Well-known member
Name: Rita
Date Of Birth: 4:44pm, 6th December, 1998
Age: 12 years 3 months
Location: New Zealand
Height: 4,03"
Weight: Last time I checked, around 34kg's
Shoe size: my shoes say 7
Hair color: Really dark brown. Black at the top, dark brown at the bottom (I don't dye my hair!)
Eye color: Brown
Skin tone: Olive
Favourite band/singer: Care Bears on Fire?
Favourite animal: Cat
Favourite book: Harry Potter/Emily the strange novels
Favourite movie: dunno, if I have to say....Coraline
Lucky number: none. But I like number 13
Dream job: Writer/Illustrator, maybe a lawyer
Favourite color: Green/Black
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Internet, collecting things, doing weird stuff....
Favourite food: Chicken soup
Favourite TV show: err....Grace under fire
Favourite drink: Water.....I think
Favourite music genre: Rock, R&B and maybe Hip Hop
Favourite actor: I quite like the actress who played Bellatrix Lestrange in the Harry Poter movies. I think her name is Helena Carter
First language: Cantonese, I usually speak English
Pets: Cats....A totoishell cat called Kitty (wanted to rename her Quince)
Loves: Iono. Love's what? I love my cat, my family and er....someone
Hates: Vegetables, Spiders and people who poke me in the sides and a person in my class nicknamed Jazmine
Fears: Natural disaster, and soccer balls flying through the air at me when I play sports
Weaknesses: Cats, er...and some other stuff
Theme song: What do you mean?
Personality: Dunno, my friends consider me funny, feisty, intellegent and weird
Best friend: Moonclaw and Silverstar, these are their warrior cat names
Strengths: Huh? People say I am pretty good at drawing.
Favourite school subject: Art, Technology Hard Materials and Physical Education (P.E)
Least favourite subject: Religious Education and Science (R.E: All you do is copy stuff down and listen to the teacher and answer hard questions, Science: You draw graphs and methods of setting up equipment)
Accent: New Zealand (Kiwi)
Ethnicity: Chinese, but to be more specific, Cantonese
Siblings: A half-brother
Favourite possession: My books and my red panda doll.
In a relationship?: nope
Religion: Catholic
Gender: Female
School year/grade: 8th
Weird habits: I ruin the corners of a piece of paper if I hold it for too long, I keep on twirling my pen too
Can't cope with: lots of things
Comparable to: Huh?
Date Of Birth: 4:44pm, 6th December, 1998
Age: 12 years 3 months
Location: New Zealand
Height: 4,03"
Weight: Last time I checked, around 34kg's
Shoe size: my shoes say 7
Hair color: Really dark brown. Black at the top, dark brown at the bottom (I don't dye my hair!)
Eye color: Brown
Skin tone: Olive
Favourite band/singer: Care Bears on Fire?
Favourite animal: Cat
Favourite book: Harry Potter/Emily the strange novels
Favourite movie: dunno, if I have to say....Coraline
Lucky number: none. But I like number 13
Dream job: Writer/Illustrator, maybe a lawyer
Favourite color: Green/Black
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Internet, collecting things, doing weird stuff....
Favourite food: Chicken soup
Favourite TV show: err....Grace under fire
Favourite drink: Water.....I think
Favourite music genre: Rock, R&B and maybe Hip Hop
Favourite actor: I quite like the actress who played Bellatrix Lestrange in the Harry Poter movies. I think her name is Helena Carter
First language: Cantonese, I usually speak English
Pets: Cats....A totoishell cat called Kitty (wanted to rename her Quince)
Loves: Iono. Love's what? I love my cat, my family and er....someone
Hates: Vegetables, Spiders and people who poke me in the sides and a person in my class nicknamed Jazmine
Fears: Natural disaster, and soccer balls flying through the air at me when I play sports
Weaknesses: Cats, er...and some other stuff
Theme song: What do you mean?
Personality: Dunno, my friends consider me funny, feisty, intellegent and weird
Best friend: Moonclaw and Silverstar, these are their warrior cat names
Strengths: Huh? People say I am pretty good at drawing.
Favourite school subject: Art, Technology Hard Materials and Physical Education (P.E)
Least favourite subject: Religious Education and Science (R.E: All you do is copy stuff down and listen to the teacher and answer hard questions, Science: You draw graphs and methods of setting up equipment)
Accent: New Zealand (Kiwi)
Ethnicity: Chinese, but to be more specific, Cantonese
Siblings: A half-brother
Favourite possession: My books and my red panda doll.
In a relationship?: nope
Religion: Catholic
Gender: Female
School year/grade: 8th
Weird habits: I ruin the corners of a piece of paper if I hold it for too long, I keep on twirling my pen too
Can't cope with: lots of things
Comparable to: Huh?
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