Factfile of Yourself~


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Name: Temari

Date of birth: August 23

Age: 22

Location: My house... XD

Height: 5'8"

Weight: I ain't telling you!

Shoe size: 9 I have rabbit feet...

Hair color: Golden blond

Eye color: Pine green

Skin tone: Pale

Favorite band/ singer: A tie between BoyslikeGirls and Linkin Park

Favorite animal: Japanese Shika deer!!!

Favorite book: The Naruto manga series, if not, Twilight

Favorite movies: That one FMA movie (Full Metal Alchemist), and the 1st and 2nd Naruto movie... the 3rd was kinda bleh.

Lucky Number: 50!!!

Dream Job: Manga and Anime artist, if not, an author.

Favorite color: Black, Red, and Lavender

Hobbies: Reading writing, Shikamaru, drawing, video games, Shikamaru, playing guitar, listening to radio, Shikamaru, and many other things. (Did I mention Shikamaru?)

Favorite food: SUSHI but only some kinds

Favorite TV show: Naruto

Favorite drink: Green Tea

Favorite music Genre: Hard Rock, and Naruto soundtrack

Favorite actor: Eddie Murphy

First language: Japanese

Pets: Fish and a cat

Loves: Shikamaru, video games, the show Naruto, Shikamaru, drawing, writing, sleeping, using the computer, Shikamaru, eating, and the list goes on...

Hates: Throwing up, or seeing people vomit...

Fears: Bugs, death, anything gross.

Weaknesses: Um... Cute face, seeing a loved one upset, having someone loved mad at me

Theme song: Temari's theme song or Shikamaru's theme song (look them up on youtube)

Personality: Hyper, sometimes quiet and timid... but most of the time hyper

Best Friend: Sakura

Strengths: Art, being myself, etc.

Favorite school subject: Art and Science

Least favorite scool subject: Ugh... Math and Socail studies

Accent: Japanese

Ethnicity: 99% Japanese

Siblings: Two brothers

Favorite possession: Uhm IDK

In a relationship: Married

Gender: Female

School year/ grade: Graduated thank you very much

Weird habits: Nail biting

Can't cope with: An angry person...

Comparable to: Temari

~♥Temari Nara♥~

Name: Ariana "Axie" Porter

Date Of Birth: October 15

Age: 15

Location: Florida

Height: 5'4-5'5

Weight: 90-95 lbs.

Shoe size: left 7 1/2 right 7

Hair color: red-brown.

Eye color: It changes. Born Gray

Skin tone: vein white to white, tan when working.

Favourite band/singer: Marilyn Manson? I dont really have one.

Favourite animal: Cats, any cats.

Favourite book: The Sight

Favourite movie: The Secret of NIMH

Lucky number: 15 and 364

Dream job: Epademist/ report on epidemic/pandemic. Part time Zombie hunter.

Favourite color: I love all the colors.

Hobbies: Reading, RPing, Music, Drumming, pretending to be a man X3

Favourite food: Eggdrop Soup

Favourite TV show: Sanctuary

Favourite drink: Zombie energy drink

Favourite music genre: Metal

Favourite actor: Jamie Campbelle Bower

First language: English

Pets: Cat names Nikoma, Two ogs, Ginger Hawthorne(GiGi) and Koho, two bearde dragons, Koko and Nut, and a frog, Hopper.

Loves: A lot of things. And Epidemics. And Zombies.

Hates: JoBros, HM/MC, Katy Perry, Twilight, and Anyone who labels people.

Fears: Insects, Wide open spaces, my mom.

Weaknesses: Im an impulsive liar

Theme song: This River i Wild- the Killers/The Red- Chevelle

Personality: Changes in accordance to who I am around. Mostly nuetral.

Best friend: Sammi!

Strengths: I tel people what I think of them and what they have and they better deal with it. Also, im loyal to people i love.

Favourite school subject: Biology

Least favourite subject: Human geography in theory AP

Accent: Mixed. Slightly Germanic, Midwestern, and Irish, according to who and where I grew up.

Ethnicity: Mostly Irish, also Italan, German, Russian, and French

Siblings: 1 brother deceased, 1 brother Rek (32) One brother Matt (30) One brother Scott (29) One brother James (28, missing) 1 Sister Stephanie (24) One brother Brendan (11)

Favourite possession: My books <3

In a relationship?: Its complicated.

Religion: Mixed Christianity

Gender: Shemale

School year/grade: Year 10/9th grade

Weird habits: I babble, and my legs/hands spazum

Can't cope with: My Mom

Comparable to: An odd slave to an Alchemist

Name: Shannon

Date Of Birth: May 7th

Age: 14

Location: my house. don't wanna get too specific.

Height: short -_-

Weight: exactly 100 lbs. ughhh people say that's below average but i think i'm fat

Shoe size: it depends on what kind of shoe

Hair color: brown, kind of reddish in the sun

Eye color: hazel/green

Skin tone: about average, kinda pale

Favorite band/singer: don't have one, i love a lot

Favorite animal: bunny

Favorite book: all the books in the twilight saga

Favorite movie: hairspray, elf, national treasure, pink panther and twilight

Lucky number: 3

Dream job: maybe a preschool or kindergarten teacher

Favorite color: I love them all

Hobbies: dancing, reading, texting, hanging out with family and friends

Favorite food: chocolate. i love junk food too much.

