Factfile Of Yourself~


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Name: Rita

Date Of Birth: 4:44pm, 6th December, 1998

Age: 12 years 3 months

Location: New Zealand

Height: 4,03"

Weight: Last time I checked, around 34kg's

Shoe size: my shoes say 7

Hair color: Really dark brown. Black at the top, dark brown at the bottom (I don't dye my hair!)

Eye color: Brown

Skin tone: Olive

Favourite band/singer: Care Bears on Fire?

Favourite animal: Cat

Favourite book: Harry Potter/Emily the strange novels

Favourite movie: dunno, if I have to say....Coraline

Lucky number: none. But I like number 13

Dream job: Writer/Illustrator, maybe a lawyer

Favourite color: Green/Black

Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Internet, collecting things, doing weird stuff....

Favourite food: Chicken soup

Favourite TV show: err....Grace under fire

Favourite drink: Water.....I think

Favourite music genre: Rock, R&B and maybe Hip Hop

Favourite actor: I quite like the actress who played Bellatrix Lestrange in the Harry Poter movies. I think her name is Helena Carter

First language: Cantonese, I usually speak English

Pets: Cats....A totoishell cat called Kitty (wanted to rename her Quince)

Loves: Iono. Love's what? I love my cat, my family and er....someone

Hates: Vegetables, Spiders and people who poke me in the sides and a person in my class nicknamed Jazmine

Fears: Natural disaster, and soccer balls flying through the air at me when I play sports

Weaknesses: Cats, er...and some other stuff

Theme song: What do you mean?

Personality: Dunno, my friends consider me funny, feisty, intellegent and weird

Best friend: Moonclaw and Silverstar, these are their warrior cat names

Strengths: Huh? People say I am pretty good at drawing.

Favourite school subject: Art, Technology Hard Materials and Physical Education (P.E)

Least favourite subject: Religious Education and Science (R.E: All you do is copy stuff down and listen to the teacher and answer hard questions, Science: You draw graphs and methods of setting up equipment)

Accent: New Zealand (Kiwi)

Ethnicity: Chinese, but to be more specific, Cantonese

Siblings: A half-brother

Favourite possession: My books and my red panda doll.

In a relationship?: nope

Religion: Catholic

Gender: Female

School year/grade: 8th

Weird habits: I ruin the corners of a piece of paper if I hold it for too long, I keep on twirling my pen too

Can't cope with: lots of things

Comparable to: Huh?

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Name: Ellaaaaa~ :)

Date Of Birth: 1:34 PM, 24th of April, 1999

Age: 11 years.

Location: New Zealand :)

Height: 5'5

Weight: IDK

Shoe size: 7 or 8.

Hair color: Dark brown now.

Eye color: Green

Skin tone: Pale... exceptformyarmsxD

Favourite band/singer: Foo Fighters.

Favourite animal: Bear

Favourite book: Matilda, ohyeah =D

Favourite movie: Nightmare on Elm Sreet

Lucky number: 15, 7

Dream job: I have no clue, wherever life takes me :)

Favourite color: Orange

Hobbies: Writing, browsing the internet, drawing, hanging out with friends

Favourite food: Ice Cream

Favourite TV show: Bakugan >.>

Favourite drink: Chocolate Milk

Favourite music genre: Rock.

Favourite actor: No. Not answering.

First language: English :)

Pets: A dog named Jen, short haired collie :)

Loves: My family, friends, hobbies.

Hates: Meh.. can't be bothered typing.


Weaknesses: 'Dunno

Theme song: Too many songs to choose from.

Personality: Random, Often daydreaming and doodling in my book, funny, slightly witty.

Best friend: Meh.. I don't like to choose.

Strengths: My writing. Apparently.

Favourite school subject: Literacy/English

Least favourite subject: Maths

Accent: New Zealand

Ethnicity: Half European, half maori

Siblings: Two brothers.

Favourite possession: My stuffed bear (with a really pretty dress xD ) that I got when I was born.

In a relationship?: Nah

Religion: ...

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Year 8, form 2

Weird habits: When I type or write, I say what I'm writing out loud.

Can't cope with: Stress

Comparable to: ..

Name: Destiny

Date Of Birth: 7th April

Age: 12

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Green

Favourite animal: Dolphin

Favourite movie: I hate movies.

Lucky number: 8

Favourite color: Lilac


Favourite TV show: TV sucks.

