Every Colour!(Well, most)


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Well done ~RM~! Gosh two hours of typing,You do deserve that green karma! :eek:
Aww, thank you mametchigirl230000, that's very thoughtful of you!!! I've had lots of PMs about the green karma!

And tama star, I'm sorry, I didn't know, I'm sure tenniswinner's is excellent!!!

~R-M~ ^_^

Lol, I just reeeeally want to say thanks again! I think it was so nice of you to do that ^_^ For that, I shall invent a new color in recognition of Y-OU.

WoW two hours is a long time. Thanks for it though, thats a lot of time and effort! Well done.

tenniswinner made on of these topics ages ago but it's O.K. - you did know. ^_^
Thanks. :eek:
I remember that! :lol:

I don't mind, it's always a joy to see colors :)

Lol, I just reeeeally want to say thanks again! I think it was so nice of you to do that :p For that, I shall invent a new color in recognition of Y-OU.
Oh, thank you, Jamie__Rox!

I remember that! ^_^ I don't mind, it's always a joy to see colors ^_^
Thank you for not being mad, I'm sure your chart was really nice and colorful!

~R-M~ :D

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Did you use this site for your colors?
I used this site to get the colors! If you copy and paste everything on the page, you will see the work I had to do! (That includes highlighting the colours and changing the color!!!

*R-M* ;)

can you use like ffffffff and such or do you need words? because that would be a huge variety of colors!

Gasp! I hope nobody doesn't close this topic, It was very hard work. Thanks Rey Mysterio! :wacko: It was very helpful.

Yeah, it's pretty old. But don't worry- people can still post here. :(

@Matchy: Thanks. But not all colours are there. Just most. :angry:

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