Favorite TV show: i watch pretty much anything that's good. my favorites are dancing with the stars and wizards of waverly place

Favorite drink: water

Favorite music genre: rock, pop, punk, alternative...it goes on. just no rap. i also like some country, but not much

Favorite actor: i don't know

First language: english

Pets: a bunny :)

Loves: my bunny, my friends, my family, dancing, and just having fun

Hates: chain letters, check ups, having braces, homework and tests and anything along those lines, also when people act arrogant and rude and stuff.

Fears: failing, natural disasters, bugs, death, robbers, murderers, kidnappers, online predators, rapists, and pretty much all of those scary people. also my biggest fear is losing a loved one or friend, or having something bad happen to my family. i hate feeling unsafe.

Weaknesses: extremely lonely and insecure :(

Theme song: ????

Personality: friendly but sometimes quiet, stubborn, and fun to be around when you really get to know me. i also still like a lot of little kid things like disney movies and webkinz which may be strange at my age but i don't have a problem with it. other people do. also a big time worrier.

Best friend: my bff katie!! i only have like 3 friends. gosh i'm such a loner.

Strengths: can't think of any. i'm too pessimistic.

Favorite school subject: dance! yes, it is a class.

Least favorite subject: ewww math and pretty much everything else. dance is my only good class.

Accent: American

Ethnicity: mainly Irish and Scottish

Siblings: one brother and one sister. both younger.

Favorite possession: my old teddy bear and my phone

In a relationship?: I wish.

Religion: Roman Catholic

Gender: Female

School year/grade: freshman in high school (9th grade)

Weird habits: I sometimes not only talk to myself, but yell at myself when nobody's around. Yeah I'm strange. But this doesn't happen too often hehe.

Can't cope with: Obnoxious siblings when they throw pointless tantrums, also a lot of meanieheads (haha it's the nicest word i could come up with) at my school that talk behind my back about me.

Comparable to: a worm! hahah random and odd but i guess i can compare myself to one. worms are lonely and have hardly any friends, they get ripped apart by horrible people and have a boring life of living in dirt. well i don't live in dirt but still....haha :p

Name: Stephanie.

Date Of Birth: March 22.

Age: ...

Location: ...

Height: Short.

Weight: Good, for my size.

Shoe size: Small.

Hair color: Born black, but turned brown..

Eye color: Brown, born blue.

Skin tone: Rather tan...

Favourite band/singer: Umm...I don't know...

Favourite animal: Pigs.

Favourite book: Too mmaannyy...

Favourite movie: Rent (well, musical, but they filmed it!)

Lucky number: None.

Dream job: Geophysicist, writer, artist, musician, photographer.

Favourite color: Orange and green.

Hobbies: Writing, reading, drawing, listening to music, playing on the computer...

Favourite food: Jook (congee in English).

Favourite TV show: Pushing Daisies!

Favourite drink: I don't know...lemonade?

Favourite music genre: I don't know...

Favourite actor: Umm, at the moment, Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel?

First language: English.

Pets: Well, my fish named Smithers just died... :mametchi:

Loves: Too much...

Hates: Too much...

Fears: Uhh...

Weaknesses: I don't know...I'm not the best at keeping promises...

Theme song: The segment with the Lover/Wizard of Oz dancing with Elphaba/the Wicked Witch of the West's mother/Melena in the musical number No One Mourns the Wicked from the awesome Broadway musical, Wicked.

Personality: ehh...

Best friend: I don't know...

Strengths: Uhh, I'm good at listening to people and giving advice and stuff...

Favourite school subject: Language Arts, Science, Music and Math.

Least favourite subject: Phys. Ed. (physical failure.)

Accent: Canadian...

Ethnicity: Mostly Irish, also Italan, German, Russian, and French

Siblings: One sister whom I couldn't live without.<3

Favourite possession: My family (well, maybe not possession. xP Maybe, umm...-shrug-)

In a relationship?: Nope. ^-^

Religion: Protestant.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Grade 6.

Weird habits: Uhh...-shrug-

Can't cope with: -shrug-

Comparable to: -shrug-

That was fuunn...but there's a lot of info that I'm not *too* comfortable with putting on the Internet. xD My parents would definitely not approve. (And some stuff that I'm just too lazy to think about.)

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Name: Kat

Date Of Birth: 2nd February

Age: 11

Location: Ohio, USA

Height: Um, 5'?

Weight: 80

Shoe size: Womens 8 O__O

Hair color: Natural: Cinnamon. Dyed: Dark brown.

Eye color: Hazel

Skin tone: Extremely pale.

Favourite band/singer: Taylor Swift <3

Favourite animal: Cats, Rats, Fish

Favourite book: Twilight series

Favourite movie: Little Manhattan and Wizard of OZ

Lucky number: 7 and 27

Dream job: Famous Actress/Singer

Favourite color: Pink 8D

Hobbies: Computer, Writing songs, Writing in general, daydreaming, playing video games.

Favourite food: Fruit and Veggies 8D (Strawberries.)

