotchi Idol. This singer is horrible!!! Oh no. It's getting late. Better hurry.... BYE!!

And Zeni did not accept the diarys *scowl*

Zeni does do something, though. He has a blog.

Mood: Bored.

1. I'm bored. I'm really bored. I just started this blog. And I'm bored. I want to go somewhere.... The cold is killing me! Australia!!! It seems so warm down there...... GAH! I just drifted a bit.... Ah. Silly me...

Zeni was discussing life while vaccuming with.. Sam(Kate's spouse).

And they are happy.

And bah, another Mukugetchi. Oh well, next generation, I will mess with the tamagotchi.

Zeni is currently outside. Let me hear what's up..

Zeni: Unfair! I want to be goalie! Let me be goalie!

Another boy: I already claimed goalie, Zeni!!!

Boy 2: Please stop it, you two! Then let's have a shootout! If Zeni can score against Willy, then Zeni is goalie. And if Willy catches the ball, Willy will be goalie. Ready... START!

Zeni: Take this! HYPER BEAM!! *BAM!*

Willy: Sorry, but you'll need more than that to attack me, Hehehe- AH! *the ball scores*

Boy 2: And Zeni is the goalie!

Willy: **********..

I didn't mean to let Zeni die. I didn't mean to. *SNIFF* Farewell......

Anyway, my new family.... The Tame family!!! ROTFL!!! And currently.... I GOT A ICHIGOTCHI!!! YAY!

Alright. The Ichigo's name is Ichigo, The other girl is named Karen, and the only boy is named Cruz(Yeah, After a character in this sad book I just finished reading)


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