FAMITAMA LOG! New Japanese Model!


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Mametchi 4ever

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
At Yankee Stadium admiring field.
Alright! I got a Pink(much to my displeasure) Famitama!! It's japanese, and is NOT, I REPEAT, A V5!!!

Ok, currently..

The middle character looks like a mini kutchipatchi with a beret. It's a boy.

The far left character looks like a memetchi with a head that looks like a hand. It's a girl.

The far right character looks like a big black tsubutchi with a strange white dot on top that swings around. It's a boy.



900 $

Yeah. I'll post more tomorrow. If someone can give me a link to the characters name page, I will be happy!

Well, I married that male in the middle Osumotchi, and started a new generation... And went back to school! And forgot my tama yesterdary and today, so they were found almost dead.

I have one Ichigotchi(WOOT!) A Puchioyatchi(dang) and another female with a head that looks like a bread.

Sigh. I'm leaving my gozarutchi to go get married... Farewell, my best generation of tamas...

Sniff...NOOOO FAREWELLL!!!!!! Sniff....

H... Have... A good life forever.... OW! What is this notebook? Oh its...

Max(Gozarutchi's journal)'s journal

Wow.... It's his journal. I'll read this page:


I'm sad. I wish my owner wouldn't have school. Sigh...

I accidentally abandoned the new baby for a bit. Sadly, the new baby is a only child. His name is going to be.. Fred!

Fred got a journal.

And so, this is what he wrote.


I'm bored and tired. I'm hungry. Yawwn. Ok, maybe not that hungry. Anyway, Golf is soo hard! Dad is trying to make me into a pro. It's hard and tiring. I'm just getting ready to take another nap. Yawwn.... Ah... I think... That.... That.. I... want... a... sibling.... *the rest of the page is covered with ///'s and \\\\\\'s.*

Fred's journal entry 2.


Visited FamiTama town today. The north american civilization is cool! I liked playing the Sweets Factory game. The Fishing one was too hard. Yuck. Ew.

Anyway, what he said is what I did.

His entry 3:

*sing* *sing* I love this song! Ahahahaha! I'm a Mukutchi. I'm jealous of the young mimitchis. But they don't seem as healthy as I am... So Yay~ I'm going to go play soccer with some random boys out now.

And that's it.

He really is a Mukutchi..

And his happy and hungry hearts are all filled.

I have a Takoyaki, Ikinari(Sweet Potato) Dango and Moon Cake. A small variety of items. I also have the Top Hat, the Sandbox Toys and the Key....

Fred is currently a young and handsome gozarutchi.


I think I've fallen in love with a tama. I've seen her in out street for quite awhile. I heard her name was Candy. I don't know what tama she is. Hopefully, she's nice..... And hopefully, no one reads this....

Fred has gotten married... To Candy, of course. His last long entry:


I married Candy today. I'm so happy. Really... Happy. Soo happy... I could just die.... But...... my parents didn't approve. I had to go move in somewhere else... I already miss them.... Sigh..... Oh well. We're about to start a wonderful and happy life together. This is going to be E-X-C-E-L-E-N-T-O! I won my spelling bee, by the way. I'm so smart, and so lucky to be raised so wonderfully. Candy had 3 kids. A boy and two girls. I'm naming the boy Nicky, and Candy named the girls Ann and Kate. They look to be very healthy. I'm giving my best wishes to my parents, Candy, Nicky, Ann and Kate. This is going to be a wonderful generation. I'm sure. I'm going to take care of Nicky, Ann and Kate exactly how father taught me. I'm going to be the best I can. I'll try my best not to be mean. And... Oh no. I think Ann and Kate want milk right now. I have to go feed them... And farewell, diary. I'll pass this down to Nicky, Ann and Kate.... Well, looks like this is it. I'm hoping to have a wonderful new life.


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