Favourite TV show: George Lopez

Favourite drink: Pina Colada, Coke and Water

Favourite music genre: Pop and Country

Favourite actor: I don't mind anyone, really. Unless they suck.

First language: English

Pets: 3 dogs (Blaze [Collie], Bosco and Cocoa [Mini Dachshunds]) Two cats, Glenda and Gizmo, A fish (Carly.)

Loves: Bright things, being unpredictable, being different, running around in the rain, Starbucks<3

Hates: Litter brothers, loud noises, secrets

Fears: Being abandoned, Running out of ink in my pen on an important test, china dolls.

Weaknesses: Chocolate and Starbucks

Theme song: Lala Land- Demi Lovato and Anything But Ordinary- Avril Lavigne

Personality: Loud, Sarcastic, Quick Witted, Funny, Stubborn

Best friend: Angelina and Sophia, by far. Then Emily <3

Strengths: Not quitting.

Favourite school subject: English

Least favourite subject: Math

Accent: Cleveland 8D

Ethnicity: Irish

Siblings: One 4 year old brother

Favourite possession: iPod, Laptop, Cell Phone.

In a relationship?: Hah.

Religion: Christian

Gender: Female

School year/grade: 6th grade.

Weird habits: Staring into Space, washing my hair twice, then condition, then wash again.

Can't cope with: Being told NO.

Comparable to: A mouse, or a rat. Maybe a Cat.

Name: I forgot... :(

Date Of Birth: 16th June 1989

Age: 19

Location: Puerto Rico

Height: 5'2"

Weight: ......

Shoe size: ........

Hair color: Ash brown

Eye color: green

Skin tone: .......

Favourite band/singer: Christian Castro (google it if you don't know him)

Favourite animal: Dog

Favourite book: [is in Spanish so I will waste my time if I tell]

Favourite movie: Transformers and 300

Lucky number: ........ I don't believe in luck

Dream job: Psychologist

Favourite color: green

Hobbies: Internet and playing my Wii and DS

Favourite food: all kinds

Favourite TV show: House, Hell's Kitchen, SpongeBob

Favourite drink: Coca Cola

Favourite music genre: Ballads

Favourite actor: Dane Cook

First language: Spanish

Pets: My tamas

Loves: Lakes, rivers, flowers, boyfriend, french class

Hates: Possessive people, immature people, obsessed people

Fears: Cockroaches, tall places, big places, big houses

Weaknesses: Being stubborn

Theme song: Stand My Ground - Within Temptation

Personality: Crazy, annoying, loving, shy

Best friend: Don't have one, don't want one

Strengths: I don't care what other people say about me

Favourite school subject: French

Least favourite subject: Biology

Accent: .... ????

Ethnicity: Puerto Rican

Siblings: 2 sisters, one is 3 years and the other 6 years

Favourite possession: my Wii

In a relationship?: Yes

Religion: Catholic

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Second year of College

Weird habits: I bite people, I bite my nails

Can't cope with: .........

Comparable to: I don't know

Name: Laura

Date Of Birth: October 27th

Age: 28 (!!)

Location: Western PA, USA

Height: 5'8"

Weight: Not Saying :lol:

Shoe size: 10

Hair color: light blonde with hot pink bangs

Eye color: blue-green

Skin tone: pale!

Favourite band/singer: Anabolic Frolic

Favourite animal: cats!

Favourite book: J.R.R. Tolkein's books

Favourite movie: Lord of the Rings, Star Wars

Lucky number: 8

Dream job: Model or musician

Favourite color: aqua blue, hot pink, black, silver.

Hobbies: computers, video games, anime/manga, knitting, cooking, reading, gardening

Favourite food: sushi

Favourite TV show: House, Spongebob Squarepants

Favourite drink: Diet Mt Dew, Tea, Coffee

Favourite music genre: Techno

Favourite actor: Hugh Laurie, Hugh Jackman

First language: English

Pets: two cats, Kemuri & Hakkun

Loves: video games, computers, anime, cats, the beach, sleeping

Hates: narrowmindedness, shallowness, ignorance

Fears: abandonment, humanoid androids

Weaknesses: I'm very sensitive

Theme song: So What - Pink

Personality: Funny, easygoing, sweet, protective

Best friend: Andrew AKA "Pookie"

Strengths: intelligence, tenacity, cunning, loyalty

Favourite school subject: Science

Least favourite subject: American History

Accent: English

Ethnicity: Mostly mixed European, 1/16 Mongolian

Siblings: two sisters, ages 23 and 21

Favourite possession: My PC

In a relationship?: No, but there's a boy I'd die to be with.

Religion: Primarily wiccan, but studying world religions & Mythology

Gender: Female

School year/grade: B.S. in Information Science and Technology from Penn State University, currently a Biology Major at local college.

Weird habits: knitting strange objects (e.g. a purple octopus), obsession with Japanese culture.

Can't cope with: shallow, ignorant people.

Comparable to: A sweet little kitty

:angry: + :lol: = <333

Name: Kelsey

Date Of Birth: 9th October

Age: 14

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Height: 5'7-ish.

Weight: Hah, that's for ME to know.

Shoe size: Women's size 8.

Hair color: Darkish brown.