Favourite drink: Fizzy drink

First language: English

Pets: Hamster

Fears: Falling of a horse - srsly it's not a nice experience!

Weaknesses: Algebra

Personality: Truthful, helpful, knowledgeable, good at spelling

Best friend: Online or not? If you don't count online friends, I'd say a girl at my school called Madeline.

Strengths: Determination, swimming, spelling, literacy, maths, computing

Favourite school subject: English.

Least favourite subject: ALGEBRA

Accent: English.

Ethnicity: New Zealand

Favourite possession: Tamagotchi iD L

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Year 7

Can't cope with: People whispering to each other at recess at school.

Some are back-spaced because they are personal information. I hope you don't mind.


I would like to fill this out again x)

Name: Abigail

Date Of Birth: May 1, 1996

Age: 14

Location: California USA

Height: 4'10 -___-

Weight: 95-100 Haven't checked in a while.

Shoe size: 6.5-7

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Skin tone: Pretty tan.

Favourite band/singer: hellogoodbye/2PM/NEWS

Favourite animal: Shark

Favourite book: I don't like many books.

Favourite movie: Don't have one.

Lucky number: 6 I suppose

Dream job: Don't know.

Favourite color: Purple/Green/Blue

Hobbies: I don't have ant ;~;

Favourite food: Lots,, sushi, shrimp tempura, calamari, etc

Favourite TV show: Degrassi

Favourite drink: I like all bubble tea/milk tea/boba x)

Favourite music genre: Don't know.

Favourite actor: Landon Liboiron

First language: English

Pets: 2 dogs named Goldie and Rover and chickens.

Loves: Don't know.

Hates: Lots.

Fears: Losing people.

Weaknesses: I care too much about how I look.

Theme song: Mischievous Function? x)

Personality: I don't know haha but I'm quiet?

Best friend: My bestie is named Amanda ouo

Strengths: I'm good at convincing people? Yeah I don't know.

Favourite school subject: I don't like school subjects.

Least favourite subject: French, English, PE, Science haha 4/6 ouo

Accent: Dunno like American people

Ethnicity: Filipino

Siblings: Older sister (18) and younger sister (11)

Favourite possession: My reborn stuff and some posters

In a relationship?: Nope

Religion: Catholic

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: 9th

Weird habits: Stalking lol and adding random Italian or French phrases when I talk.

Can't cope with: Don't know

Comparable to: Che cosa? Don't know.

Name: Jade

Date Of Birth: 17th May

Age: 15

Location: Sheffield

Height: 5'3

Weight: 105lbs

Shoe size: UK size 6.

Hair color: Dark blonde, dying it brown soon.. hopefully. :3

Eye color: Blue.

Skin tone: Pale >:

Favourite band/singer: Can't choose just one D:

Favourite animal: Duck.

Favourite book: Warrior cats

Favourite movie: Loads! I prefer horrors/comedies though

Lucky number: 6 and 10

Dream job: Own my own garden centre with my family :3

Favourite color: Red.

Hobbies: Swimming? I like jogging & walking too?

Favourite food: Tomato soup! Pot noodle.. Party rings.. mm.

Favourite TV show: Hmm.. Celebrity Juice.

Favourite drink: Water/Cordial/Coke

Favourite music genre: Varies - from heavy to pop.

Favourite actor: Noo idea.

First language: English

Pets: A cat

Loves: My dad & brother! Painting, role-playing, gardening, sleeping.

Hates: Spiders, being alone, not being good enough.

Fears: Failure, imperfection, not being accepted.

Weaknesses: I'm quite a pushover.. I don't have a lot of common sense either.

Theme song: Oh I don't know!

Personality: Sarcastic, funny? Honest, loyal, friendly.

Best friend: Amber/Lizzie.

Strengths: I'm quite a (mentally) strong person, from what's happened in my life people have always told me that they don't know 'how I do it'. I guess it's just who I am.. ;o

Favourite school subject: Maths/Art?

Least favourite subject: English, mainly because of the teacher.. I loved it at my old school. ><

Accent: Geordie.. youtube if you're interested.

Ethnicity: English.

Siblings: One 6 year old brother.

Favourite possession: Laptop, my apple earrings!

In a relationship?: Nah..

Religion: Agnostic.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Grade? 11 I think.. I'm 16 this year if that's any help..

Weird habits: I sometimes bite my nails, mainly if I'm worried..

Can't cope with: Stuttering and back stabbers.

Comparable to: I dunno?

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