Fall Out Boy


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If I hugged Patrick, I wouldn't wash the outfit I was wearing. Ever. XDDDD

There was some Q&A with Pete last night, and someone asked if there will be a new album this year or next year. He replied with "im not sure. this may be the swan song. but we might have another in us. well see."

Let's all sit in an isolated room together and cry. D':

Michaela, I'll start saving my spare change.

Maybe within the next year and a half I can acquire enough for a car and drive. xD


Maybe he means that they won't right away, seeing as Folie only came out in December.

'Cause if they stop making music, I'll cry and go all emo and such.

And thank god FBR isn't bankrupt. They're such an amazing record label.

Allie, I'm reading that nao. FOE. D:

But I doubt FOB's over yet. Besides, Like Kelsey said, Folie just came out, they're prolly in no mood to start making new music. Besides, they're touring and such... It's probably gonna be sometime next year before another album by them is released. Since they're already working on another live DVD. . . And, Pete never said that they wouldn't have another album. He said maybe. They're still unsure, and everything that I just said supports that... We'll just have to wait and see what time brings. :]

If ANY of them hugged me, mostly Patrick, I would never wash what I wore that day and ask to be buried in whatever it was. XD

Have fun, Kelsey. :p I'm saving for Anime Mid-Atlantic 'cause I may go with Mandi next year. I should have a little over six hundred and sixty dollars, so, I'll have enough for the cosplay, and maybe what I have left over could help with the other stuff and you use yours and the pocket change for a car? XD


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I think at this rate, a plane ticket's cheaper. But I'll worry about that when I have anywhere near enough for anything. xD

But yeah. Until one of them says they're definitely not making another record, I'm not going to worry about it too much. Just a little bit. xP

I was about twenty to thirty feet away from FOB once. 8D But... That's it. That I know of. It would be epic if I would've ran into FOB or saw them when I was little, I just didn't know it. XD


But yeah. Until one of them says they're definitely not making another record, I'm not going to worry about it too much. Just a little bit. xP

I just watched a video on Pete's blog, from BND. He put numbing gel stuff on Jersey's tongue, his voice sounded so cute. :3

Well, MJ's dead, FOB may stop writing music, and I am depressed.

What's so bad though is that MJ dying... It's brought me back to reality. We were talking about how FOB may stop writing music, and then we were talking about how maybe Pete's just in doubt, and then, BAM! Michael Jackson's gone. And then, I realized... FOB won't last forever like I've hoped. They'll stop writing music, and they'll fade away, and then, the band members will grow old and... They'll be gone, too.

I'm just hoping that, "Might" of Pete's comes through... And, MJ's death may inspire him to write new lyrics, and eventually it'll make new songs. I mean, he said that if there was no reason to write anything, if there wasn't a true meaning to the song, there's no point in writing them.

I'm just hoping this'll be an inspiration to him and Patrick so they won't stop, not anytime soon, at least.


EDIT!: Grammar fail. . .

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Mhm. I literally felt sick to my stomach when I heard about MJ. I mean, I wasn't a huge fan or anything, but still. It's him. I always imagined him as the legend that just seemed to...stay. And like you said, Michaela, I remembered that this eventually will happen with FOB, and Panic, and every other band, or friend for that matter, that I love. It's scary.

So at this point, that one, five-letter "might" is what's keeping from a total breakdown.

And like they said, Believers Never Die. <3

^ Yeah. My stomach kinda hurts, and I think Imma go to bed soon, so...

Believers Never Die. I don't think FOB would let their fans down like this, just, so suddenly. I'm starting to just wish that the fan wouldn't have said anything... But, these things happen. Besides, as I always say, Let's look at the brightside. I mean, we're all gonna die someday, but, it doesn't have to be anytime soon. Like you side before, Kelsey, Green Day didn't write music for like, four years, but now they're back. Maybe, if FOB does stop, they'll come back. I mean, Pete's prolly just waiting on an inspiration. And, maybe, MJ's death, like I said, will be an inspiration.

...Well, darn. Now, I feel a lot better. See, the brightside does help. XD But, seriously, I feel a heck lot better now that I've said that. There's still hope. Dun't be so down. xD


...I think my FOB-related catch phrases consist of:

'Believers Never Die.'

'Gay Is Not A Synonym For Stupid.'

'That's What She Said!'


'Yeah, He/She's Dead Because I Shot Her In The Chest, Then In The Head.'

'Hey, -namehere-, I Know This Is Belated, But, I Love You Back.'



I'm just worried it could be like Green Day, where they don't have a new album for four years.

I'd die if they were like AC DC and waited 8 years.

-has a heart attack of relief- See? I told you there was nothing to worry about. So, Pete wasn't trying to kill us, after all. x-e

Anyway~ -goes to steal Pete's hat- n..n


The second update on FOBR says Fall Out Boy at the Pageant. That made me laugh. xD

...It has nothing to do with a pageant.

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I haven't gone on FOBR in forever.

I get all the updates from Twitter and FOE, now. xD


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