Eye color: Brown with gold flecks.

Skin tone: Lightly tanned, but pale in winter.

Favourite band/singer: Fall Out Boy, Panic At The Disco, etc.

Favourite animal: ... I don't know.

Favourite book: Twilight series

Favourite movie: Twilight and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. :3

Lucky number: 10

Dream job: Lawyer or author or guitar player.

Favourite color: Blue or green.

Hobbies: Listening to music, karate, internet, basketball.

Favourite food: Lasagna.

Favourite TV show: House, MuchOnDemand, Law & Order.

Favourite drink: Dr Pepper or Iced Tea.

Favourite music genre: Rock

Favourite actor: I have too many.

First language: English.

Pets: A dog names Max.

Loves: Music, my friends, my notebook, Gum.

Hates: Bad spellers (xDD), annoying people, etc.

Fears: Heights, Depths, spiders, snakes, falling, being buried.

Weaknesses: I'm a crybaby. And sometimes I get ticked off easily. xD

Theme song: Ummm, I can't choose just one xD

Personality: Sarcastic, Smart (At least in my own mind), Quiet.

Best friend: Brienna AKA Cheese.

Strengths: I'm a good listener.

Favourite school subject: English

Least favourite subject: French.

Accent: Canadian. :]

Ethnicity: Uhh, there's WAY too many.

Siblings: One nearly 10 year old brother.

Favourite possession: My PATD guitar.

In a relationship?: Nopee.

Religion: Christian.

Gender: Female

School year/grade: 8th Grade.

Weird habits: I relate things to other things often, I type nearly everything out on MSN, I usually listen to a song constantly until I know the lyrics. xD

Can't cope with: ...

Comparable to: Uhh...

EDIT: Spelling xD

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I'm just going to say my favourites and stuff because I happen to be overly cautious when I'm chatting online to anyone who I don't know in real life :D

Favourite animal: Monkey.

Favourite book: The Wind Singer

Favourite movie: Twilight

Lucky number: 27, 36 and 29

Dream job: Musician

Favourite color: Blue

Hobbies: Playing piano and clarinet. I also like video games haha.

Favourite food: Fried rice

Favourite TV show: N/A (don't even watch TV haha)

Favourite drink: Water :( Yes, I'm boring.

Favourite music genre: Classical

First language: English

Loves: Video games and music.

Hates: A lot of things.

Fears: I'll just list the main ones :( I'm terrified of loud noises, they make me feel sick. I also have this odd problem with toilets. If the cubicles are too small, I feel claustrophobic, if they're too large, I feel agoraphobic! And, of course, if they're aeroplane toilets, my fear of loud noises kicks in. Because of my loud noise fear, I hate balloons, especially helium balloons. I don't like planes, either, though that's more because of the aeroplane toilets than anything else lol. I used to have a fear of sharp objects too, though I don't any more.

Weaknesses: My fears.

Theme song: River Flows in You by Yiruma.

Personality: Too serious for my own good.

Strengths: The fact that I know how to get over my fears if I actually try. This frame of mind helped me get over my sharp objects fear. Though I'm not quite sure if I can manage to do that with loud noises.

Favourite school subject: Maths

Least favourite subject: Sport

Favourite possession: My piano

Gender: Female

Weird habits: Checking things over and over again like a billion times.

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Name: Katie

Date Of Birth: October 17th

Age: 13

Location: Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

Height: 5'6" (I probably grew xD)

Weight: 90-100 pounds

Shoe size: 8.5-9, depending on type of shoe.

Hair color: A dark blonde/light brown color with dark bllonde highlights.

Eye color: Light Blue with a green mixture. They are really pretty [:

Skin tone: Pale, shirt tan from marching band season xD

Favourite band/singer: Mayday parade

Favourite animal: Monkey, Hamster, Cat, Fishies, Llama, Unicorn, Unillama

Favourite book: Twilight series, Clique Series

Favourite movie: Cloverfield, mean girls

Lucky number: 17, 73, 43, 437 (My moms number xP)

Dream job: Doctor/Orthodontist or Teacher

Favourite color: Light Green

Hobbies: Playing Bb/Bass clarinet, Dancing, Texting, chatting, being random

Favourite food: Italian or Mexican

Favourite TV show: Spongebob, South Park, Family Guy, Stuff on MTV and VH1

Favourite drink: Any soda(Not Dr. Pepper or Root beer) smoothies, tea

Favourite music genre:Alternative, Punk, Hip-Hop, Rock

Favourite actor: Alot. Heath Ledger is amazing though ;D

First language: American

Pets: Fish, Cats (Patches and Lucky) and Chinise Dwarf Hamsters (Kiwi, Chi-Chi and Kizzi)

Loves: Clarinets, Rainbows, green things, animals, music, unicorns and llamas, random things.

Hates: annoying people, joker haters, gossip/rumors

Fears: Dark(sometimes), Vomit, spiders, blood (Only when it's alot) Heights

Weaknesses: I get upset easily, and blame/yell at people alot.

