Family life


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
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:eek: Maxie

;) Tami

:huh: Lola

...Suddenly a huge, enormous hand reaches out and grabs her and Lola. Tami faints in the tightness of the hand. As the tamagotchi crowd look upwards they can see a human face. The hand keep pulling her up to his level of eye contact then jams her into a oval shape UFO. Again her reaches down to grab Maxie. Maxie stood silently and still as a statue. The hand grabbed him and shoved him in his tight fist.

He's shoved into the same one.

As once he inside he finds Lola and Tami. Tami is in a bad condition. As he looks around he is in a small pretty furnished arpartment. He tenderly picks up Tami and takes her to huge room with a tv, parent bed and cot. Tami groans again in pain as he quickly paces to the bigger bed. As he carefully places her under the covers, Lola startes to cry. As he goes back to the main room a loud sound of thunder is heard. Quickly he reacts and runs over to Lola. She is crying louder and louder as the thuds continue. He grabs her and runs for it.

Just as he closes the door he feels the house being up lifted. Thud. The house shakes as a human bangs her fist on the glass window. "YAY!" she shouts, "It's a kutchipatchi! Suddenly he notices little icons all around the outside of the glass window. The girl is bashing the little buttons he can barely see. She feeds her food: Maxie eats some hungrily and shoves the rest in his pocket. She give him medicine: He has none of that but saved a bit for Tami. And played alot of games with him. At around 8:30 a louder voice calls "Time for bed!" The girl reacts and drops the house and runs off. Phew. He whipes his forhead covered in sweat and walks to the room Tami's in.

Happily he finds that Tami was awake. She's stiil clutching her chest in a bit of pain so he give her the medicine to have. Lola was sleeping soundly in her little pink cot. A bell is heard so he gives Tami a kiss and see's what is outside. A :) was waiting out side the door and gave him a gold letter with a Tamagotchi Royal Society Stamp on it. As he walks back inside wonder what it is he sits on the blue saoft sofa and signalls Tami to come. As Tami wearily walks to him and sits down , he opens the letter. It read:

Dear Mr & Mrs Gotchi,

Welcome to your new home.

Sorry for not sending you a notice about this but

as new law was made that everyone with a baby

born on 30th or 1st is to start their family in a virtual

pet product. Only the father is to be in contact with the human

at all times. Enjoy your stay and if you need any more

furniture, bedding, clothes etc please send a letter back to the

King of Tamagotchis.

From The King.

What will happen? Look out for the next part!
