Fall Out Boy


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And why would Patrick be running under a ladder?I'm seriously trying to picture that right now, and I'm laughing my a** off. XDDD

Stupid filters. D:
I got behind on this. D:

Patrick's not mean. o_o Not as far as I have seen, anywho. I agree with Kelsey, I'm not believing it.

And I thought that Folie A Deux was a good album. I mean, just because they have a new sound doesn't mean they got bad... well, not in my opinion, anyway. Just don't like that type of music, I assume? -shrug- I like both of them. But, I do have to say, I like their stuff that's more like Hum Hallelujah, Sixteen Candles, Sugar, We're Goin' Down, The Music Or The Misery, America's Suitehearts and I Don't Care... They're stuff got more poppish, but I still like it. I used to love pop so much, it wasn't even funny.

SO. MUCH. POP. -twitch-

And yes, Patrick was running under a ladder, it was funny. Pete opened an umbrella, Patrick went under a ladder, and the two of them broke some mirrors, to prove bad luck wrong. :p

I vote all of FOB is epic win. They've always been good, and unless something really bad happens, or they loose their sanity, they'll always be good. But, the only Evening Out With Your Girlfriend [EOWYGF] songs I like is Pretty In Punk, Moving Pictures, and Growing Up. xD

...Stupid spell checker tells me that Folie and Deux is spelled wrong. ._. -adds as spelled correctly- Retarded thingymabobber. D:<


Bands can change and still sound amazing. Panic! is probably the best example of that.

Spell-checker is odd. Because it's like "That's a last name, idiot! It's not a typ1o" -clicks lgnore- "...Hey, that is how you spell February. Thanks Spell check!"

Bands can change and still sound amazing. Panic! is probably the best example of that.
Spell-checker is odd. Because it's like "That's a last name, idiot! It's not a typ1o" -clicks lgnore- "...Hey, that is how you spell February. Thanks Spell check!"
Panic still sound good, imo. =/

Spell-checker is odd. Because it's like "That's a last name, idiot! It's not a typ1o" -clicks lgnore- "...Hey, that is how you spell February. Thanks Spell check!"
That's what I say. It's like, "-types Wentz-" "-underline- DO YOU MEAN WENT, OR WENT Z?" xP And it's always spazzicle about my last name, because it looks like a typo of something, and I'm always, "I KNOW HOW TO SPELL MY LAST NAME, THANKYOUVERYMUCH. -ignore-" And it used to ask if when I said Michaela, I meant Michael, so I had to add it to the little spell dictionary thing. Now it doesn't do that and tick me off. 8D

I've also had to add hoodie, spaz, spazz, Linkin, and other people's nicknames. xD

I agree that bands can change and still be good. It always annoys me when people are like, "FOB changed, they suck." or, "Panic! changed, they suck.", etc.


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Everyone's coming to Dallas. But on a Wednesday. My parents are anti-school night concerts. ):

But I also just saw FOB and I dunno how much my parents would let me go see someone I just saw. Awwh.

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE!Everyone's coming to Dallas. But on a Wednesday. My parents are anti-school night concerts. ):

But I also just saw FOB and I dunno how much my parents would let me go see someone I just saw. Awwh.
I saw FOB twice in a short period xD

They're going to Toronto, but Fall Out Boy isn't opening in Toronto. D:

If anyone has a Twitter, please contribute to the #humpthestump cause. xDDD
I would if I wasted my life on Twitter and other social networking sites. Instead, I waste it here, and in chats. 8D And I'm still not to sure wtf #humpthestump is, I heard of it from Kelsey, but I know it has something to do with humping Patrick. That, or Andy has taken a sudden interest in trees. XDD

I wanna go to that thing so bad, but I just went to one, so It's gonna be all, "Mommy, FOB's coming to Charlotte again. O:" "NO. IT COSTS MONEY. SOMETHING THAT WE HAVE A SHORTAGE OF." and Imma be all, "Awman. ;-;"

They're gonna be at the place I may see The Fray at in the future, if by some miracle I win that contest... -huff-


On Britian's got Talent a dance group danced to FOB's Beat It cover :D

I jumped up and down, pointing at the TV shouting "FALL OUT BOY'S COVER OF BEAT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and my gran looked at me like I was a weirdo.

My friend's think I have to many FOB songs on my mp4. D: But I don't

I do that all the time when a favourite band is on the TV.

When Fall Out Boy had their Live In Chicago thinger on Fuse, I was like "NO! I GET THE TV! I HAVE TO WATCH FALL OUT BOY!" xD


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