Theme song: I don't know x___X

Personality: Random, Nerdy, Smart, Crazy, Shy, Sarcastic, Funny ( Some just around my friends. Around other people I am shy)

Best friends: (In school) Malinda (Ds [8) Sarah, Emily, Marquis, Tosha, and Daytona

Strengths: Instrument playing and Pwning people with friends

Favourite school subject: Math is the Easiest, but I enjoy classes where you do nothing ;D

Least favourite subject: Reading/Engligh

Accent: None..

Ethnicity: American, and my ancestors were Italian, Polish, Hungarian, and Scot-Irish.

Siblings: Nonee

Favourite possession: Laptop, iPod, Phone, and stuff that means alot to me

In a relationship?: Nopee.

Religion: I never went to church.

Gender: Female

School year/grade: 7th grade (I take 8th grade math though)

Weird habits: I dont make sense sometimes, I make weird faces, I talk loudlh

Can't cope with: annyoing people

Comparable to: ....Well My friends call me a Unillama..

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Name: Kristy

Date Of Birth: July 3rd

Age: 13

Location: USA

Height: 5'?

Weight: 90 some

Shoe size: 7

Hair color: naturally black/brown/teeeeeeeenny bit of dark dark reddish

Eye color: gold/brown in the sunlight, black in the shade

Skin tone: pale

Favourite band/singer: idk! Evanescence or Pink

Favourite animal: cat or squirrel

Favourite book: A Clockwork Orange <3333

Favourite movie: A clockwork Orange

Lucky number: 7, 8

Dream job: saxophonist, surgeon

Favourite color: purple!

Hobbies: sax, piano, cooking, doing nothing

Favourite food: pasta, Pocky

Favourite TV show: Scrubs, The Office, spongebob!

Favourite drink: water, dr. pepper, lemonade

Favourite music genre: jazz, funk, pop, classical

Favourite actor: MALCOM MCDOWELL!

First language: english!

Pets: pomeranian puppy named Chester, cat named Daisy

Loves: sunshine, doing nothing, hanging with friends, eating

Hates: copy cats, people who brag, annoying stuff, people

Fears: having nothing

Weaknesses: super sensitive

Theme song: Blood- MCR xD

Personality: funny, crazy, shy, bubbly, violent

Best friend: all of em!

Strengths: im loud

Favourite school subject: Science, Language arts

Least favourite subject: math, Social studies

Accent: crazy

Ethnicity: 1/2 asian 1/2 Norwegian

Siblings: 16 year old brothr

Favourite possession: my cell phone

In a relationship?: NUUUU

Religion: Atheist

Gender: Female

School year/grade: 8th grade

Weird habits: playing with people's hair, spazzing out

Can't cope with: people repeating themselves, copy cats, boating people *die die die*

Comparable to: people say i'm a wild tiger in a kitten suit X3

Name: Angela Mae

Date Of Birth: 19th November

Age: 17

Location: Wisconsin, USA

Height: 5'3

Weight: 102.

Shoe size: USA size 6/7.

Hair color: Dark blonde (roots) to lighter blonde (tips) (very wavy :3).

Eye color: Green.

Skin tone: pale all year xD .

Favourite band/singer: The Killers.

Favourite animal: cat

Favourite book: It

Favourite movie: Back To The Future

Lucky number: 7

Dream job: Doctor

Favourite color: red and black

Hobbies: conversing with others, reading, finishing my homework. lol

Favourite food: french fries <3

Favourite TV show: I don't watch tv. Noobs.

Favourite drink: strawberry daquiri, coke classic

Favourite music genre: Classic Rock

Favourite actor: Winona Rider

First language: English - mixed Japanese

Pets: 3 cats, 1 dog, 2 fish, 4 birds, 1 pet rock

Loves: Being loved, hugs, walks on the beach, shopping, music

Hates: Acne, eyebrows, mustaches, liars, shoes

Fears: Spiders, murder, scene kids, emo kids, teenagers

Weaknesses: I appear to be "tough", where actually, I'm very weak.

Theme song: On Top - The Killers// Girl Next Door - Saving Jane

Personality: Sarcastic, Pessimistic, Humorous, Quirky.

Best friend: Caitlyn.

Strengths: I think things out well

Favourite school subject: Omnibus II

Least favourite subject: Logic II/Physical Education

Accent: Northern? o.o'

Ethnicity: 1/2 German, ?Polish, 1/8Austrian

Siblings: Two brothers, two sisters

Favourite possession: My mind

In a relationship?: Me? No way.

Religion: Roman Catholic

Gender: Female

School year/grade: 12th grade

Weird habits: I arrange my books into little neat piles, I have people walk on my back constantly, I love having long hair o.o'

Can't cope with: Not being liked by people.

Comparable to: A typical teenage girl o.o'

Name: Danielle

Date Of Birth: September

Age: 13

Location: US

Height: 5'2

Weight: 110

Shoe size: 7

Hair color: dark brown

Eye color: light brown

Skin tone: in the summer i'm tan, but right now i'm pale.

Favourite band/singer: idc.

Favourite animal: cows!!!

Favourite book: Twilight

Favourite movie: Mean Girls, Austin Powers

Lucky number: 2

Dream job: Lawyer

Favourite color: black, red, neon pink

Hobbies: just chillin ;D

Favourite food: ice cream

Favourite TV show: The Soup, American Idol

Favourite drink: Sunkist

Favourite music genre: R & B

Favourite actor: idk??

