Every code there is


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number 25 and 27 are both movie posters.

krisi, i was born on the 1994. im 2 years older than you!

22-Golden Tamagotchi

25-Movie poster

27-Movie Poster

32-Special prize that u get when u have all other souveniers

what do u mean?u cant put letters in the shop or the password thing please help i want the love poshin :wacko: :wacko: :mametchi: :mametchi: :mametchi: :mametchi:

A equals first button, B second, and C third...


1. ABBA ACBA = cake

2. BCAB ACBC = steak

3. CBAC CABC = cuckoo clock

4. AABB CACB = RC Car2

5. CACA BABC = stuffed animal

6. ACBB BACC = hairgel

7. BCBC CABA = love potion (honey)


clone - 32479 91490

pen - 63532 83637


cookie-october 14-2:59pm

noodles-may 14-2:59pm

turkey or cake-december 25-2:59pm

chocolate heart-february 14-2:59pm

christmas present-christmas-10:29pm

dancing snowman-christmas-1:59pm

dancing tree-christmas-2:59pm

yogurt-your birthday-10:00am

large parfait-your birthday-2;59pm

I hope this helped :( :huh: :huh:

P.s: but the genie it's really good sometime"s its bad and sometime's its good but the good bit is that u get 10000 points and i got 9999 points once. :furawatchi:

how do i get all the passwords, iv got some, but i don't know how 2 get the rest!


DO NOT buy the lamp because all that happens is the genie comes out and it rains on you tamagotchi and makes it unhappy. waste of 700 points.


Actually, you have to give it to your Tama several times, and out comes a LOT of points!! :furawatchi:

thanx the pen and clone codes worked for me.

I'm really sad this morning as I got the code to meet the King and went to write it down it had disappeared so if anyone can make me smile again I would be very happy! :furawatchi:

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