Neon Tiger.
Well-known member
So have I. xD
XD.Yesterday I wondered about the oddest thing.If the music videos for I Don't Care and Build God, Then We'll Talk got mixed together, it wouldn't just be a MimeGrind. Would it be a PornoMimeGrindRape?
It's the best song on the album, imo..The (Shipped) Gold Standard.;D I've grown attached.
Oh, well done. 8DI was so happy because a few days ago, I got one of my friends who used to absolutely hate FOB to grow attached to America's Suitehearts. It was a major accomplishment.
Good idea.I was so happy because a few days ago, I got one of my friends who used to absolutely hate FOB to grow attached to America's Suitehearts. It was a major accomplishment.
xDDDDD.Good idea.
I tried to get my friends into I Don't Care, but now they just think the band has sex addiction problems because I showed them the video. Well, everyone but Andy. xD
You should listen to their new songs.iDmo[x]' date='March 12, 2009 10:16 am'] Meweh got me into FOB a few days ago. xPMy fave is Dance Dance.
YOU'RE SEEING FOB. =]-jumps up and down- MEMEMEMEMEMEME -sorry, I would continue, but I'd be spamming, so this part has been cut out. :]-
YES. FOB's amazing. My favorite band~ -pokes siggy- FOBaholic & Fobsessed. ;D I'm listening to Dance, Dance right now. Lemme post my favorite FOB songs~ (Oh dear God.) Imma just call 'em as I think of 'em.
Dance, Dance, w.a.m.s., Hum Hallelujah, Pretty In Punk, Moving Pictures, Thnks Fr Th Mmrs, Sugar, We're Goin' Down, This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race, A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me", Golden, Homesick At Space Camp, Saturday, Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued, I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You), 20 Dollar Nosebleed, I Don't Care, America's Suitehearts, Chicago Is So Two Years Ago, The Take Over, The Breaks Over, Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy?, Dead On Arrival, Tell That Mike He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today, Calm Before The Storm, The Carpal Tunnel Of Love, Tiffany Blews, Lullaby, Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes, What A Catch, Donnie, She's My Winona, The (Shipped) Gold Standard, Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet, (Coffee's For Closers), West Coast Smoker, Thriller, AND Bang The Doldrums.
...Yeah. I know. I'm obsessed. I think that's all of them... Let's hope so. O_O
Ohs, and I'm seeing FOB for the first time in April. April, 24th. <3 It's gonna be my first time at an actual concert, as well. 8D
It's gonna be loud, and Imma lose my voice singing, but I Don't Care. X3 'Least I'm not moshpitting. o_o;