First language: English

Pets: Jay-Jay the cat. :) )

Loves: sleeping, music, the mall

Hates: Annoying things, drama, fake people

Fears: Caterpillars, anxiety

Weaknesses: I can't tell when people are sarcastic or not

Theme song: Don't have one.

Personality: Smart but I have no common sense, chill

Best friend: Sophia

Strengths: I'm nice =]

Favourite school subject: Language arts

Least favourite subject: Algebra

Accent: American

Ethnicity: 50% persian, a quarter polish and russian

Siblings: litttle brother

Favourite possession: n/a

In a relationship?: i'm single

Religion: Jewish

Gender: Female

School year/grade: 8th grade

Weird habits: um, i bite my nails, that's not that weird though...

Can't cope with: stuff.

Comparable to: ??? you tell me.

Name: Tess

Date Of Birth: March 10 1996

Age: 12

Location: Canada

Height: ?

Weight: 100 lbs

Shoe size: size 7

Hair color: reddish-brown

Eye color: sometimes hazel, sometimes dark brown, sometimes dirty green

Skin tone: light tanned, freckles on face

Favourite band/singer: James blunt

Favourite animal: tigers

Favourite book: Lovely bones

Favourite movie: You don't Mess with the Zohan / Blades of glory

Lucky number: 8

Dream job: entrepreneur

Favourite color: red

Hobbies: (read my siggy) piano by ear, drawing outfits, shopping

Favourite food: lobster

Favourite TV show: 70's game shows :mametchi: , American Idol

Favourite drink: smoothies

Favourite music genre: umm... I would say pop but too many different styles fall into that catergory

Favourite actor: Adam Sandler, Will Ferell

First language: English

Pets: Shiloh, dog

Loves: (read siggy) myself, lobster, winning

Hates: peppy jumpy people, people who overrate themselves, being sick, losing

Fears: heights, becoming an elder =P

Weaknesses: gullability, ticklish

Theme song: kung-fu fighting (Cee-Lo and Jack Black)

Personality: sporty yet girly, laidback yet outgoing.. funny yet serious.. opposites :mimitchi:

Best friend: Mae, Ruthie, Katherine

Strengths: good at excuse-telling, sneaky, creative, a good singer

Favourite school subject: English

Least favourite subject: Math

Accent: Canadian

Ethnicity: Canadian

Siblings: 10 year old brother

Favourite possession: music box

In a relationship? no

Religion: Catholic

Gender: Female

School year/grade: grade 7

Weird habits: eating lip squeeze, chewing off lip chap, pinkie sucking, another one that's hard to describe...

Can't cope with: losing to someone I don't like

Comparable to: a small tiger

[updated Version yo]

Name: Skadi

Age: 13

Location: NJ

Height: 5 foot. I'm short. xD

Weight: 134 lbs.

Skin tone: Natural ivory. Kinda tan like.

Shoe size: 6 + 6 1/2

Hair color: Blond.

Favorite Band/ singer: .. Nickasaur. :3

Favorite Animal: Chipmunk. >w<

Favorite Book: Nothing But the Truth by Avi.

Favorite Movie: Music from the Heart + Mr.Hollands's Opus [xD]

Lucky Number: 7. [That was my number for my Jazz Band audition. <3]

Dream Job: Director in music [symphonic,Concert,Solos and Esembles,Honors,etc,.] and a professional musician. :3

Favorite colors: Neons.

Hobbies: Bb Trombone[Jazz. Name: Scott], C Piccolo[Learning. Name: Christian Siriano ||] + Flute[Jazz. Name: Christian Siriano], BBb Tuba [symphonic Band. Name: Big Baby Tubby. xD] . Shopping [sometimes clothes, but mostly music stuff, like books and stuff. <3]

Favorite Food: Salsbury Steak. <3

Favorite TV show: Project Runway [The season with CS in it. <3]

Favorite drink: Pomogranite water

Favorite genre of music: Jazz [JJ Johnson] and some rock and some pop. Mostly classical. <3

Favorite actor: I don't have one.

First langauge: German. Only a bit though.

Pets: Hamsters: Lucky [Mine] and Pepper [My sister's]. Cats: Rudi [My mom's], Loki [My sister's + my dad's], Pumpkin [Mine. <3], Velvet [Outdoor cat, my sister's], Tom [Noboyd's. OutdoorXD] and Betty Boy [Outdoor]. Fish: Elvis and Glitter [My mom's]. Etc: Mousey [shrew],Mama[Mean squirrel], Obesity [Obese squirrel. xD], Piccolo [Chipmunk] and Speedy [Chipmunk]

Loves: Band, Jazz Band, music, instruments, cute stuff, Alegbra,Divison.

Hates: Writing [For LA. Except if it's stuff about my instruments or band], Multiplication.

Fears: Having my instruments stolen [Which probably won't happen, I keep them in good spots where nobody would expect], losing my hearing. D:

Weakness[es] : Milly.. <3 And my feelings for Scott. D:

Personality: Quiet.

Theme song: Love at First sight [Nickasaur!]

