Fake Tamagotchis Are All over the Internet


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Hey, small question, when the fake tamagotchi connections/ virtual PETS etc. Use the tamagotchi characters on the packaging or the connection logo on the shell, are they allowed to do that to promote their brands?
No. The Tamagotchi brand doesn't belong to them, so they aren't allowed to use anything relating to it unless they're paying Bandai to do so. If a company is using a brand without a license, the intent is to deceive.

Virtual PETs is a generic product that does not do this, so I don't know why you named it here. You can see its packaging here - they only use generic pixel animals, and generic packaging that is not even remotely attempting to deceive.

No. The Tamagotchi brand doesn't belong to them, so they aren't allowed to use anything relating to it unless they're paying Bandai to do so. If a company is using a brand without a license, the intent is to deceive.
Virtual PETs is a generic product that does not do this, so I don't know why you named it here. You can see its packaging here - they only use generic pixel animals, and generic packaging that is not even remotely attempting to deceive.
Thanks! Ok, first off, when I said virtual PETS I meant that as an example of another brand that may/may not be a knockoff f tamagotchis (not that it is, I know that), not that it used the tamagotchi characters or logo on it, y’ know? Also, back a while ago someone posted a picture of a fake colour tamagotchi that had the tamagotchi characters all over the packaging. Why hasn’t this been reported/taken down yet?

No problem. :)

Ok, first off, when I said virtual PETS I meant that as an example of another brand that may/may not be a knockoff f tamagotchis (not that it is, I know that), not that it used the tamagotchi characters or logo on it, y’ know?
Ahh, ok!

Also, back a while ago someone posted a picture of a fake colour tamagotchi that had the tamagotchi characters all over the packaging. Why hasn’t this been reported/taken down yet?
Unfortunately, there's really nothing that can be done about this.

The reason for this is because a lot of fake items originate in China, which has a very different approach to copyright law to many other countries, to put it lightly. The upshot of this is that, very often, the legitimate rights-holders can do little or nothing about counterfeits.

Without a doubt, Bandai will be aware of it, but chances are that whatever action they can take isn't enough to put a stop to it.

In the end, the only solution is better education about spotting counterfeits on the consumer side - not just with these toys, but in general.

But if people buy the fakes thinking they're actual bandai's and see how bad they are, isn't that stopping bandai from doing as well as they could? Put it this way: people try the fakes and just 'eh', but if people tried the actual p1's or something maybe - I don't even know how to word this. You get what I'm trying (and failing) to say, right?

But if people buy the fakes thinking they're actual bandai's and see how bad they are, isn't that stopping bandai from doing as well as they could? Put it this way: people try the fakes and just 'eh', but if people tried the actual p1's or something maybe - I don't even know how to word this. You get what I'm trying (and failing) to say, right?
I get it, yep. This is where consumer education about fake goods comes into play, really.

You're right, but also I think that the most "common" range of people who are into trying out a tamagotchi for the heck of it are probably just fine with what a fake has to offer. Most people who claim they miss tamagotchis say that they only kept "killing them", and honestly, if you really want to know about something badly enough, you would do proper research about it.

Plus... People have bought the actual minis, thinking they are what they remember from their childhood and were disappointed. So that's not good on Bandai's end either that they weren't more properly advertised.

Not to mention that if only there WAS an actual tamagotchi on the shelves people would buy it instead of looking for fakes, which were just way easier to buy not too long ago, since there were no actual toys in stores.

I have a new tama-well not really- more of a FAKE Tama. I would post pictures but whenever I try my device keeps crashing sooo...

I’ll try and give the best description I can.

I got this Giga/digi pet from Poundland. When I got it, I thought it looked pretty cute because of the cats and llamas on the packaging. That brings me to my first problem.

The characters on the package are NOT featured in the actual game. This was very disappointing for me as that was practically the only reason I bought this.

When I opened the Tama the first thing I noticed was that a LOT of symbols/icons used were stolen from the connection. Another strange thing was that there were five buttons with STATUS, SELECT, RESET, DECIDE and CANCEL underneath them, but what I don’t understand is that there are only 2 things you can do with all 5 of the buttons. Decide let’s you select and all the other buttons let you scroll- APART FROM the reset button (which MIGHT I ADD is very easy to press accidentally. I learnt that the hard way.)

The tamagotchi itself is a Jia-Yuan type, which is quite obviously manifactured and made in China.

Overall this is a cheap plastic piece of junk. No wonder it was only sold for £1.

Well.. at least my post gets to live for a bit longer! But srsly.. it was closed and then re-opend? Maybe they thought that my topic was good enough to live a bit longer (100% NOT BRAGGING)

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I have a blue Q-pet, and I'm very happy with it. Mine didn't fall apart. It's very similar to the +color, and it's the closest to an English + color that you can get. English is a language option, as well as Chinese. Games are the same as on the +color. I have a fake "Tamagotchi Connection" with the four buttons as well. Mine is green and blue, with an intricate color background. It's a 168 in one. I don't care for the gameplay on that one at all.

Since language in tamas doesn't matter at all in my opinion, and as someone who has both the +C and the q-pet, I don't think that comparing it to the actual thing is too fair. It removes most of +C's features and adds its own unique ones.

It's not that bad for a fake, but I wish the sprites for the characters weren't so... awkward! And I would have liked if there was more things to buy than just seeds, cars and stuff.

That's very true, Jhud. I have both as well, and the +color is definitely better than the Q-pet. I ran both side by side when my Q-pet arrived. It (the Q-pet) does remove most +color features, but it does have some of unique features of its own. I like Patrick Star as a travel agent--copyright infringement yes, but still cute. However, for a bootleg, it's not bad at all. And yes, the character sprites are awkward. The real characters are cuter.

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Honestly, even if Bandai did have a full range of older models on offer for the nostalgia market, the counterfeit problem would still exist, and it would still be in no way influenced by them.
True, though the likehood of someone falling for a fake is lower if the real ones are just as widespread as the fakes.

The reason for this is because a lot of fake items originate in China, which has a very different approach to copyright law to many other countries, to put it lightly.
Just because fakes are legal to produce in China doesn't mean that other governments are powerless to stop them. Selling fake Louis Vuitton bags will get you arrested in many countries. But not selling fake Tamagotchi's. Which means just about every government is supporting these fakes.

But if people buy the fakes thinking they're actual bandai's and see how bad they are, isn't that stopping bandai from doing as well as they could? Put it this way: people try the fakes and just 'eh', but if people tried the actual p1's or something maybe - I don't even know how to word this. You get what I'm trying (and failing) to say, right?
Indeed, and I am almost certain that that is what killed the franchise outside of Japan.

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True, though the likehood of someone falling for a fake is lower if the real ones are just as available as the fakes.
I'd like to believe that but I'm not so sure that it would help, because most counterfeits in general these days are of readily-available mass-produced items, and that doesn't prevent fakes from being a problem.

Just because fakes are legal to produce in China doesn't mean that other governments are powerless to stop them. Selling fake Louis Vuitton bags will get you arrested in many countries. But not selling fake Tamagotchi's. Which means just about every government is supporting these fakes.
That's true, but I guess that preventing a foreign government from allowing the counterfeiting of toys isn't high on the list of priorities for most governments. :p


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