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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
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Beep Beep.

Faith yawned and stumbled with her blue tamagotchi. She rubbed her eyes and pressed the first button a few times. "WAKE UP!" yelled someone downstairs. "Hmmm" Faith mumbled and pulling on a pair of jeans which hung on the edge of her bed. She zipped up the fly and made her way to her wooden closet

and pulled out a blue shirt with a cloud stitched across the front. She pulled off her pyjamas and instead slipped into the shirt and a soft blue jacket along with a a striped scarf. She tossed the scarf over her shoulder, carefully placed her tamagotchi in the jacket pocket and zipped it. And quickly skipped down the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, Faith grabbed a slice of toast and blue backpack and ran out yelling "Going to school, Mum!" Outside, a dirty, yellow school bus was unpaicently waiting, inside was a rowdy crowd of students. Faith stepped inside the bus and placed a few silver coins on paying machine. and found a seat right at the front. Slowly, she sat down. Anxiously, she pulled out her tamagotchi and quickly turned the sound off. After checking her tamagotchi, Hope's stats she stuffed the little egg back into her jacket pocket so none could see it.

With a bump, the bus parked right at the front of Appleville Primary. One by one the pupils stood up and hopped off the bus. Faith stood up too and pushed her way though the crowd. BRRRINNNGG! The start of school bell rang. Hurringly, everyone from the bus started runing to their classes, so did Faith.

Faith was what the popular kids call a loner. Faith didn't have any friends but Hope, tamagotchi or a few unknown friends on Tama Talk. Every lunch time, Faith would walk around the lonely corridors to the old computer lab. It was a small and dusty room everyone had forgotton about, even the principal. Faith had discovered it last year when she was wandering around with nothing to do. In side was a few dusty computer that still had internet, there she would spend any spare minutes writing fan fiction stories on Tama talk. That room was her secret hide-away.

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