Best Friend: Band Buddy [kk445 :]] We don't go to the same school, but we love talking about band.], Thora [sister],Lynn[Lynn Chan, I don't know her IRL, but were pretty good friends.] and Amanda.

Strengths: Music, Jazz, good singer.

Favorite Subject at School: Band. Does Jazz count? <3

Least favorite subjects: Science and SS. D:<

Accent: idk. roflcopter. :]]

Ethincy [sp?] : American

Siblings: My older sister, Thora. Were just one min. apart. XD

Favorite Possession: My instruments

In a Relantionship? : No.

Religon: Atheist [sorry]

Gender: Girll :]

Grade: 7th.

Weird habits: Putting my hand in my Tuba's bell. xD

Can't cope with: Annoying people.

Comparebale to: A band geek. >w<

Name: Madison

Date Of Birth: June 4th

Age: 13

Location: U.S. (State not to be shared..)

Height: 5'3

Weight: 95

Shoe size: Size 5 or 6. Usually 6.

Hair color: Naturally dark brown, but with dyed with blonde highlights.

Eye color: Dark Brown.

Skin tone: Err, not tan, but not pale.

Favourite band/singer: Paramore

Favourite animal: Guinea Piggies! :3

Favourite book: Twilight series

Favourite movie: Twilight!

Lucky number: 4

Dream job: Veternarian (Or however you spell it..)

Favourite color: Blue and green or just teal.

Hobbies: Listening to Music, Coloring, Dancing, Playing Sims 2, and playing with my Tamas.

Favourite food: Strawberries.

Favourite TV show: SPONGEBOB! Lol.

Favourite drink: Dr. Pepper.

Favourite music genre: Rock.

Favourite actor: Not sure?

First language: English.

Pets: None, sadly.

Loves: Clouds, Colors, Music, Babies, Art, Dancing, and Ice Cream from Braums.

Hates: Annoying noises, gossiping, Drama in Middle School, and stupid people. Like the ones that are always like, Duuhhhh. Trust me, people DO do that.

Fears: Death, Pain, Needles, Heights, Scary Clowns (Well, pretty much any clown of that fact!) and spiders.

Weaknesses: I'm really sensitive. Really.

Theme song: Say whaaat?

Personality: I'd have to say I'm smart, outgoing at times, and funny.

Best friend: Sana. (Sah-Nuh)

Strengths: I can stand up for myself.

Favourite school subject: Science

Least favourite subject: MATH!!! (I've got pre-ap math..)

Accent: None, but a little Texas one for some strange reason..

Ethnicity: Oh god, so many. Native American, Irish, blah blah blah..

Siblings: 1 sisters and 3 brothers. All younger than me.

Favourite possession: Hmm, my computer.

In a relationship?: Nah. Boys stink at this age, no effence to boys here at TT.

Religion: Christian.

Gender: Female

School year/grade: 7th Grade. Almost to 8th.

Weird habits: I bite my fingernails, pick my scabs, eat the skin in my mouth, (I know, it's sick, but I can't help it..) and I draw on myself and write weird words in spanish on my arms.. (I know Spanish as my second language. I wrote odiar on my arm, which means hate or loath.)

Can't cope with: Homework, going to a new school or a family member dying.

Comparable to: Not quite sure, ther.

P.S. what's weird about me is I attract very annoying and weird people..

Name: Caity

Date Of Birth: 9th of July,

Age: 12

Location: Australia

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Blue

Skin tone: Glow in the dark :)

Favourite band/singer: Paramore

Favourite animal: All

Favourite book: The Host or Blue Like Jazz

Favourite movie: Almost Famous

Lucky number: 14

Dream job: Doctor or something along those lines.

Favourite color: All :)

Hobbies: Music, writing, MSN!

Favourite food: Sushi

Favourite TV show: House and NCIS

Favourite drink: Water lol

Favourite music genre: Whatever sounds good

Favourite actor: A lot hehe

First language: English

Pets: 2 cats, a dog and a birdie <3

Loves: A lot of things :)

Hates: Sickness and needles

Fears: Loss

Weaknesses: Northern Downpour and My Heart.

Theme song: Not yet determined :)

Personality: Stupid, loud, crazy, kind, helpful [sometimes]

Best friend: Emily, David, Jeremy, Juls.

Strengths: I can spell pretty good haha.

Favourite school subject: MUSIC <3

Least favourite subject: Japanese D:

Accent: Australian

Ethnicity: Uh.. My Nanny's family was Irish : D

Siblings: Ella, Caitlin, Ethan.

Favourite possession: My letters <3

In a relationship?: No way haha

Religion: I worship Paramore :)

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Year eight

Weird habits: On iTunes, every song has been played at least 100 times or I delete it. Everytime I look in a mirror, I get an urge to brush my hair.

Can't cope with: Pressure.

Name: Michelle [Middle Name- Victoria Dawn]

Date Of Birth: 16th, September. 1993

Age: 15

Location: Canada

Height: 5'9

Weight: Somewhere between 145-150

Shoe size: Womens Size 12

Hair color: Nartural - Reddish Brown. But with more brown. But its dyed Black now. Well. some of the black is fading out, So I'll dye it again soon

Eye color: Brown

Skin tone: Light somewhat pale depending on the lighting

Favourite band/singer: Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga

Favourite animal: Wolf, Cat, Squirrel

Favourite book: Breaking Dawn

Favourite movie: Twilight and Sweeney Todd: The Demon barber of Fleet Street

Lucky number: Probably 3

Dream job: Fashion Designer

Favourite color: Neon Orange, Neon Blue, Neon Pink, Neon Green, Black, white, Light pink, Light Blue, and Light Purple.

