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It was barfing, but why would you waste 200GP just so your Tama would barf? It was probably horrible watching, but...

I would be scared if that happened because I love my Tama dearly.



I had poop in my shop for 200p so i tried it. (it was in the snack) my tama screen when black!5 seconds later it came back and something liquidy came out of my tamagotchi character''s mouth!!!!

It filled up half of my screen and my tama was floating. It liqued more.

The screen was black again!

The words DOWNLOAD YOUR TAMA came up.

I di and my tama was back to normal.

What happened???? :)   :eek:   ;)   :mellow:WAS THAT BARF????!!!! *faints*
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH GROSS. But cool :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :)

A video? Sounds cool if amyone could get one, but most probsbly don't spend time taping themselves feeding tamas poop. :kuribotchi: :mametchi: :huh:

To me thats really weird and confuzing. But why in the first place did you feed you tamagotchi poop??

_Sour-Sweet -Age 9
Sour-Sweet is right.But the weird thing is that having "poop" in the shop and it goes into the snack place and the "ozing" out thing and having to DOWNLOAD YOUR TAMA and stuff like that is just WEIRD.I think Tama~Lover~V3 had his/her tama Malfution or so. :D :) VERY WEIRD!!!!!!!!! :D :p :p B) :)

that happened to mine!
exept i didnt buy the poop i bought popcorn(my tamas fav snack)and when i checked my snack list it looked like poop
Maybe you actually bought poop-corn! Just Kidding!!!

You people shouldn't be saying things like "OMG!!! SOOO GROSS! *BARFS*!" because you are only teasing Tama~lover~v3! By the way, It sounds very cool, I wish I could try it! (If I had the guts!) And I'm girl! :) :huh:

I had something like this happen with my Keitai.

The tam was a teen, and I gave it the snack that looks like an alcoholic drink. The tam stood on the right side of the screen with his mouth open, and a tiny ball came out and landed on the other side of the screen.

THAT was real tama-barf.

:furawatchi: :rolleyes: <_<

Ok then...I'm going to try that to see what happens. I just have to wait till I have poop in my shop.

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