Lol. Yeah, whenever I stay home if I'm sick there are always little baby shows, because the kids are always at school. But.. I like watching Dr. Phil anyways. (My idollol! DOra is awesome! Well not really just on days when I am home sick and have to watch nick jr., but then she is almost awesome! I know her theme song really well though, I mean really it scares me. This little girl was trying to cheer next to our cheerleading team at a foot bal game once she was throwing her arms around saying "Swiper no swiping!" it was hilarious!
So.. voila ze people I've met:
Buster Baxter
I have a picture of me hugging Mickey Mouse (autographed by Mickey!! eeeee!)
Ariel (I loved Ariel, still do
Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
XD.. THey are all Disney fantasy stars.. :furawatchi:
Bailey- I hear Dora is supposed to be coming to my area for a concert this January