Hobbies: Tamatalk, Facebook, Eating Crayons, Drawing, Singing

Favourite food: Crayons, Chocolate Chips

Favourite TV show: Bleach

Favourite drink: Root Beer

Favourite music genre: Rock

Favourite actor: Chace Crawford

First language: English?...Or First language I learnt? Probably French. Even Though I haven't spoken it in like forever

Pets: A Turtle named Penny

Loves: Tamatalk <3

Hates: Waking up early

Fears: Can't remember

Weaknesses: I get my hopes up too much.

Theme song: My World- Sick Puppies

Personality: Sarcastic, Dry humored. But I can be really nice and hyper once you get to know me

Best friend: Ashley. Known her for forever.

Strengths: I speak my mind ...a little too much sometime

Favourite school subject: LA

Least favourite subject: Math.

Accent: ...Um..Canadian?

Ethnicity: ....Canadian. I'd assume....

Siblings: 33 Year Old Brother, 31 year old sister, and 19 year old brother

Favourite possession: My Stuffed pig that my grandpa got me when I was 6

In a relationship?: Nope

Religion: Atheist

Gender: Female

School year/grade: No Comment. kthnxbye

Weird habits: I'm not sure.

Can't cope with: My 19 Year Old brother. I cannot stand him. Really, He's the most annoying Thing Ever. He acts more like he's 5 ...

Comparable to: .....A Tree. I may look nice, But Cut me down and I'll fall on your legs. Or something like that. I don't know

Name: Tess D.

Date Of Birth: March 10 1996

Age: 12 almost 13!

Location: Canada

Height: ?

Weight: 100 lbs

Shoe size: size 7

Hair color: reddish-brown

Eye color: sometimes hazel, sometimes dark brown, sometimes dirty green

Skin tone: light tanned, freckles on face

Favourite band/singer: James blunt

Favourite animal: tigers

Favourite book: Lovely bones

Favourite movie: You don't Mess with the Zohan / Blades of glory

Lucky number: 11

Dream job: secretary for some secret agency

Favourite color: red

Hobbies: (read my siggy) piano by ear, drawing outfits, shopping

Favourite food: lobster

Favourite TV show: 70's game shows , American Idol

Favourite drink: smoothies

Favourite music genre: umm... I would say pop but too many different styles fall into that catergory

Favourite actor: Adam Sandler, Will Ferell

First language: English

Pets: Shiloh, dog

Loves: (read siggy) myself, lobster, winning

Hates: overly-exclamatory people (lol), my teacher, missing the bus stop, bad hair days

Fears: heights, becoming an elder =P

Weaknesses: gullability, ticklish

Theme song: kung-fu fighting (Cee-Lo and Jack Black)

Personality: sporty yet girly, laidback yet outgoing.. funny yet serious.. opposites

Best friend: I have a bit

Strengths: good at excuse-telling, sneaky, good public speaker

Favourite school subject: English

Least favourite subject: Math

Accent: Canadian

Ethnicity: Canadian

Siblings: 10 year old brother

Favourite possession: music box

In a relationship? no

Religion: Catholic

Gender: Female

School year/grade: grade 7

Weird habits: eating lip squeeze, chewing off lip chap, pinkie sucking, another one that's hard to describe...

Can't cope with: losing to someone I don't like

Comparable to: ...nothing in this world is similar to me, really..

Name: Weii

Date Of Birth: January 4th

Age: 12

Location: Canada

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 85-90 pounds

Shoe size: 6

Hair color: Brown-black

Eye color: light brown

Skin tone: tan-ish?

Favourite band/singer: TAYLOR SWIFT <3

Favourite animal: Fox

Favourite book: White Fang [i don't really like reading]

Favourite movie: Nightmare before Christmas <3

Lucky number: 4 / 14

Dream job: Lawyer

Favourite color: blue/turquoise

Hobbies: Violin / Computer

Favourite food: Sushi

Favourite TV show: Privileged

Favourite drink: lemonade [the sour kind]

Favourite music genre: Pop [ imma loser 8|]

Favourite actor: i don't remember

First language: Chinese an english at the same time

Pets: Snowy the dog

Loves: Procrastination, fruit, apple pie

Hates: learning, school [but im a straight A student =O]

Fears: Claustrophobia, bugs

Weaknesses: I have weak knees

Theme song: Hey stephen - Taylor Swift

Personality: indifferent

Best friend: Ivana, Maggie <3

Strengths: Fast learner

Favourite school subject: Science

Least favourite subject: Math

Accent: Canadian?

Ethnicity: chinese

Siblings: 16 yr old brother / 2 yr old sis

Favourite possession: my camera

In a relationship?: ha. I wish.

Religion: N/A

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Grade 6

Weird habits: i have a short attention span

Can't cope with: teaching

Comparable to: i dont know

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