Ever get that feeling that your


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I knew my mom's mom. I never knew my mom's dad.

I knew my dad's mom. I never knew my dad's dad.

I was out of grandparents by the time I was in 11th grade. It's okay. I just wish I was old enough to have asked them about their lives when I had the chance.

Sometimes I feel like my grandparents don't even care about me and my little brother and sister. They never call and they never visit either..... both my dads mom and dad, and my moms mom and dad.......

On my dad's side, his mother died when he was only ten. I wish I could have known her, she was a great woman. My dad's dad is still alive, but he only visits about twice a year.

On my mother's side, my grandmother died when I was a baby. My other grandfather is still alive, I visit him every month or so.

Both my parents have to take frequent medication and have been very ill recently. They probably won't survive to see me hit thirty.

So, in answer to your question, yes. I have that horrible feeling no-one will be around forever, and it kills me inside. :wacko:

I don't know my dad's parents, but I know his mom is still alive. I'm not sure about his dad though.

I know my mom's dad wont be here much longer. He has a lot of heart problems among other things. I'm planning to play my bagpipes at his funeral.

I can't even picture or imagine my mom's mom dying. She's been through hell and back and is still here. It's hard to even think that she'll be gone someday.

Everytime people ask me about my grandparents I feel sad.

Never met my grandfathers

My grandma died before I was born.

My mom's mom died last summer.

I never like talking about them :)

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Everytime people ask me about my grandparents I feel sad.
Never met my grandfathers

My grandma died before I was born.

My mom's mom died last summer.

I never like talking about them :)
I'm sorry. My great-grandmother died when I was a baby. Thought my parents said that she was really nice.

After one of my grandparents died we cleared out his house in Romania, and found a tape that he had recorded his life story onto. I translated it into english, and it's really quite heartbreaking some of the things he went through. I really wish I'd had the opportunity to speak to him about it, but he never spoke about his past when he was alive.

I only have one grandparent left, and it's touch and go how much longer she'll be with us. She's 90, so she's had a good run, at least...

My grandpa was face to face with death this summer.

It was hard on my family and me.

For me, being a Christian, it was really hard to think that my grandpa could die without being a Christian- actualy anyone.

(If you are a Christian, you'll know what I'm talking about!)

Anyways, he ended up becoming a Christian and I got so much stronger from the experience!!!

It was AWSOME- 'cept fot the sick near deadness part.

My grandma on the other side is cool too!

She's more fit at 70 than I am. o.o' Little kreepy!

My two other grandparents died some years ago, but I knew all of them.

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